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Joint Training Committee - 2 Minute Briefing May 2014

VFBV/CFA Joint Training Committee

2 Minute Briefing

Issue 9: May 2014


The three prototype mobile hot fire training props have now moved from pilot to business as usual. Groups can download a booking form from Brigades Online or request one through your District office. The props are proving to be very popular, with demand currently in excess of capacity. An additional 10 Mobile Hot Fire Training Props are currently out for tender. Based on member feedback, delegates have requested that simple prop guides be developed for each of these props, similar to training ground PAD info sheets which outline sample drills and learning outcomes to assist Brigade trainers running the props to maximise the learning outcomes when running the drills and to support greater consistency of the training delivery.


The committee expressed its frustration at the lack of progress on the Phased BA Competency developed and recommended by the committee last year. OT&V have advised they fully support the phased approach, and are awaiting approval by the Chief Officer. OT&V are meeting with the Chief on the 12th June to try and progress. An update will be issued as soon as more information is available.


This project aims to deliver highly practical guides which will assist all involved in planning & delivering of training at brigade, group, instructor and assessor levels, both at operational and volunteer levels. The design & content stages of the guide are now complete. The next step is to pilot the guides to validate the proposed delivery format of the content with the reference group, which consists of over 65 volunteers and staff. This stage is expected to be completed by the end of August 2014, with a planned role out of the guides to brigades by February 2015.


The committee reviewed the draft results from the survey on the CFA “Training Strategy” that was run between January and April this year. There were a total of 1,044 respondents. The results will allow CFA to focus on particular areas of concern across the state with action plans developed from the data obtained by the survey. The committee will be working with OT&V and F&EM to identify priorities, and monitor training related KPI’s to review performance across the six strategic outcomes outlined in the strategy. Further information on the survey results is expected to be published online and in Brigade Magazine shortly.


An independent group of volunteers have trialled the draft training sessions. CFA have advised that it hopes to have the procedures signed off by July 1st and then roll out the “Train the Trainer” sessions by September 2014. The goal is to have the complete package rolled out by the start of next year.


OT&V have developed a new DVD and Poster to further clarify & explain who can train & assess at your brigade. The poster has an easier to understand definition on the terms such as “oversight” and “equivalence” and has been developed due to overly onerous interpretations by some Districts. Look out for these turning up at your brigade in the near future, with further information to appear in Brigade Magazine and the Fireman.

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