VFBV is preparing to step up the campaign for presumptive legislation, the firefighters’ cancer law, by inviting donations to support the campaign.
The VFBV Presumptive Legislation Campaign Trust Account is a specific purpose trust account to meet the costs of VFBV’s campaign for presumptive legislation for firefighters, including;
• Provision of information to members and the public
• Research and analysis
• Legal support, and
• Legal representation costs relevant to the pursuit of presumptive legislation, including but not limited to test cases as deemed necessary.
We will be advertising broadly to encourage the support of the public and volunteers for this fund raising effort, and a donation facility will be added to this website in a few days. In the meantime, anyone wishing to make a donation or ask a question should call VFBV on (03) 9886 1141 or email vfbv@vfbv.com.au
The VFBV Presumptive Legislation Campaign Trust Fund is clearly aimed at supporting our pursuit of presumptive legislation and fair protection for firefighters.
Funds raised will assist our campaign efforts and possible test case pursuit, but will not extend to covering personal illness related compensation as we clearly see this as an obligation for the CFA volunteer compensation arrangements.
What volunteers can do;
- Brigades, Groups and District Councils, as well as the public, are invited to donate to the fund - call (03) 9886 1141 or email vfbv@vfbv.com.au to make a pledge, an online facility will be available soon
- Raise the issue of presumptive legislation/the firefighters’ cancer law at any opportunity with Members of Parliament, local media and online
You can download VFBV’s Notes for MPs and Notes for Volunteers by clicking here