The State Government published its response in February 2012 and VFBV has put considerable work into collaboration on the Implementation Plan, pressing for its completion and release as soon as possible. VFBV was instrumental in activating the Government to undertake the Jones Inquiry. We facilitated an extensive process to enable volunteers to provide input to the Inquiry and have devoted significant energy towards influencing CFA to identify tangible options to address the Inquiry’s findings. VFBV will now be closely involved in the monitoring of the committed actions and also monitoring that the completion of these actions achieves the desired improvements on the ground.
VFBV urges volunteers to read CFA’s implementation plan so it can be discussed at District Council level and Brigades can take the opportunity to give feedback on how the implementation actions are filtering down to brigade level. Click the icon below to send comments to the VFBV office, either now or during the implementation phase, or talk to your District Council.
The plan addresses broader issues of culture and strategy, and includes actions on practical issues at brigade level.
Some of the work is already under way, and the Implementation Plan includes quarterly progress reports to the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, and regular updates on VFBV and CFA websites.