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Volunteer consultation must be strengthened
By Adam Barnett, VFBV Chief Executive Officer
There is an old 14th century saying that means “misery loves company” that is often used light-heartedly to describe a feeling that by commiserating with others we can feel less alone on a particular issue or challenge which in turn helps us persevere or renew our strength to overcome it.
I was thinking about this – this week when reflecting on the controversy of the alleged poor consultation with the business and industry groups over the governments COVID-19 roadmap. The issue of poor consultation and the criticism of just paying lip service, undertaking tick box exercises and briefings masquerading as consultation would be a familiar frustration to many volunteers.
But my focus this month is drawn from another Shakespeare play ‘Measure for Measure’ which does perhaps provide a rhetorical answer to the dilemma of misery loving company. The line from the play is “The miserable have no other medicine - But only hope.”
And while I am conflating a couple of issues – my main message is that hope is crucial to CFA’s current predicament. Without it – we are left to slowly stew like a frog in hot water. We cannot afford to lose sight of the opportunities ahead of us. Many are immense if we embrace them and seize the opportunity.
And as for hope – well in order for it to have any credibility, our responsibility is to not simply accept blind or false hope but to work together to build some confidence that there is indeed genuine hope, informed by reality and that the decisions being made today are laying a strong foundation to turn those positives into practical and achievable outcomes for the long term, rather than anchors or nooses around our necks.
By the same token, and equally important – we need to make sure that we don’t cynically cut ourselves off from all positivity and hope and mistrust everyone we come across. For that really would be miserable.
For this reason, and within this context – I continue to share my cautious optimism that we are making some headway in encouraging CFA to embark on the paradigm shift as the organisation brushes itself off and pivots to the new environment. I have seen evidence of this starting to emerge in pockets at the executive and senior leadership levels of CFA. While it is still very early days - the challenge ahead is how to give those new seedlings of hope, some fertile ground to prosper.
The ‘hope’ of many volunteers is that we make the most of the current predicament and use the current environment to solve some of the systemic issues that have plagued us in the most recent past. At a high level, I am speaking of volunteer consultation, engagement, empowerment, self-determination, trust and respect. All areas that have slipped in recent times and feature prominently as recurring themes in volunteer feedback.
Many of you have heard me speak ad nauseum on the importance of genuine consultation and engagement. And while we are all incredibly proud of the volunteer Charter and of enshrining the shared principles, values and commitments into legislation, we must face the fact that without any teeth – the Charter can too frequently be dismissed and ignored.
But we also need to be careful we don’t push the pendulum too far towards a punitive and aggressive stance. For you can’t just legislate respect. You also have to teach it, earn it and demonstrate it. Respect is more often given rather than taken.
Tellingly, there is some very wise advice from our forebears built into the Charter itself. The commitment that is enshrined at the very end of the Charter helps prepare the road ahead. It says that all parties commit to using and applying the Charter in the spirit of mutual respect and goodwill and to work together in that spirit to resolve any disputes which may arise between CFA, the State of Victoria and the Volunteers by reference to the key principles set down in it. These are enduring words and are perhaps a beacon for the journey ahead.
Is our current predicament worth abandoning this commitment that was so hard fought for? Will giving up on that ‘hope’ lead us to any better conclusion? I’d argue that we can’t let fear, anger and disappointment cloud our judgement or hold us back from moving forward, and we have the greatest chance of success if we use all our patience and energy to try and take those steps WITH CFA rather than attempting to single handily drag the organisation down this path. And I observe a CFA tentatively taking those first few steps, more receptive and more open to progress and accountability.
I respect that for many volunteers, given recent experience and events, the notion that there is any goodwill left in breathing new life into a tripart commitment to living and honouring the principles in the Charter is going to be hard to imagine. And I’ll be honest with you – there are days that the prospect or possibility of goodwill emerging with some parties is not only hard to imagine but downright impossible. But thankfully – those days are few in number. Our eyes must be fixed on the pathway ahead, not just the one recently travelled.
We also can’t be naive. The Charter was written for a time where one’s word was one’s honour. Clearly times have changed. A practical way to move forward and provide genuine hope is to pursue both outcomes and balance them to honour the spirit and intent of the Charter. In other words - pursue changes to give the Charter some teeth AND work together in the spirit of mutual respect and goodwill with those willing to do so to try and effect positive change.
Teeth need not be just a stick – there is a reason a carrot is usually paired with it to achieve persuasion.
So returning to consultation and engagement, this remains one of the highest priorities of the VFBV Board and State Council. It is based on the principle that in any workforce, the genuine engagement with the ‘workers’ is fundamental to an organisations success. In a community embedded and volunteer-based workforce, not only is genuine, robust and meaningful engagement important, but as an underlying driver of organisational culture, values, behaviours and approach – it is critical.
CFA cannot operate on the premise that all leadership, direction, governance and performance management will be provided by paid personnel. Just as volunteers are essential to front-line firefighting and incident command, volunteers in CFA are vital to the leadership and management of CFA at every level of the organisation from brigade to board.
Empowering volunteers, trusting them and engaging with them as equal partners to consider issues, challenges and opportunities will be fundamental to volunteers rebuilding confidence and trust in CFA (and vice versa) and ensuring it prospers and is restored to a confident and proud volunteer and community organisation of choice.
Fortunately, we already have some really good foundations to ensure we don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater. We are also an organisation overflowing with exceptional people. We have some good existing consultative structures and processes in place that are simply not being used to their potential and are being hampered by a lack of accountability, commitment and governance.
We have broad consultative forums and structures throughout both CFA and VFBV at State, Region and District levels that have been squandered or ignored for far too long.
One way for CFA to signal that the organisation is ready to embrace its volunteer focus and commitment is to work with VFBV to strengthen these structures, better connect them to the various leadership levels and hold managers accountable for their performance in genuinely engaging with and embracing volunteers.
Too often change is done to volunteers, rather than with them. Too often I hear people asking ‘if’ volunteers were consulted. This has lost all meaning – as the question is normally dismissed with a simple yes – with no accountability on that person to demonstrate the robustness of their answer. So please stop asking IF – and start asking HOW. This is the only way a qualitative judgement can be made on its efficacy.
And consultation also needs to be a partnership. You, we and us have an incredibly important role to play. Genuine consultation cannot simply be demanded. It’s hard work – and requires a commitment from all parties for it to be effective. But its rewards are infinite.
The key to effective consultation is to consult early and consult often. Its often slow and deliberate in order to bring people along on the journey. It needs to occur when policy, proposals or approach are still under active consideration and development. The objectives of the consultation and the problem or opportunity we are trying to address needs to be clearly explained.
There has to be an opportunity for volunteers to readily contribute to the development of the solutions and the sharing and exchanging of information and analysis to form genuine and informed dialog between the parties. This is critical to ensuring everyone is working off the same assumptions and baseline and also helps manage expectations.
Information and issues papers, draft assessments, impact statements, white papers, surveys or exposure drafts should always be readily available to help illicit informed comments and feedback loops that develop robust impact assessments from the various outcomes or approaches. It cannot be rushed, and must be well planned, methodical and transparent.
Robustness is achieved by the proper analysis of alternatives; providing timeframes that are respectful and appropriate for a volunteer-based organisation; as well as a commitment to show how feedback was taken into account and considered before decisions or next steps are taken.
None of this is rocket science - but it does require a mature and disciplined commitment. We really do have some good and strong foundations – but we must evolve and mature them to survive in this brave new world and to rebuild confidence that CFA is serious in volunteer consultation and engagement.
The VFBV Board, State Council and Executive are absolutely committed to seizing this opportunity and ensuring volunteer consultation and engagement is restored and strengthened. We are pursuing all opportunities to embed this work in everything we do. We are also working with District Councils to support relationships and help improve and strengthen the local escalation and issue management pathways so that brigades and groups can be actively involved in strengthening volunteer consultation with CFA at the local level.
My hope is that whoever you are, and wherever you are reading this - you will consider what you can do to assist and support this work. We cannot do it on our own and everyone has a role to play.
VFBV will be there to help, support and encourage you along the way. Please share and discuss your ideas with each other and share these discussions with your BMT, delegates, State Councillor’s and District Councils. Please don’t wait for hope to come knocking – seize the moment and let’s create some of it ourselves.
For in the words of novelist Brian Moore; If misery loves company, then triumph demands an audience.
The number of Brigades affiliating with VFBV for 2020/21 is on track to match previous record numbers, a sign of continued strong support for VFBV’s work on behalf of volunteers in a time when it has never been a more important for CFA volunteers to show unity and support the state-wide independent advocacy of our volunteers as their representative body.
If you are not sure whether your Brigade or Group’s VFBV affiliation and Brigade’s VFBV Welfare Fund subscription have been paid please contact your Secretary urgently, as we encourage all those who have not yet affiliated to do so as soon as possible.
We strongly encourage Brigades to subscribe to the VFBV Welfare Fund in the interests of supporting your members in times of personal hardship. In 2019/20 the Welfare Fund distributed over $273,000 to volunteers and their families in need.
In line with current Victorian Health Guidelines under Victoria’s State of Emergency and advice from Consumer Affairs Victoria the VFBV Board have lodged a three month extension and postponed this year’s Annual General Meeting to December 2020.
Following consultation with the State Council Executive, the Board has also endorsed State Council Executive’s recommendation that all State Council & Welfare Fund office holder’s terms that were due to expire in September 2020 will be extended through to December. The two State Council nominees to the VFBV Board terms have also been extended through to December 2020.
