Issue 11: December 2014
Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held 30/11/14)
There will not be a 2 Minute Briefing for the Operations committee this issue.
Following expressions of frustration and disappointment by all committee delegates on the lack of progress and engagement on the issues raised by volunteer delegates for action, the committee requested that the Chief Officer or his delegate sit down with the committee to consolidate and agree on all outstanding actions, and provide clear accountability and timelines to be used going forward.
The parties went through the complete list of outstanding action items, closed a number of topics and created new more appropriate actions for dated outstanding actions.
The committee thanks DCO Warrington for his leadership, candour and enthusiasm to engage with the committee during this process, and getting the actions back on track and committing to an action plan for the following year.
The committee looks forward to a more productive 2015.