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Monday, 13 October 2014 00:00

Phased BA Competency endorsed by Chief Officer

After long delays, the Committee has been advised that the Chief Officer has now endorsed the proposal for phased Breathing Apparatus (BA) competencies.

This means that there will now be two levels of BA training & competency.

Level 1 will be for training on BA for external fire attack such as car fires, bin fires and haystacks.

Level 2 will incorporate search and rescue aspects and internal structural attack scenarios.

For more details, click here to see the VFBV/CFA Joint Training Committee's latest 2 Minute Briefing.

To receive the 2 Minute Briefing every quarter via email, with summaries of the latest issues from all of the Joint Committees, click here.




Read 10684 times Last modified on Monday, 13 October 2014 12:37
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