This decision does not impact on the VFBV Board member application process, with the interview and selection process of the four expiring Board members to continue as planned.
Further details of arrangements for this year’s AGM will be provided closer to the date.
2020/21 Championships
With the current COVID-19 restrictions in Victoria, it is still not clear whether we will be conducting local competitions or State Championships next year. VFBV however is planning for the best-case scenario and that restrictions will ease in time for these events to go ahead.
Obviously this will be dependent on Government restrictions and the directions of the Chief Health Officer at the time.
It is highly likely that if local competitions and Championships are permitted, they will have to be conducted under specific Government health guidelines. VFBV delegates and CFA are working closely with the Championship Host Committees in pre planning to manage the impact of COVID-19 restrictions and requirements to conduct the events in order to comply with any potential health guidelines – and information on this will be forwarded to entered brigades once the guidelines become clearer.
VFBV has recently emailed Urban Competition Associations and District Rural Competition Committees to inquire if subject to Government advice and restrictions if they intend to conduct a competition; and VFBV has emailed all Rural and Urban competition brigades to inquire if subject to Government advice and restrictions they intend to compete.
Responses are due by 30th October 2020. This information is required to support development of the COVID Plan that will need to be submitted to the health department.
VESEP Support
This year’s Volunteer Emergency Services Equipment Program (VESEP) is now open
This year Brigades and Groups have 12 weeks to complete their applications, with applications due back to CFA by 16th November 2020.
VFBV has developed a VESEP Application Pack to assist Brigades and Groups understand what they need to put together for a successful application. The pack has been developed by volunteers and includes many helpful tips and ideas of how and what to apply for.
The pack also includes information on the Special Access Grant that is available that can reduce or in some cases eliminate the Brigade/Group co-payment.
The VFBV VESEP Application Pack is available from the VFBV website.
VFBV State Councillors and Support Officers are also available to assist any Brigade or Group with their application so please feel free to reach out should you need assistance.
Quarterly Supplement
The September edition of Fire Wise also contained the latest edition of the VFBV Quarterly Supplement.
The Quarterly Supplement contains 16 pages of important news and updates and includes links to additional resources or updates that are available by via our website.
An electronic copy of the Quarterly Supplement can be downloaded here.
Brigade Captains and Secretaries, Group Officers and Group Secretaries as well as VFBV delegates are requested to please take the time to read this and future editions, and to table at your meetings for the benefit and knowledge of your members.
VFBV Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey
The annual VFBV Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey was conducted between August and October last year. At the same time, VFBV supported VICSES volunteers conduct their own survey through their association in Victoria, as well as conducting additional surveys across 6 other Australian volunteer fire services in collaboration with each of those State’s volunteer association.
Nationally over 5,500 emergency management volunteers participated in the survey, with almost 2,600 CFA volunteers participating in the Victorian survey.
Our Welfare and Efficiency Survey is thought to be one of the biggest surveys of volunteer satisfaction in Australia, and the 2019 survey is the eighth annual survey to be conducted with CFA volunteers.
Who participated?
The demographics of the survey respondents indicate that the participants are representative of the wider CFA population which enhances the reliability of the results being representative of the views of CFA volunteers. Some of the highlights include:
• Volunteers from every CFA district took part
• All age groups were represented
• Volunteers with less than one year of service through to volunteers with more than 30 years of service were involved
• Female volunteers made up 16% of participants, 83% were male, with 1% of participants choosing either transgender, or prefer not to say
• Volunteers from all brigade types – rural, urban, integrated and Coast Guard brigades, participated.
What does the survey measure?
The survey measures volunteer opinions on what is important to their welfare and efficiency and how well agencies are performing according to what they are experiencing. The gap between this measure of importance and performance is referred to as the VolWEL (Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Level) Outcome.
The VolWEL Outcome is a way to simply illustrate where things are working well or what needs attention. A high VolWEL Outcome is a sign that things are not working well and by what degree volunteer expectations are not being met. While a low VolWEL Outcome is a sign that things are working well and indicates that volunteer expectations are closer to being met.
The survey contains a series of statements which form the core of the survey. These statements are then grouped into seven main themes each with several statements. The results of the 2019 survey are reasonably consistent with the previous year’s survey. This reinforces the integrity of the results and also indicates that little to no action has been taken to successfully remedy the issues that have been identified by volunteers that are impacting upon their welfare and efficiency. The 2019 results for each of the seven themes are:
The overall VolWEL outcome of 2.1 is considered a large gap indicating that there are issues impacting volunteer welfare and efficiency that will be causing high levels of dissatisfaction with the volunteering experience. Action to address volunteer concerns should be implemented immediately.
The results indicate that CFA volunteers are highly dissatisfied with the statements contained within the Cooperation Across CFA theme, particularly consultation or the lack of consultation by CFA at both a corporate level and regional or district level. The VolWEL outcome of 3.1 indicates that there is a need for priority attention in this area. The Training by CFA theme result is the worst result for Training since 2012, with a steady decline in volunteer satisfaction in training recorded for the past three consecutive years. This indicates that there are significant issues that need to be addressed, and current treatments are not addressing the issues in a way that improve volunteer satisfaction.
The VolWEL outcomes for the Recruitment and Retention and People Management – My Brigade themes indicate that these areas are performing better than the other survey themes. The results indicate that volunteers are most satisfied with performance where the responsibility lies with the local brigade or group.
The full results of the 2019 survey will be released shortly and will be available on the VFBV website.
VFBV would like to thank all volunteers who took the time to participate in last year’s VFBV Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey. Your participation ensures that our survey is a credible and reliable source of volunteer opinion.
The 2020 Annual Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey is coming soon Pre-register your email address to be notified the minute the survey opens at www.surveymonkey.com/r/vfbvregister2020 Alternatively, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. indicating that you wise to participate in the 2020 survey. Don’t have access to email? Fax your postal address to VFBV (03) 9886 1618 or call the VFBV office on (03) 9886 1141 and we will post you a copy to complete when the survey opens. |
VFBV Continues to stand in solidarity with Trafalgar & Westbury Fire Brigades
As previously reported on the 4th June and again in July - Parliament was due to consider legislative amendments to the official primary brigade area for the CFA/FRV co-located brigade of Latrobe West. The proposed boundary significantly impacts on both Trafalgar and Westbury primary areas, with large amounts of their area being proposed to transfer to FRV, which is contrary to all previous government assurances. The brigades are not opposed to the proposed response arrangements, but are deeply opposed to large sections of their primary area being removed from their brigades area where they are best placed to be the primary agency in their own community.
These changes are being made via the “Police and Emergency Legislation Amendment Bill 2020” which was due to go to third reading in the lower house earlier this month.
With the Victorian government’s decision to suspend the lower house (Legislative Assembly) during the current COVID restrictions, the Bill remains on the agenda and will be dealt with when parliament resumes. (Generally speaking - the Bill cannot proceed to the upper house until it passes the lower. So, while the upper house is continuing to sit – the amendment bill will remain on hold until the lower house sits again.)
VFBV supports Trafalgar and Westbury brigades and is recommending to MP’s that they do not support the amendments proposed in Part 6 of the amendment Bill.
Brigades and groups are encouraged to support these brigades and are reminded to forward letters of support. You can find details on the VFBV website.
Recent articles on the VFBV website
Australian Seasonal Bushfire Outlook: September - November 2020
Commonwealth Royal Commission Interim Observations
COVID-19 Financial Support Resources
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Commonwealth Royal Commission Interim Observations
Written by VFBVThe Commonwealth Royal Commission has this week published its interim observations. These observations are intended to share its present perspectives as the Commission approaches the final stages of its inquiry.
You can download a copy of the observations from the bottom of this page, and the online version can be found on the Commissions website at: https://naturaldisaster.royalcommission.gov.au/publications/interim-observations-1
Members will no doubt be interested in many aspects covered by the initial observations, with particular interest to volunteers the section under “Opportunities for improvements in national mitigation and preparedness arrangements.” A brief excerpt has been reproduced below:
Emergency responders 111. Australia is well served by the career and volunteer emergency responders who work together in the service of the nation. As natural disasters become more frequent and intense, there may be greater need for emergency responders to work with other agencies and across the nation. Emergency responders, both career and volunteer, are already being frequently deployed interstate, to provide surge capacity, relief to local workers, and critical expertise.
112. National standards, training and protocols should make the process for interstate deployments and the relocation of responders more efficient and effective. Despite national standards, such as the Public Safety Training Package, standards, training and protocols differ between states and territories. Some differences are understandable, for example differences in training to account for local geography. We are considering whether emergency responders would benefit from greater consistency in standards, training and protocols.
113. The vast majority of people who fight bushfires and respond to floods and cyclones in Australia are volunteers. They played a vital role during the 2019-2020 bushfires, as they have during many previous bushfires, floods and cyclones across Australia. Volunteers are also crucial in helping communities recover from natural disasters.
114. Evidence of volunteers and volunteering organisations emphasised the importance of according volunteers respect and recognition, for their skills, knowledge, hard work and sacrifice. The 2019-2020 bushfire season made extraordinary calls on some volunteer firefighters. Without these volunteers, the bushfires may well have lasted longer, taken more lives and destroyed more homes.
