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2023 State Championships

The 2023 State Championships will again be held in Mooroopna between 18 March and 26 March.

The Urban Junior State Championships will be held on 18 and 19 March, followed by the Urban Senior, Rural Senior and Rural Junior State Championships on 25 and 26 March. During the week between the two events, the venue will be utilised for pre-planned community events including visits from schoolchildren to learn about fire safety and the role of CFA.

The championships attract a broad range of members and act as the largest annual ‘celebration of CFA’ and include community events, displays, skills maintenance opportunities and a large CFA corporate attendance.

Competing in championship is now more flexible than ever. VFBV is encouraging brigades to enter for the event with particular focus on encouraging brigades who have not competed for some years to put together a team, combine a group of brigades for a team or enter into just specific events if they don’t want to compete across the whole program.

CFA Chief Officer Jason Heffernan said the success of this year’s Championships, and associated events and displays, set the foundation for a more successful event in 2023.

“There were so many highlights this year it would be unfair to single one out. Whether it was the spectacle of the torchlight procession, the competitiveness of the events, the introduction of more women’s events, the display of CFA appliances and technologies, the visits of schoolchildren midweek, or the engagement of community members across the two weekends – the Championships were a hit,” Jason said.

“We know what our members are capable of, however the State Championships remain the premier event to showcase the skills, professionalism and talent of CFA volunteer firefighters.”

CFA Chief Executive Officer Natalie MacDonald was enthusiastic about having more people, both members and non-members, experience the atmosphere created by the events.

“CFA and the VFBV have done a tremendous job in turning the combined events into a celebration of all things CFA. It was wonderful to see how it all came together at the venue and in the community,” Natalie said.

“We expect to see even more support in 2023.”

VFBV Chief Executive Officer Adam Barnett encouraged brigades to enter teams to compete at state level, but also for non-competing brigades to consider attending.

“After the restrictions of COVID, it was great this year to have non-competitors be able to attend the Championships,” Adam said.

“We are looking forward to again seeing as many of you as possible enjoying the festivities of the event and supporting those participating, with plenty of activities for non-competing brigades also – such as checking out new truck designs and trying the latest equipment being trialled for service.”

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CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.


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