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CFA Update: COVID-19 - Stage 3 Restrictions for Metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire

The update below was issued by CFA's Pandemic Management Team, 8 July 2020 and is reproduced here in full. 

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has announced that Stage 3 “Stay at Home” restrictions will be reinstated across Metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire from 11.59pm tonight, Wednesday 8 July. Read the Premier’s statement

This means that for anyone living in Metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire there will only be four reasons to be out from 11.59pm tonight: shopping for essential food and supplies, care and caregiving, exercise, and study or work – if it can’t be done from home. View a full summary of the restrictions

To limit the spread of the virus into regional areas, the Premier further announced that there will only be three reasons to cross into these regional areas: shopping for food and essential items, care and caregiving and work and study if it can’t be done from home.

This direction will initially be in place for six weeks. 

There are no changes to restrictions in regional Victoria for now as case numbers are low.

A map of the Stage 3 restriction boundary is available below or you can view and download the map here.

Brigades within the identified boundary must return to operational response only

No skills maintenance training can be undertaken by brigades operating within the identified boundary until the Stage 3 stay at home direction is lifted. View a list of brigades impacted by the restrictions.

Members should continue to take all necessary precautions when responding to incidents including temperature checks and enhanced hygiene measures, as outlined in our Guidance Notes

Brigades needing additional support are encouraged to contact their local Catchment Team or District Office to access relevant advice or resources.

All brigades not included in the Stage 3 stay at home direction (outside of Metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire) can continue to undertake skills maintenance training in line with our training principles and Guidance Note 12.  

All members, particularly those providing EMR, are reminded to manage their exposure to potential coronavirus cases by practising physical distancing where possible and utilising personal protective equipment in line with Guidance Note 9.

NSW/Victoria border closure

An Incident Control Centre is being established in Wodonga to support the management of the border closure across agencies. We are also working with districts bordering NSW to ensure the right processes are in place to support members so operational response remains sustainable.

Wellbeing support is available 24 hours and day, seven days a week

We are all experiencing such rapid and ongoing change in our work and personal lives. If you need support, our Wellbeing team is here to help. 

Our Wellbeing Support Line is available any time, day or night to all members and their families. A range of tip sheets as well as a new wellbeing webinar series are also available via our intranet to support you during this time of change and uncertainty.  

Remember it’s ok to not feel ok - please reach out if you need support.

School holidays have been extended for some students

The Premier has announced an extension of the Victorian school holidays for one week for all students in Metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire except those who attend specialist schools and those in Year 10 doing VCE Studies and those in Years 11 and 12.  

Staff who can work from home must work from home

All staff members should now be working remotely unless they have essential work that requires them to be at a CFA location. Staff who need to travel as part of their role should limit their movement in and out of Metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire and utilise tele and/or video conferencing where practical. 

Testing for coronavirus

A targeted coronavirus (COVID-19) testing program is underway and will run until the end of August. More than 130 testing sites are now available across Victoria. If you have symptoms, however mild, it’s important to get tested. View more information and map of testing facilities

We will continue to keep you updated as the situation changes.

I encourage you to visit the Department of Health and Human Services website and our Coronavirus (COVID-19) intranet page to keep up to date. 

Anthony Ramsay
Pandemic Management Team Lead 

Area impacted by Stage 3 restrictions

Read 12433 times Last modified on Thursday, 09 July 2020 10:54
CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.


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