115. During the 2019-2020 bushfires, many volunteers worked for weeks on end, often taking them away from their regular employment. Some support was offered to volunteers, including a government funded volunteer support payment and support from the private sector. We are considering whether all volunteers ought to have the same immunities, and whether volunteers taken away from their regular employment for extended periods would benefit from additional employment protections. |
As you would be aware, VFBV made extensive submission to the Commission and also has assisted the Commission including appearing as a witness to provide perspectives of Victorian volunteer firefighters. The commission’s interim observations are certainly consistent and supported by our evidence and testimony.
Live webcasts of witness testimony can be found here: https://webstreaming.lawinorder.com.au/rcnda
Australian Seasonal Bushfire Outlook: September - November 2020
Written by VFBVThe Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre (BNHCRC) has released the Australian Seasonal Bushfire Outlook: September – November 2020.
The seasonal outlook is predicting that the 2020/21 fire season will be driven by different climate drivers than the previous two fire seasons.
Specifically, in Victoria, the BNHCRC is indicating that the possible influence of La Niña is expected to reduce the risk of prolonged fire activity across most of Victoria. The assessment is that there is normal fire potential for the outlook period across Victoria.
The Australian Seasonal Bushfire Outlook is produced quarterly for fire authorities to make strategic decisions such as resource planning and prescribed fire management to reduce the negative impacts of bushfire.
The full seasonal outlook can be downloaded at the bottom of the page or from the BNHCRC website.
From the BNHCRC website, published 31 August 2020:
The 2020/21 fire season will be driven by vastly different climate drivers than the previous two fire seasons. With a La Niña ALERT now active, large areas of eastern and northern Australia are expecting wetter than average conditions through spring. Despite the wetter climate signals, parts of Queensland face above normal fire potential in the south east and central coast, extending to the north.
While these wetter conditions in eastern Australia will help in the short-term, they may lead to an increase in the risk of fast running fires in grasslands and cropping areas over summer. These conditions will be monitored closely over the coming months.
In contrast to the wetter conditions for the east, dry conditions persist in Western Australia, with above normal fire potential continuing to be expected in parts of the north.
Fire is a regular occurrence across Australia, and it is important to remember that areas designated as normal fire potential will still see fires. Normal bushfire risk does not mean there is no risk.
The Australian Seasonal Bushfire Outlook is produced quarterly to be used by fire authorities to make strategic decisions such as resource planning and prescribed fire management to reduce the negative impacts of bushfire.
You are not alone
By Adam Barnett, VFBV Chief Executive Officer
On day of writing, Melbourne and surrounds are entering Stage 4 COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, with the remaining areas of Victoria returning to Stage 3 restrictions. No-one should underestimate the significant impact this is having and will continue to have on Victorians.
I want to acknowledge the considerable anxiety and uncertainty that many of you are feeling. CFA volunteers, drawn from the very communities they protect not only need to adapt and make sacrifices to maintain our emergency response to our communities during this time, as well as deal with reform implementation but are also having to deal with a myriad of external pressures such as home schooling, job insecurity, and working from home arrangements. Our self-employed and primary producers are also dealing with the added pressures of interrupted supply chains, restrictions on trade and business continuity pressures.
In essence – people’s livelihoods are being challenged. From a psychological perspective this starts to chip away at our most fundamental needs that are central to our health and wellbeing, and helps explain the considerable anxiety, fear and concern pulsing through our communities.
I have heard from members who are just feeling it is all getting too hard, and the collision of work and home life, diminishing job security and the like, pushing people to their limits.
No-one should be going through this alone and I encourage members to be using our brigade and group networks in addition to CFA’s wellbeing support services to ensure we each look out for one another and stay on top of our mental health.
My plea to you is to give yourself some space and time and be kind to yourself and each other. You are not alone. If CFA commitments are getting on top of you at the moment, have a chat with your Captain or Group Officer and I’m sure they’ll understand you need to take a small break. But don’t cut yourself off from your brigade. No-one will judge you for taking a step back, and I’m confident you’ll find members in your brigade/group are only too happy to support you in whatever way they can. We are a family. We’re all just doing the best we can in what is a very tough environment. The important thing is to keep the lines of communication open.
By bringing your brigade management team into your confidence so they understand what you’re going through and what you need, it will help them plan and support you as best they can. Don’t feel you have to do it on your own. And if you need a hand or any additional support, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your local VFBV district council who can give you some advice and assistance if required.
VFBV has been working closely with CFA’s pandemic management team to constantly review updated health guidelines and changing restriction levels and move to adapt CFA systems and processes. Not just at the corporate level but also ensure there is a focus on how best to support brigade operations and response at the local level.
The wonderful team of CFA peer support members continue to be available, and are adapting to phone and online contact to ensure members and their families have access to 24/7 support. Peers, psychologists, counsellors and chaplains are all available by calling 1800-959- 232.
Supplies of disposable face masks have been secured and will provide every brigade with access to face masks. In order to protect Victoria’s stock levels, brigade leaders and CFA line managers are being requested to ensure adequate stock is maintained to support current and predicted activity and to ensure the masks are only used for CFA activities. These same restrictions apply to all members – staff and volunteers – and we all need to work together to ensure our critical health workers continue to have access to supplies.
Distribution to each of our 1,200 brigades is a significant logistical exercise, but the expectation is that masks are supplied to all locations as quickly as possible. Please contact your delegate should your brigade be having any difficulty accessing masks, or any other protective equipment you need, and we’ll help you sort it out. My expectation is brigades will be provided with sufficient access to whatever supplies they require.
Whatever you need you should have. But please understand that dealing with 1,200 brigades means we don’t have the luxury of stockpiling for the what if scenarios. Order what you need and be confident that if you need more – then that can be arranged when and if you need it. I acknowledge there is low trust in some of the ordering systems and processes, but I want to encourage brigade leaders to discuss any concerns with CFA management early and in good faith.
From a VFBV perspective we will support and back any brigade or group having difficulty accessing appropriate supplies, so please have some confidence that you don’t need to be stockpiling.
The supply systems are fragile enough without adding any additional pressure to them. I have every faith that our brigades and volunteers will more than meet the challenge.
For those brigades operating in or supporting into areas covered by the Stage 4 restrictions, you are encouraged to keep your CFA ID card on you when responding in your private vehicles to the station or CFA operational activities. Your ID card will assist you identify as an emergency service worker, and therefore exempt from curfew, providing you are responding or returning from an emergency call out.
CFA has requested VFBV support for a quick COVID related survey to be conducted across the membership. This support has been provided, and we have worked closely with CFA to tailor the survey questions for the local brigade environment. The survey will ask members how they are feeling about the arrangements and support being put in place in order to respond to the COVID environment.
I highly encourage members to participate as soon as it becomes available. It is expected to be available by the time this edition of Fire Wise goes to press. All responses will be confidential so you can participate in confidence knowing that no personal identifying information will be collected or attributed to in the results.
VFBV will work closely with CFA to review the results. It is critical to ensure that every CFA brigade, group and member feels supported and equipped so you can continue to safely perform your roles during the pandemic.
Fire Season Preparedness
We need to prepare for some of the unique challenges that this year’s fire season will bring during the pandemic. Changes will need to be made to accommodate social distancing and safe work group practices to protect our operational response but also mitigate against cross contamination during large and potentially long duration fires.
Discussions have already commenced at agency levels, and I would encourage volunteer leaders and group officers to also start involving yourselves in discussions and thinking. Be proactive about identifying what you will need at the local level to have confidence in arrangements and how administrative processes and practices will need to work to best support you and your brigade/group.
There will need to be changes to strike team deployment, crew selection and screening, and base camp operations to name just a few. Many of these will require significant modification, and even after modification it will be almost impossible to eliminate every risk. Therefore, we will need to plan for additional redundancies to best manage the residual risks. This is likely to be very disruptive during what has traditionally been our peak activity period.
Please start having these conversations amongst yourselves now. Don’t wait for changes to be foisted on us, start the discussions now so we can shape the discussions and decision making. No one has the background, experience or familiarity with local conditions, capacity and capability that you do, so it will be critical that volunteers and brigade/group leaders are treated as equal partners in these discussions. VFBV will continue to advocate early engagement and involvement of volunteers in these discussions so please be ready to step up when asked.
Royal Commission
Earlier this month, I appeared and gave evidence on behalf of VFBV to the Commonwealth Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements.
VFBV made extensive submission to the royal commission and has advocated strongly for the respect and recognition of the fundamental importance of volunteers in disaster preparedness, response and relief arrangements across Australia. We have advocated strongly for strengthened and improved support for volunteer safety, consultation, support, training and recognition.
On the 23rd July the Commission announced that it had been granted a request to extend its reporting date from the 31st August 2020 to the 28th October 2020.
New CFA Chair
On behalf of VFBV I welcome new CFA Chair Mr Greg Wilson who was appointed by the government on the 21st July. Mr Wilson was a former secretary of the Department of Justice and Regulation and has also previously served as secretary of the former Department of Sustainability and Environment. He is currently chair of the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) and the Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES).
On the 15th July VFBV issued a statement reporting on ex Chair Greg Smith AM sudden resignation and departure, and thanked Mr Smith for his service.
Early interactions with the new chair and acting CFA CEO Ms Catherine Greaves have been positive, and VFBV will continue to foster and nurture constructive relationships with the newly appointed leadership.
Early discussions on strengthening and improving volunteer engagement and consultation has commenced, and I am encouraged by initial discussions. We will keep your apprised of progress.
