
You are here: Home Library Newsletters VFBV Quarterly Supplement Volunteerism Committee 2 Minute Briefing: Volunteerism Committee
Thursday, 11 April 2013 15:44

2 Minute Briefing: Volunteerism Committee

Issue 4, 24 March 2013

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held 24/03/2013)


Progress Update: There have been over 680 applications for 22 defined positions.  These were advertised in a variety of outlets and April 8th will see the Program Manager and Project Managers commence duty.  Project Co-ordinator and Project Officer Position interviews for the remaining 18 positions are underway, VFBV being asked to participate as members of the interview panels. 

Lex De Man and Kate Harrap have expressed a willingness to attend any VFBV meetings so that people can better understand and also have ownership of the program.  This Program has taken a long time to get to this important point, and the next 15 months of field and research work is critical to the design of future support needs for volunteers.  The programme will be set up for the future, with funding available after the end of next financial year so that the future initiatives defined during this phase can be embedded into CFA as ongoing support to volunteers.


Monique Longhurst (CFA Manager Leadership Capability) is the person charged with the responsibility to develop a Leadership Framework for ALL CFA members.  She is seeking input to assist with this task which will define an overarching leadership framework for CFA.  This step will define a common thread for leadership within CFA.

The other purpose is also to retain the knowledge and experience of all leadership levels, not just put them on the “scrapheap”.  Any ideas please let the committee know.

Five questions were asked of the committee regarding leadership.

1 How do you describe CFA leadership at present?

2 What kind of leadership gets rewarded at CFA?

3 What does the leadership of CFA need to be in order to deliver our vision and strategic plan?

4 What does CFA do well in terms of leadership?

5 What are some of the barriers to effective leadership?

CFA is also developing a Brigade / Group Management Team toolkit folder which will be useful for new / current officers to assist them in their roles.  CFA will look at trying to capture what brigades are currently doing (good success stories) so they don’t “reinvent the wheel”.


Will be held on 13 - 19 May, this is a yearly recognition campaign and follows the Federal campaign of "thanks a million".  Targeted activities will be locally, regionally based as well as metropolitan (Federation Square, will use the big screen).  CFA has had good publicity to date with a “Queen of Moomba” around Melbourne and Regional areas have also been in attendance at championships.

CFA is planning activities to bring Volunteers into Headquarters to have a look and investigating options for a formal state-wide calendar for activities.

For next year CFA will investigate having aTorchlight parade in Melbourne – to promote CFA to celebrate the 70th anniversary in 2014.  VFBV delegates please discuss with brigades and volunteers the events and initiatives to mark CFA’s 70th anniversary.

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CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.


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