VFBV provides a range of awards, medals and badges for Brigades and Auxiliaries.
An application form and process applies for the Gold Star Award. All other awards are available by contacting VFBV by phone: 9886 1141, fax 9886 1618 or email: vfbv@vfbv.com.au
See below for downloads; the Gold Star application form, the order form for Life Member jewels, and a full price list with pictures of the medals, badges and awards available.
Items available include;
- VFBV logo pin badge (also available with the words Ladies Auxiliary or Auxiliary)
- VFBV Gold Star award – for 30 years’ service in support of the Association
- Brigade Life Member Jewels
- Ladies Auxiliary or Auxiliary Life Member Jewels
- Ladies Auxiliary or Auxiliary long services badges
- Ladies Auxiliary or Auxiliary office bearer badges
- Auxiliary Name badges