Welfare Fund
VFBV continues to prioritise the VFBV Welfare Fund, and we have put in place processes to ensure it continues to operate uninterrupted during the current lockdown restrictions. All welfare operations and processes have been maintained and are operational, with the committee of management continuing to meet regularly through the pandemic electronically. The fund hit an important milestone recently, with welfare grants paid out since its inception surpassing $2 million.
The fund has been operated by the association since 1913 and is a critical safety net to support members who find themselves in severe financial hardship. Its emergency grants have assisted over 1,228 members over the years and highlights the critical importance of this work.
The fund has come under immense pressure this year and I want to acknowledge the tireless and selfless work of the VFBV Board, State Council, Committee of Management, and our welfare fund secretary Jenni Laing for the incredible work done not just to assist members when they need it the most, but also the incredible foresight and management of the fund that has sustained it for more than 107 years.
This means the fund is not only supporting todays volunteers, but the thousands of volunteers in generations to come. A legacy we are all incredibly proud.
Electronic Addendum
The following is provided in the electronic version of our newsletter to provide an update on developments that have occurred since this month’s update was provided in the August page 2 edition of Fire Wise.
Secondment Agreement
The Minister has granted a 90-day extension to the temporary secondment agreement that was signed by the Acting Chief Officer Garry Cook on the 30th June. While this agreement is referred to as the Secondment Agreement it is officially known as the “Temporary Administrative Agreement”.
This agreement outlines how CFA and FRV will operate with secondments of FRV officers to CFA.
The temporary agreement that was struck on the evening of June 30 just prior to the midnight deadline does not include most of the controversial aspects that were put to the previous Chair and CEO/Chief Officer.
Section 102 and 103 Transfers
VFBV continues to pursue transparency over the section 102 and 103 transfers. These refer to the mandatory transfers of CFA staff to FRV made by the Minister under sections 102 and 103 of the transition provisions contained in Part 6 of the governments fire services legislation Bill.
With appeal and grievance processes largely over and the dust only just starting to settle, there is still very little information available to fully understand the reduced capacity across CFA’s district and region structures as a result of transferred staff, and the myriad of vacancies left by internal transfers and promotions done across the agencies during the restructure.
VFBV is continuing to pursue concerns around reduced capacity in roles that are vital to volunteers such as training, specialist response and administrative support to name just a few.
VFBV will continue to pursue.
Tenancy Agreement
A short extension has been granted to the status quo arrangements currently in place at CFA/FRV co-locations (formerly known as the CFA integrated brigades.)
Discussions are continuing with all parties to progress a formal tenancy agreement and associated schedules.
VFBV is regularly discussing key issues with the senior volunteer(s) at each of these locations and have supported every brigade request for support and assistance with matters in which they do not agree with CFA on. While the initial extension was to expire on Saturday 15th August, a brief two-week extension has been provided to facilitate negotiations.
VFBV continues to argue that volunteers need adequate time to go through changes and understand its impacts. It is hoped an updated draft will be provided early this week.
Of deep concern to VFBV has been some last minute changes to remove volunteer access to the administration and resources room, primary turnout areas and unacceptable arrangements proposed for volunteer access and right of movement accessing the station, common areas and the brigade multi-purpose room in particular.
VFBV continues to strongly advocate and escalate the concerns of volunteers at these locations. VFBV does not support the changes being requested to these areas and believes the overall treatment of volunteers at many of these locations is inequitable and unfair, with arrangements moving far away from status quo and becoming very heavily biased in favour of FRV.
Due to the broad range in station age and layout, VFBV has taken a location by location approach – in order to support each location with their unique needs. VFBV support officers are facilitating discussions with brigades directly - with many district councils also running regular video conference hook-ups to support broader groups. Any locations requiring any further support or assistance should make contact with your VFBV support officer or State Councillor ASAP.
Thankfully, in many locations existing relationships between volunteers and staff are helping mitigate the deterioration in arrangements proposed in the agreement, with good relationships allowing robust status quo arrangements to apply. The main concern is when these people change or if further pressure is put that continues to drive a wedge between the two groups, how this will manifest down the line.
VFBV will continue to support the position of each of the co-located locations and will continue to add its voice to the concerns raised in order to pursue fairer outcomes for these locations.
Allocation Statement
Work is continuing on the allocation statements that will formally transfer CFA assets to FRV. (The former integrated brigades and CFA trucks exclusively responded by staff etc). While technically the initial statement had been due to be signed prior to July 1, a considerable amount of detail that was not originally envisaged or planned for did not exist and therefore they did not meet the required legal requirements.
VFBV has worked closely with each co-located brigade to ensure any volunteer funded brigade assets intended to be transferred have been reimbursed, returned or allocated for shared use. This has been a long process, and VFBV has supported each individual brigades’ position. This has required very strong advocacy by both us and the brigade but by and large has resulted in most outcomes being reached to the satisfaction of the brigade.
This work is almost completed, with only a couple of remaining disputed items.
Secondee Uniforms
For noting, the temporary administrative agreement maintains current status quo with regards to uniforms. Seconded officers continue to wear CFA uniform while the temporary agreement continues.
It is CFA and VFBV’s position that all seconded officers seconded to CFA should continue to wear their CFA uniform.
VFBV is advised that the Minister has not yet intervened to make a direction one way or the other, however it is worth noting that recent correspondence sent by the Minister to volunteers who have been writing and raising concerns directly with her, does not provide much optimism.
It is VFBV’s express position that officers fulfilling CFA roles and holding CFA positions should be proud to identify as CFA and continue to wear their existing CFA uniform.
COVID-19 Financial Support Resources
VFBV's COVID-19 financial support resources page has been updated recently with new advice and resources available to those who have been impacted financially by COVID-19.
The update resources page can be found on the VFBV website and provides updates the original article published in March detailing what support is available and how to access it. This page will be updated as more information comes to hand.
Considerable work is continuing to try and mitigate consequences from the reform implementation.
VFBV acknowledge the very difficult and negative environment that this work entails. We wish to pass on our utmost admiration and respect for all those members and delegates involved in discussions and negotiations. In particular the Captains, Captain- elects, former 1st Lieutenants and all members of the former CFA integrated brigades who are having to deal with the stress and anxiety of trying to represent their brigades and members throughout a very unfair and inequitable process.
VFBV is working closely with each of these locations to provide tailored support and advocacy for any issues as they arise. VFBV will continue to standby each brigade and group leader and support their advocacy.
Discussions continue on the CFA/FRV allocation statement that will formally transfer former CFA assets to FRV. Each brigade has been required to work through an asset allocation process and identify brigade assets that will either remain with CFA, or transfer to FRV.
VFBV has supported any brigade that has wanted to dispute any item intended to be transferred that they don’t agree with and have backed the brigade position on each occasion. We have worked with government to provide a guarantee that no equipment that was paid for by volunteers would be transferred without volunteers agreeing to it, and largely that principle has prevailed.
On the few occasions where agreement could not be reached, VFBV has successfully advocated for full reimbursement provided to the brigade to ensure the equipment can be replaced and they are not out of pocket.
Priority negotiations are continuing on the tenancy agreement, with the status quo extension due to expire on 15 August.
CFA's COVID-19 Pulse Survey
CFA’s COVID-10 Pulse survey is now available for all members to complete.
You can complete this survey by going to: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CFAVolCOVID19Survey
The intent of this survey is to help CFA understand how well you and your brigade/group is being supported during this time and to gather feedback on any gaps or anything else you may require to support you during the pandemic.
VFBV has worked closely with CFA to help tailor the survey for the brigade environment, and you can be assured that your responses will be confidential, with no personal information being collected that will personally identify you.
The survey closes on 30 August.
VFBV will continue to work closely with CFA’s pandemic management team to ensure you are getting the support you need. Your participation in the survey will help CFA understand if what they are doing is hitting the mark, needs tweaking or if you need anything else.
VFBV continues to stand in solidarity with Trafalgar & Westbury Fire Brigades
As previously reported on the 4th June and again in July - Parliament was due to consider legislative amendments to the official primary brigade area for the CFA/FRV co-located brigade of Latrobe West. The proposed boundary significantly impacts on both Trafalgar and Westbury primary areas, with large amounts of their area being proposed to transfer to FRV, which is contrary to all previous government assurances. The brigades are not opposed to the proposed response arrangements, but are deeply opposed to large sections of their primary area being removed from their brigades area where they are best placed to be the primary agency in their own community.
These changes are being made via the “Police and Emergency Legislation Amendment Bill 2020” which was due to go to third reading in the lower house earlier this month.
With the Victorian government’s decision to suspend the lower house (Legislative Assembly) during the current COVID restrictions, the Bill remains on the agenda and will be dealt with when parliament resumes. (Generally speaking - the Bill cannot proceed to the upper house until it passes the lower. So, while the upper house is continuing to sit – the amendment bill will remain on hold until the lower house sits again.)
VFBV supports Trafalgar and Westbury brigades and is recommending to MP’s that they do not support the amendments proposed in Part 6 of the amendment Bill.
Brigades and groups are encouraged to support these brigades and are reminded to forward letters of support. You can find details on the VFBV website.
COVID-19 Updates
The VFBV COVID-19 resources page has been updated to reflect the new Stage 4 restrictions in Metropolitan Melbourne and Stage 3 restrictions for Regional Victoria including Mitchell Shire. The resources page can be accessed here.
