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Feedback Requested - Standard Operating Procedures (Driving)

Formal consultation has commenced on six updated Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) covering driving doctrine.

The proposed draft SOP's are available for download from the bottom of this page and contain:

  • SOP 12.01 Driving or Traveling in CFA and ESO Vehicles
  • SOP 12.04 Collisions involving CFA Vehicles
  • SOP 12.05 Safely Recover Disabled CFA Vehicles
  • SOP 12.06 Non CFA Members in CFA Vehicles
  • SOP 12.07 CFA Members Driving Private Vehicles
  • SOP 12.08 Driver Endorsement


CFA Overview of Changes

• Drive and travel in CFA or ESO vehicles, Drive under emergency response conditions and Driver fatigue and record-keeping have been combined into a single Drive and travel in CFA or ESO vehicles procedure. This creates a cohesive single procedure that allows members to understand what we are asking of them and aligns better with interstate doctrine.

• Some language has been lifted up to be more flexible and principles based. This is to support dynamic decision making by our people in the field.

• Defined Code 3 response.

• Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) sections have been re-written to make the easier to understand and incorporate the new log book exemption. Note - an updated log book that has been approved by the regulator will be issued to support these requirements with an updated weekly check list to align with the regulator pre-drive checklist.

• A table of HVNL examples to help members understand the practical implications has been developed.

• Minor updates to the collision process to increase reporting and CFA Safe recording.

• Inclusion of a dynamic risk assessment for members attending incidents when ‘going direct’ in a private vehicle.

• A brand new endorsement process.

Members are encouraged to review the draft endorsement process, as this represents the largest change to doctrine from a member impact perspective. CFA has advised the endorsement process:

• Aims to be as simple as possible and that leaves the power to endorse at the appropriate level while allowing for suspension / appeal if required.

• Implements a state standard endorsement that transfers with the member.

• A specific timeline has been proposed to implement the minimum endorsement standards proposed. 

• CFA is developing systems and processes to record drivers licence numbers and endorsements. Those requirements are articulated in the procedure however the back end work for this is ongoing.

In particular, we encourage members to provide feedback on if they think the endorsement process is clear and reasonable, and if the proposed timeline for implementation is achievable.

Members are encouraged to review the revised SOP's and provide any feedback/suggestions/amendments including indicating support/non-support for the proposed policies.

Feedback can be provided by individuals, brigades and groups.  

All feedback is used to inform and influence formal VFBV positions as well as used to influence CFA positions and thinking during the deliberative process. If we need to use your feedback to demonstrate or illustrate the views of members, your personal details will not be shared with CFA, and feedback will always be de-identified to protect your privacy.

We encourage members not to wait until deadlines to provide feedback, but rather provide it as early as possible which will give us a chance to conduct further research that may assist us being able to advocate more strongly for your desired outcome.

Feedback due dates on these SOP's are yet to be determined due to the number of items currently out for consultation. But we encourage members to respond ASAP.


All members are welcome and encouraged to provide feedback. If you have any questions, please contact your local State Councilor or VFBV Support Officer in the first instance.



How to provide feedback:

It would be preferred that members provide feedback ASAP, so that it can be received incrementally, allowing us enough time to consolidate, identify trends and research issues raised by members. 

Feedback can be provided via:

  1. Emailing to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

  2. Your local VFBV District Council or your local VFBV Support Officer

  3. By Post: 9/24 Lakeside Drive, Burwood East VIC 3151

  4. By Fax: (03) 9886 1618

  5. For those that prefer to answer a survey to provide feedback, two survey's have been developed for the SOP's with the most significant changes:

    SOP 12.01 - Driving or Traveling in CFA and ESO Vehicles: Survey - https://survey.zohopublic.com.au/zs/XQEF6R

    SOP 12.08 - Driver Endorsement: Survey - https://survey.zohopublic.com.au/zs/WPEFPK 

Feedback does not need to be long or detailed, but if you do have the time to make substantive comment that is always welcome.

If you generally support a principle or policy, then a quick note letting us know would also be helpful. Similarly, let us know if you do not support it, or which aspects of it you don't support.

Where indicating non-support, it would be helpful to understand the key reasons why, and even a couple of brief bullet points would be adequate. Likewise, if you would prefer to provide a more detailed response, or mark-up and suggest changes to the documents, that is welcome also.

Your feedback will assist us form a VFBV position and response to the proposed changes and help us advocate on behalf of CFA volunteers. Please consider getting involved, and providing us your feedback ASAP.

Please remember to provide feedback in support as well as against. If we only hear from those who are against, it can be harder to determine the general comfort level of members with the proposals.

Read 7895 times Last modified on Thursday, 21 December 2023 16:31
CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.
