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Thursday, 21 August 2014 00:00

Emergency Services Project Expo

Sunday 14 September between 10.30 and 5pm at the Darebin Arts Centre in Preston.

More than 60 projects from CFA, DEPI, MFB and SES will be on show including a broad range of operational, community safety, training, IT, safety/rehabilitation displays along with vehicles and equipment. All emergency service members are invited to come along with family, friends and colleagues to see what’s new, talk with project teams and take advantage of free health checks.

CFA and DEPI projects include:

  • New release training projects and mobile props
  • Volunteerism resources and brigade sustainability pilot
  • Health & Wellbeing and Manage your Mental Health initiatives
  • Concept and new release equipment including (from CFA) Scoresby Hoselayer, Technical Rescue Pod, ArmCore Cooler Harness, Bendigo Hydraulic Pole Saw and Alpine vehicle; (from DEPI) Vehicle-mounted flame-thrower, aerial intelligence gathering platform and the self-propelled incendiary flare.

For more information and who’s exhibiting please visit www.projectexpo.com.au

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CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.


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