VFBV has also complied information relating to COVID-19 Financial Support Resources that are available, this information can be accessed here.
VFBV Board Vacancies
Information concerning financial support and recovery assistance is very dynamic and frequently being updated. Below is a snapshot of current resources available to assist with member enquiries. We will continue to monitor and update as new information comes to hand.
A reminder also that CFA provide a lot of resources for brigades, groups and volunteers on CFA Members Website (Brigades Online). CFA's resources include the current response levels and also provides links to the latest updates sent by CFA.
Updated 6 August 2021 to include new information | Updated 10 June 2021 to include new information
Victorian Government Coronavirus Website
Financial and other support for COVID-19
This website will assist you to find out about the financial support available to people and businesses affected by COVID-19. There are a variety of financial support packages for people and businesses impacted by COVID-19 including financial, job and business support.
Loss of employment
If you’ve lost employment or income you can apply for JobSeeker Payment. Visit: https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/individuals/services/centrelink/jobseeker-payment
Visit: https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/individuals/news/more-financial-support-coronavirus-affected-job-seekers for further information if you have lost employment due to COVID-19 restrictions.
If you have been affected by the latest Victorian lockdown and have lost income you may be eligible for the COVID-19 Disaster payment.
Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment
Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment is a lump sum to payment to help you during the 14 days you need to self-isolate, quarantine or care for someone. Visit https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/individuals/services/centrelink/pandemic-leave-disaster-payment-victoria
COVID-19 Disaster Payment
A support payment for Victorian workers adversely affected by a state public health order. This is a lump sum payment to help Victorian workers unable to earn income due to lockdown restrictions which last longer than 7 days. For more information visit: https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/individuals/services/centrelink/covid-19-disaster-payment
Job Keeper Payment
The Job Keeper payment ceased at the end of March 2021.
$450 Coronavirus (COVID-19) Test Isolation Payment
Victorian workers can apply for a $450 Coronavirus (COVID-19) Test Isolation Payment that provides financial support while they self-isolate to wait for the results of a Coronavirus (COVID-19) test.
- Apply now for the $450 Coronavirus (COVID-19) Test Isolation Payment online here.
- Alternatively, if you require support to apply for the payment, you can call 1800 675 398 and select option 8.
Food Relief
Food relief is available during the pandemic for people who are experiencing financial hardship and are voluntarily isolating because of a health condition or age.
Food relief and support can be accessed by calling the Coronavirus Hotline 1800 675 398
Pandemic Leave
A payment of $1,500 is available for people who are told to self-isolate or quarantine by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services because:
- You have COVID-19
- You’ve been in close contact with a person who has COVID-19
- You care for a child, 16 years and under, who has COVID-19
To get this payment, all of the following must apply:
- you’re at least 17 years old
- you live in Victoria
- you have no income from paid work, including sick leave entitlements.
You can’t get this payment if you already get:
- any income, earnings or salary from paid work
- an income support payment, ABSTUDY Living Allowance, Paid Parental Leave or Dad and Partner Pay
- JobKeeper payment
- the Victorian Coronavirus (COVID-19) Worker Support Payment.
If you are a member of a couple, you can both get this payment. You and your partner will need to complete separate claims. This payment is available for each time you’re required to self-isolate or quarantine.
You can claim by calling Department of Human Services on 180 22 66. Please do not visit a service centre.
The deeming rates, which are used for the pension income assessment, will be reduced by another 0.25 percentage points to reflect the latest rate reductions by the Reserve Bank of Australia. Beginning in early May, the lower deeming rate will be 0.25 per cent and the upper deeming rate will be 2.25 per cent.
Small businesses and not-for-profits.
Small businesses and NFPs with employees and a turnover under $50 million will receive a tax-free cash payment of up to $100,000 to help them keep staff and continue operations. This will generally be based on the previous financial year’s income.
Assistance is also available for businesses to make investments, write-off assets and to support apprentices & trainees.
For further information on how this will be paid and your eligibility visit: https://treasury.gov.au/coronavirus/businesses
The Victorian State Government has announced a relief package for businesses that includes changes to payroll tax, hardship payments and grants to industries badly impacted or affected by the state’s shutdown rules.
For More information visit: https://www.sro.vic.gov.au/coronavirus
Land tax deferral
Land owners due to pay 2020 land tax that have at least one non-residential property and total taxable landholdings below $1 million have the option of deferring their 2020 land tax payment until after 31 December 2020.
The State Revenue Office will contact all taxpayers who are eligible for this deferral.
individuals financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic to access $10,000 of their super this financial year, and another $10,000 next financial year.
This withdrawal will be tax-free, and will have no bearing on your current Centrelink payments.
From mid-April 2020, eligible individuals will be able to apply online through www.my.gov.au to access up to $10,000 of their superannuation before July 1, 2020. They will also be able to access up to a further $10,000 from July 1, 2020, for approximately three months.
To be eligible, you must satisfy one or more of the following requirements:
- You are unemployed
- You are eligible to receive a job seeker payment, youth allowance for jobseekers, parenting payment, special benefit or farm household allowance
- On or after January 1, 2020, either:
You were made redundant
Your working hours were reduced by 20 per cent or more
If you are a sole trader, your business was suspended or there was a reduction in your turnover of 20 per cent or more.
Financial Counselling
Financial counsellors are professionals, regulated by federal legislation and employed by not for profit community organisations. They provide information, advice and advocacy support free of charge, assisting people in dealing with life situations involving debt and hardship, dealing with creditors, and stabilising finances. The National Debt Helpline is staffed by financial counsellors and can be contacted on 1800 007 007
Free financial counselling services can be found at:
https://ndh.org.au/ - National Debt Helpline – 1800 007 007
https://www.agriculture.gov.au/ag-farm-food/drought/assistance/rural-financial-counselling-service - Rural Financial Counselling Service (RFCS) - 1800 900 090
https://www.financialcounsellingaustralia.org.au/ - Financial Counselling Australia – (03) 8554 6979
VFBV Welfare Fund
Operating since 1913, the Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria welfare Fund provides fast small grants to CFA volunteers, long serving former volunteers and their families, who are experiencing significant financial hardship. Typical cases involve prolonged illness, bereavement, loss of earnings, or the accommodation and travel costs associated with supporting a relative in hospital.
The Welfare Fund is run under Australian Tax Office rules, independently audited, and grant decisions are made by a committee of long serving CFA volunteers. The Fund has helped close to 1,200 volunteers, with more than $1.8 million in grants made over the years.
Under Australian Taxation rules, the fund is required to assess an applicant is in 'necessitous circumstances', and therefore the fund is required to conduct a financial assessment of each applicants situation which is contained within the application form. One on one support is available to assist members and brigades with this process, and all applications are strictly confidential to protect the dignity and privacy of the individual.
In addition to the normal grant process, and during the current pandemic, the Welfare Fund is also providing personal support and assistance with the linking of members with available financial support and assistance. Providing current and up-to-date information on available grants and personal support with applying and arranging for grant payments. The fund is also supporting members with any expenses not covered by existing Government support to best assist members getting back on their feet.
The VFBV Welfare Fund is:
- Available to all members and long serving ex-members and their families of subscribing Brigades
- Contact the VFBV Welfare Fund Secretary on (03) 9886 1141 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or your VFBV Support Officer or State Councillor to discuss eligibility and application process.
Member Welfare and Support
Support services are available to provide you additional support:
1800 959 232 Providing CFA members and their immediate family access to 24 hour support 7 days a week. |
Psychologists – Counsellors – Peer Support - Chaplains |
Lifeline: 13 11 14 - provides crisis support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636 - to talk with a trained mental health professional. Or access Beyond Blue's dedicated Coronavirus Mental Health Wellbeing Support service online or by calling 1800 512 348.
Working together to build CFA 2.0
By Adam Barnett, VFBV Chief Executive Officer
July 1 should have been a date we celebrated the rise of two proud and strong Victorian fire services. CFA volunteers were promised a strong and independent service, free from industrial interference that would be well resourced and supported. We were promised a fresh and renewed focus on respecting, consulting, and supporting community embedded volunteers.
Instead, many of our volunteers and staff are still in shock and trying to work through last minute bombshells dropped on us on the eve of implementation while dealing with poor implementation and chaotic change management. If this wasn’t bad enough, we now grieve yet another CFA CEO and Chief Officer cast aside at the last minute during a critical time and juncture.
Amongst the “reform” causalities so far; Minister Jane Garrett (quit); CFA CEO and ex deputy police Commissioner Lucinda Nolan (quit); the entire CFA Board (sacked); CFA Chief Officer Joe Buffone PSM (quit); MFB Chief Officer Peter Rau (quit); MFB CEO Jim Higgins (quit); MFB A/Chief Officer (quit); MFB Board Chair Andi Diamond (quit); CFA CEO Dr Paul Smith (quit); MFB Chief Officer Dan Stephens (quit); and CFA CEO/Chief Officer Steven Warrington AFSM quits.
All well credentialed, all with distinguished careers, all committed to serving the Victorian public, and all who have made a heavy sacrifice to honour their duty to Victorians.
Does this not signal that something is terribly, terribly wrong with these arrangements?
I despair that the institutions designed to protect us and provide checks and balances are failing us. For how can so much turmoil and angst not have been the focus of independent inquiry, overview or investigation by now? Perhaps it is and we just need to be patient. My plea to those of you feeling disheartened is to hang in there. History tells us that there is always a time of reckoning. VFBV will continue to pursue all means for full accountability to those that we believe have overseen what can only be described as a train wreck of failed policy and change management, appalling conflicts of interest and behaviours that in our view constitute serious improper conduct.
CEO/Chief Officer Steve Warrington AFSM
Steve was a veteran CFA officer, serving 42 years after joining CFA as a volunteer in 1978. Steve was a passionate leader and firmly believed he could carve out a strong, independent and autonomous CFA from these reforms. I admired his optimism and drive to try and get the best outcomes from the mess presented to us by Parliament. Sadly, I also witnessed the immense pressure and stress that was put on him, and the humiliating broken promises and commitments that were ripped away in what can only be described as farcical and inequitable governance structures with poor oversight void of any integrity or transparency. Nobody should underestimate the personal and emotional toll these arrangements were taking on him, our sectors senior leaders and those around them.
And while Steve’s term was not without controversy, I can say that I respect his decision to resign rather than be forced to sign documents he knew to be damaging and potentially unlawful. He put the organisation’s needs, his statutory obligations and those of the Victorian public above his own. His final act epitomised his love for the organisation and its people. He would not betray his CFA nor its volunteers and staff. And while we will each remember Steve in our own way and from different viewpoints, I urge you to reflect on the courage and resolve it took to stand up and say no.
Thank you Steve and thank you for believing in CFA and the wonderful work we all do in keeping our communities safe.
Disingenuous Consultation
I have heard from many CFA volunteers who are furious that 90 minute meetings held back in February and March have been referred to by the Minister in Parliament as evidence of “substantial engagement” with volunteers on its reforms.
The claim that 54 workshops involving over 1,330 volunteers represented genuine engagement is one of the more appalling misrepresentations I have heard.
To be clear – CFA ran these engagement sessions – not government. They were a question and answer forum to provide volunteers an opportunity to ask CFA’s reform team questions and try and seek some clarity on future arrangements. Volunteers walked away with more questions than answers, with most questions unable to be answered.
And let us not forget each group was promised rigorous follow-up, and further sessions in the future to address outstanding questions and actions. This did not occur.
Let us list some of the topics that were not subject to any answers or discussion at those sessions: the FRV/CFA secondment agreement; changes to CFA RDO model; the removal of 171 administrative support staff from CFA; joint operating procedures; the rumoured 50% budget cut to CFA’s base funding; and a tenancy agreement for volunteers at co-located locations.
It is incredibly important that we call out these blatant mistruths and reject this spin. Volunteer consultation is too important to allow it to be treated with such disrespect. I urge any member who attended one of these sessions to get in touch with your local MP, and let them know what you think about these activities being used to spin that volunteers were genuinely consulted on these matters in any meaningful way.
$126 Million Package
In one of the more cynical episodes of this whole sorry saga was the recent announcement of an additional $126 million package for the CFA. Sent through the CFA email system just hours after the public announcement of Steve Warrington’s sudden resignation and refusal to sign the governments secondment agreement - this hastily written communique was seen by many for exactly what it was.
Most disappointingly, VFBV spent months last year working in good faith with government on a suite of initiatives designed to support CFA volunteers. We asked that these initiatives be announced independent of any bad news story – as has repeatedly occurred. We argued that the continual use of cheque book diplomacy immediately following any negative story or event was deeply insulting and undermining volunteers trust in the government, and we urged them to reposition vital support for CFA volunteers as positive initiatives– not something to be done to simply try and quell volunteer dissatisfaction and outrage after announcing a terrible decision.
So, what’s in this package? We requested the upskilling of volunteer trainers and assessors and additional resources to improve the availability and accessibility of training programs, money for research into new respiratory protection options for firefighters involved in grassland or wildfire scenarios where breathing apparatus is not appropriate; an additional allocation of a full set of bushfire PPC ensemble for every operational volunteer so that they can have access to their personal protection clothing when their other set is away for cleaning; sustainable and long-term investment in capital funding for stations and fleet replacement to address the ageing infrastructure and ageing truck fleet; and we argued for additional investment in leadership training including mental first aid to support volunteer leaders be able to support members mental wellbeing.
And while I am disgusted that this hard work would be trotted out to try and divert attention from the Chief Officer’s sudden resignation and the government’s latest disaster, these are nonetheless critically important investments that will benefit CFA volunteers and are welcomed.
I want to thank all our working parties, joint committee’s and VFBV delegates that helped us advocate and assist with the development of business cases for these initiatives. Thank you and well done.
I want to acknowledge the terrible pain and anguish many of our administrative and operational staff have experienced also. Rushed and last-minute position reviews with little to no consultation has deeply impacted the very people on whom we rely. To those leaving for FRV we wish you all the best and thank you most sincerely for your service. For those staying or returning to CFA we say thank you and extend our deep gratitude and respect for the critically important work you will continue to do alongside us.
New CEO and Chief
I take this opportunity to welcome CFA’s new acting Chief Executive Ms Catherine Greaves and the new acting Chief Officer Mr Garry Cook. Both have been appointed for a 3-month term and will lead CFA through the next stages of reform.
And while both will have to work hard to earn the trust and respect of CFA’s 55,000 strong volunteers and staff, we must work hard to unite and support the people who will be tasked in carving out CFA’s place in the new reform world.
We need to walk the next steps purposefully, decisively and together. I know many of you will be distrustful and cynical. You have every right to feel that way.
BUT – for those intent on inflicting the chaos and harm and trying to undermine community led emergency management volunteering – they would like nothing better than to have us turn on each other or throw in the towel.
But they are underestimating you and the support we have in our communities. We are not fair-weather friends. We have been up against far worse. We face ferocious fires and the worst that mother nature can throw at us. We are used to overcoming impossible odds.
We must continue the journey, embrace the opportunities, minimise the harm and do what we can to build and secure CFA 2.0.
Sadly, this government has demonstrated it cannot be trusted. And while we have worked incredibly hard to provide a different way – we must now accept and adapt to the new environment put before us. The VFBV Board has determined that as a result of the government’s failure to embrace the opportunity so generously extended by volunteers to work cooperatively and collaboratively on its reform journey - we will now pursue change through public advocacy.
We will have to work together to secure the vibrant and independent community fire service our state deserves.
I invite you to engage with your local VFBV District Councils as we pursue positive initiatives that seek to restore CFA to an organisation that respects it volunteers, trusts its volunteers and supports and empowers them to partner and deliver its vital services to our communities. We will work hand in glove with our staff to celebrate, respect and empower community focussed and driven outcomes.
For a start – lets work on restoring the volunteer chain of command; restore and strengthen the role of groups; share our operational knowledge and experience through volunteer led exercise and TEWT’s; and empower volunteer leaders to manage and embrace new technologies, systems and processes that will modernise our service. In short – let us respect and embrace our past to help guide and cement our future. As history has so aptly demonstrated - when volunteers work together – there is no limit to the possibilities. CFA volunteers are drawn from every community that we serve. That is our strength. And from those communities comes greatness. Let us work together to build CFA 2.0!
VFBV was saddened to learn of the passing of great friend and life member Bill Pressey AFSM on 30 June.
Bill was a former VUFBA Executive member, former President of VFBV District Council 5, member of Urban Competitions and Rules Committee and often officiated at State Championships and local competitions.
He was a recipient of the VFBV Gold Star in 2008 and was a made a VFBV life member in 2010. We send our thoughts, prayers and sympathy to Malcolm and Carolyn Bishop, family, friends and loved ones. We also extend our thoughts to members of Mortlake Fire Brigade. Bill will be sorely missed.
Dual Motions
The VFBV Board and State Council have passed dual motions condemning the poor implementation and change management process of Victoria’s Fire Service Reforms.
Both bodies have also passed a motion that as signatories to the Volunteer Charter, the Victorian Government and CFA have breached their obligations to VFBV and CFA volunteers under the Volunteer Charter.
Both motions were unanimous and both issues will be formally raised with the fire services implementation monitor.
Tenancy Agreement
VFBV’s request for an extension in negotiating a tenancy agreement for CFA/FRV co-located stations has been agreed, with ‘status quo’ arrangements preserved until 15 August.
VFBV raised the concerns of CFA volunteers who were only shown a draft tenancy agreement just one week prior to the intended start date. Members are encouraged to continue sending feedback on the draft agreement to help inform ongoing discussions.
COVID-19 Updates
The VFBV COVID-19 resources page has been updated to reflect the new Stage 3 restrictions in metro Melbourne and Mitchel Shire. This page also lists current CFA updates, Ops bulletins and guidance notes to assist you track what has been sent and when.
The information can be viewed here and this page deals with brigades/groups directly impacted by the Metro Melbourne and Mitchell Shire Stage 3 restrictions.
VFBV Stands in solidarity with Trafalgar & Westbury Brigades
VFBV is encouraging members to support the Trafalgar and Westbury brigades, and are asking you to please request your local MP NOT to support Part 6 of the “Police and Emergency Legislation Amendment Bill 2020”.
As previously advised on the 4th June, the Government introduced an Amendment Bill into Parliament to amend their FRV boundaries. These amendments are being made through the “Police and Emergency Legislation Amendment Bill 2020” and are covered in Part 6 of that bill. (Page 15).
Both Trafalgar and Westbury Fire Brigades have requested VFBV assistance in opposing proposed changes contained in this amendment that will have significant impacts on their Brigades.
Despite government promises and assurances that its Fire Services reforms would not impact on any other brigades, both Trafalgar and Westbury have been shocked to discover that instead of simply respecting the existing primary area of the Moe brigade when staff were appointed, this last minute amendment proposes to significantly expand the primary FRV area.
VFBV stands in full support and solidarity with both these brigades, and a copy of our correspondence to Members of Parliament requesting Parliamentarians oppose the amendments proposed to the FRV Latrobe West boundary in so far as it impacts on Trafalgar and Westbury Fire Brigades is available on our website.
For full details and background please visit the VFBV website.
How to contact your MP
If you wish to contact your local MP to show your support for CFA volunteers, contact details including email addresses, postal addresses and phone numbers for all Members of Parliament can be found on the Parliament of Victoria's website. Visit our website for links.
Breathing Apparatus
ID numbers
The State PPC&E Management Centre has been experiencing some significant issues regarding breathing apparatus from annual maintenance and/or fault replacement. The new MSA breathing apparatus are paired using RFID technology and this pairing is critical when completing the annual service on the MSA test apparatus.
To assist with this pairing at a local level the State PPC&E Management Centre has placed a CFA identification number on both the backplate and the mask (as pictured below). Brigades are requested to ensure that when returning any breathing apparatus sets to the State PPC&E Management Centre that the backplate and mask ID numbers match.
Red Tote Bins and Yellow Cylinder Cases
During the rollout of the Respiratory Protection Replacement Project (RPRP) the State PPC&E Management Centre utilised a number of red tote bins and yellow cylinder transport cases (pictured below) separate from the standard red cylinder cases allocated to brigades. If any brigades still have any red tote bins or yellow cylinder transport cases in their stations the State PPC&E Management Centre is requesting that they are returned via normal Toll freight processes.
CFA $126 Million Package Announcement
As referenced in this months editorial, the Minister for Emergency Services announced a new $126 Million package for the CFA to go towards critical training and equipment.
VFBV welcomes these critically important investments that will benefit CFA volunteers.
The package addresses VFBV requests for the: upskilling of volunteer trainers and assessors and additional resources to improve the availability and accessibility of training programs; money for research into new respiratory protection options for firefighters involved in grassland or wildfire scenarios where breathing apparatus is not appropriate; an additional allocation of a full set of bushfire PPC ensemble for every operational volunteer so that they can have access to their personal protection clothing when their other set is away for cleaning; 50 new fire trucks; 16 station upgrades; and investment in leadership training including mental first aid to support volunteer leaders be able to support members mental wellbeing.
While disappointed very little detail was provided and this announcement was only made shortly after Chief Officer Steven Warrington's AFSM resignation was announced by the CFA Board – VFBV worked hard with CFA, EMV and the Government to scope, advocate and assist with the development of business cases for these initiatives. Thank-you to all our working parties, joint committee’s and VFBV delegates that assisted with this process.
A copy of the Ministers message can be located on the VFBV website.
VFBV will continue to monitor these commitments and keep members apprised of progress and detail on these initiatives as they occur. We will also monitor new funding vs existing funding movement, including changes to CFA base budget post reform outcomes.
Victorian Opposition CFA Policy Announcement
VFBV has welcomed the Victorian Oppositions CFA policy announcement of a commitment to restore CFA’s independence and autonomy within the first 100 days of taking office. The opposition has also made a commitment to genuinely consult with VFBV and CFA volunteers to identify the essential powers, people and resources needed to rebuild and restore the CFA’s independence and standing.
VFBV CEO has described these commitments as constructive reforms that strengthen and support our firefighters and truly modernise our fire services and allows each to flourish and thrive.
“The whole team including Mr O’Brien, leader of the Liberal Party, Mr Peter Walsh, leader of the Nationals, and Mr Nick Wakeling Shadow Minister for Emergency Services should all be congratulated on their announced CFA policy which includes strengthening the CFA Volunteer Charter and the formation of an independent Volunteer Ombudsman/Commissioner - all initiatives which VFBV has long campaigned for.”
VFBV is pursuing positive and constructive policy that takes us away from the destructive and chaotic changes that have recently been forced upon us and have sidelined, ignored and taken for granted the selfless firefighters upon whom this State relies. VFBV is calling on all Victorian political parties to unite on this issue and throw their support behind these initiates.
VFBV response to the policy announcement can be found here.
VFBV Board Vacancies
Recent articles on the VFBV website
CFA update: COVID-19 Stage 3 Restrictions for Metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire.
VFBV welcomes opposition CFA policy announcement.
VFBV stands in solidarity with Trafalgar and Westbury Fire Brigades.
CFA package announced by Government.
CFA Update: COVID-19 - Stage 3 Restrictions for Metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire
Written by Adam BarnettThe update below was issued by CFA's Pandemic Management Team, 8 July 2020 and is reproduced here in full.
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has announced that Stage 3 “Stay at Home” restrictions will be reinstated across Metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire from 11.59pm tonight, Wednesday 8 July. Read the Premier’s statement
This means that for anyone living in Metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire there will only be four reasons to be out from 11.59pm tonight: shopping for essential food and supplies, care and caregiving, exercise, and study or work – if it can’t be done from home. View a full summary of the restrictions
To limit the spread of the virus into regional areas, the Premier further announced that there will only be three reasons to cross into these regional areas: shopping for food and essential items, care and caregiving and work and study if it can’t be done from home.
This direction will initially be in place for six weeks.
There are no changes to restrictions in regional Victoria for now as case numbers are low.
A map of the Stage 3 restriction boundary is available below or you can view and download the map here.
Brigades within the identified boundary must return to operational response only
No skills maintenance training can be undertaken by brigades operating within the identified boundary until the Stage 3 stay at home direction is lifted. View a list of brigades impacted by the restrictions.
Members should continue to take all necessary precautions when responding to incidents including temperature checks and enhanced hygiene measures, as outlined in our Guidance Notes.
Brigades needing additional support are encouraged to contact their local Catchment Team or District Office to access relevant advice or resources.
All brigades not included in the Stage 3 stay at home direction (outside of Metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire) can continue to undertake skills maintenance training in line with our training principles and Guidance Note 12.
All members, particularly those providing EMR, are reminded to manage their exposure to potential coronavirus cases by practising physical distancing where possible and utilising personal protective equipment in line with Guidance Note 9.
NSW/Victoria border closure
An Incident Control Centre is being established in Wodonga to support the management of the border closure across agencies. We are also working with districts bordering NSW to ensure the right processes are in place to support members so operational response remains sustainable.
Wellbeing support is available 24 hours and day, seven days a week
We are all experiencing such rapid and ongoing change in our work and personal lives. If you need support, our Wellbeing team is here to help.
Our Wellbeing Support Line is available any time, day or night to all members and their families. A range of tip sheets as well as a new wellbeing webinar series are also available via our intranet to support you during this time of change and uncertainty.
Remember it’s ok to not feel ok - please reach out if you need support.
School holidays have been extended for some students
The Premier has announced an extension of the Victorian school holidays for one week for all students in Metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire except those who attend specialist schools and those in Year 10 doing VCE Studies and those in Years 11 and 12.
Staff who can work from home must work from home
All staff members should now be working remotely unless they have essential work that requires them to be at a CFA location. Staff who need to travel as part of their role should limit their movement in and out of Metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire and utilise tele and/or video conferencing where practical.
Testing for coronavirus
A targeted coronavirus (COVID-19) testing program is underway and will run until the end of August. More than 130 testing sites are now available across Victoria. If you have symptoms, however mild, it’s important to get tested. View more information and map of testing facilities
We will continue to keep you updated as the situation changes.
I encourage you to visit the Department of Health and Human Services website and our Coronavirus (COVID-19) intranet page to keep up to date.
Anthony Ramsay
Pandemic Management Team Lead
Area impacted by Stage 3 restrictions
Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria welcomes this morning’s announcement by the leader of the opposition Mr Michael O’Brien that an elected Liberal-National government will end the relentless war that has been waged by the Andrew’s Government on our CFA and our CFA volunteers.
The commitment to restore CFA’s independence and autonomy within the first 100 days of taking office will provide hope and relief to many anxious and demoralised CFA volunteers.
A commitment to genuinely consult with VFBV and CFA volunteers to identify the essential powers, people and resources needed to rebuild and restore the CFA is most welcome and to be applauded.
And while our trust in politicians and the political process has been deeply shaken by the current governments relentless attack on CFA and its volunteers, for many – today’s announcement by the opposition will be a welcome reprieve and a beacon of hope.
Many volunteers feel bitterly let down by our politicians and the institutions that are supposed to provide checks and balances and ensure our leaders govern for all. The duty to protect our emergency services and the selfless men and women who train, prepare and volunteer to protect the people of Victoria during emergencies should be sacrosanct.
Constructive reforms that strengthen and support our firefighters and truly modernise our fire services and allows each to flourish and thrive is welcomed. The whole team including Mr O’Brien, leader of the Liberal Party, Mr Peter Walsh, leader of the Nationals, and Mr Nick Wakeling Shadow Minister for Emergency Services should all be congratulated on their announced CFA policy which includes strengthening the CFA Volunteer Charter and the formation of an independent Volunteer Ombudsman/Commissioner - all initiatives which VFBV has long campaigned for.
Respecting all firefighters – and respecting them equally whether they are paid or not should always go hand in hand with any reforms of our fire services.
VFBV is pursuing positive and constructive policy that takes us away from the destructive and chaotic changes that have recently been forced upon us and have sidelined, ignored and taken for granted the selfless firefighters upon whom this State relies.
The dream of building two strong Victorian fire services of which each could stand proud has been shattered as promises and commitments to volunteers and CFA leadership have been broken by the current government. Instead, we are left with one service coming at the expense of the other. CFA and all the people who make it the iconic organisation that it is have been shut out in the cold.
Today’s announcement provides hope.
For the first time in many years we finally have an alternative policy on the table. And the recognition that CFA volunteers and VFBV as their peak body will be fully engaged and respected is to be commended. Policy informed by the wisdom, experience and knowledge of CFA volunteers who have protected their communities for decades will provide a sound and exciting environment for reform.
VFBV is calling on all Victorian political parties to unite on this issue and throw their support behind these initiates.
We have campaigned for many years for the return to the days of bi-partisan support for our fire services. A return to the days like when the CFA Volunteer Charter was supported across the whole chamber by all sides of politics when it was made law.
We expect politicians to keep their promises.
To my fellow volunteers – don’t lose hope. Our communities rely on us.
To members of parliament - Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria will stand-by and support all those that support CFA volunteers.
Join us. Help us build a strong, vibrant and independent CFA that we can all be proud. Support your CFA and support the amazing and dedicated people that both volunteer and work to keep Victorian’s safe.
Released shortly after Chief Officer Steven Warrington's AFSM resignation was announced by the CFA Board. The following message was issued by the Minister for Police and Emergency Services to all CFA members.
This year has been incredibly difficult for many Victorians. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing commitment and the tireless work each and every one of you have shown during the summer bushfires and during the coronavirus (COVID -19) period.
I know that many of you are concerned about the changes that are about to occur in relation to the establishment of Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV).
I understand that there is great uncertainty and trepidation with these changes, however we are implementing the changes as outlined in the legislation that passed the Parliament in 2019.
These changes are necessary and include:
· The repositioning of the CFA as a community-based volunteer firefighting service
· The establishment of FRV as a career only service – a service that will work under one badge and uniform
· The legislation outlines that there will be secondment of firefighters and operational staff back to CFA to support volunteer firefighters. The CFA Chief Officer will be able to make decisions about which staff are appropriate for secondment to the CFA
· Those in CFA as secondees being under the order and control of the CFA Chief Officer
· A service agreement agreed between the CFA Chief Officer and the FRV commissioner
· Volunteers continuing to play a critical role and being called out to fires in their communities – which from 1 July 2020 will be guaranteed in the CFA Act 1958 Section 6B with the CFA required to support the effective and sustainable recruitment, development and retention of volunteer officers and members across the state; and at Section 20AC which requires FRV to recognise and value the role of volunteer brigades located within FRV districts
· Volunteers in integrated brigades continuing to have a home and space as they do now in the stations
· All equipment and appliances purchased by volunteers remaining their assets
· The Victorian Government ensuring that we work with volunteers on what the future of the volunteer-only agency looks like and providing appropriate support for training and equipment.
We have spent more than 12 months implementing all of the above and we are making real progress.
In addition, I wanted to let you know first about a package of $126 million for the CFA to go towards critical training and equipment and include:
· New training programs that will deliver new capability and experience for volunteer firefighters
· Trialling respiratory protection for volunteer firefighters
· New personal protective clothing for each active operational volunteer firefighter
· Fifty new dual cab appliances with burn over defensive systems
· Capital funding for 16 new stations for volunteer brigades
· Brigade support including peer support and counselling
A number of statutory authorities are also being established to ensure that the intent of the reforms is met. These include the Fire Services Implementation Monitor that will provide independent oversight and is not subject to my general direction or control.
The Monitor’s functions include assessing the progress of CFA and FRV in carrying out the Implementation Plan to be tabled in parliament that specifies those actions necessary to give effect to the reforms.
I understand change is difficult, and we will continue to support the CFA with the resources and the volunteers they need to keep Victorians safe.
But I want to encourage you not to take on misinformation being spread about these changes. You can find out more about these matters and reforms more broadly at www.vic.gov.au/fire-services-reform I encourage you to take the time to read it.
I am committed – and the Victorian Government is committed – to ensuring a strong future for the CFA. You are the lifeblood of our communities and essential to fire fighting in our state.
I thank you again for all that you do in keeping Victorians safe.
Yours sincerely,
Lisa Neville
Volunteer firefighters across Geelong region express anger and disappointment ahead of 1 July break up of CFA - VFBV District 7 Council Media Release
Written by VFBVMedia release from VFBV District 7 Council
Friday 26 June 2020: Volunteer firefighters across the Geelong region have expressed their anger and disappointment at the lack of information addressing volunteer needs ahead of the 1 July break up of the CFA and dismay at the resignation of Chief Fire Officer, Steve Warrington.
With just days to go before the transition into a volunteer only organisation, members of the Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria (VFBV) District 7 Council have called on local Member of Parliament and Minister for Emergency Services, Lisa Neville, to commit to putting the interests of volunteers, and therefore the community, first.
Vicki Dobson, volunteer firefighter and member of the District 7 Council said the number of broken promises were building up against a ledger that had no positives on the other side.
“CFA volunteers were concerned when the legislation was forced through last year that organisations outside the agency would have control in, and on, all operational and non-operational activity,” she said.
“This includes the United Firefighters Union’s (UFU) right to veto, and the requirement that the Chief Officer must consult with them on all matters - we are already seeing this play out in negative ways for volunteers and ultimately the public.
“Promises were made on the day the legislation was passed by the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Lisa Neville, and by Premier Daniel Andrews that this would be a fair, transparent process with full and continuous consultation with members through their representatives - we are simply asking that the State Government honour this commitment.
“To date, a number of formal information sessions have been held in the Geelong region, where questions and concerns were put forward for resolution. This is not best practice consultation. There has been almost no direct follow up from those meetings and instead we are finding out decisions are being made that have no benefit to volunteers.
“Add to that the resignation of Chief Fire Officer, Steve Warrington last night, and we are left feeling dismayed, betrayed, anxious and extremely nervous about what the future holds,”said Ms Dobson.
The broken promises include:
- A pending decision to let the 229 FRV staff seconded back to the CFA wear the FRV uniform, and not the CFA uniform
- All 229 FRV seconded staff will bring their EBA agreements with them to the CFA, ensuring industrial interference will continue to plague CFA
- CFA would become a fully volunteer led organisation - yet we must accept seconded FRV staff into senior command positions who essentially serve two masters
“While transition periods are always flexible, to have so little in place for the start of the handover is of serious concern,” Ms Dobson said.
“All volunteers are committed to keeping their communities safe, no one can ever question our dedication. We are not criticising the CFA, we are criticising the process and asking for a fair go.
“We don’t contest or begrudge the conditions for the paid staff, and we actually support reform to improve service to our community - we just want a greater say in the direction of our organisation from 1 July onwards.
“We have paid staff who do not have any job security, we have volunteers sharing stations with paid staff who don’t know what their role is moving forward, and we have a broader membership who feels unheard and in many cases betrayed by this Government.”
- ENDS -
Volunteer firefighters, through the VFBV are asking for:
- answers to all the questions we have asked
- a commitment to involving volunteers front and centre in ongoing, meaningful consultation
- our feedback to be considered and included in decision making
- the removal of any industrial interference
- reaffirm the commitment that seconded FRV staff wear the CFA uniform of the organisation they are representing
- the Minister to make decisions that are in the best interests of volunteers and therefore the community.
VFBV District 7 Council representing CFA fire brigades across the Geelong, Bellarine, Surf Coast, Corio and Anakie regions.
CFA Volunteer Firefighters double crossed by Victorian Government - VFBV District Council 23 Media Release
Written by VFBVMedia Release from VFBV District Council 23.
North East CFA volunteer firefighters are alarmed, angry & frustrated that the State government is deliberately nobbling the newly structured CFA.
“A few short months ago, the Country Fire Authority (CFA) was being hailed for its efforts in protecting our communities; now we are being betrayed by the State government.”
“The pathway to the Government’s Fire Services Reform is lined with broken promises regarding genuine consultation with CFA leadership and the volunteers affected by the changes wrought.”
This is the view of local CFA Volunteer leaders, speaking on behalf of District 23 Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria (VFBV), part of the association representing the state’s 54,000 CFA Volunteers.
“CFA’s Chief Officer is being forced to fill his senior management from a different agency, the recently created Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV)” said Mary-Anne Egan, spokesperson for District 23 VFBV Council encompassing Benalla, Mansfield, Moyhu & Wangaratta areas.
“These seconded FRV members may be wearing FRV uniforms and not those of CFA causing confusion for the public. This is contrary to previous commitments made that all seconded employees would wear CFA uniforms.
“CFA Volunteers fear that this also leaves us in danger of dysfunctional reporting lines, fatal in any emergency situation.”
“CFA Volunteer representatives, as well as CFA management, have been sidelined by the State Government in what was supposed to be a genuinely consultative process to implement the new structure.”
What was labelled as reform is increasingly turning into a return to the old division between the CFA and the Metropolitan Fire Brigade (MFB). CFA’s unpaid volunteers will effectively once again be subject to the paid firefighters’ enterprise agreement and Union interference over the CFA Chief Officer. “We don’t want the Chief Officer to have his two hands tied behind his back again.” Ms. Egan said.
“We have been very patient with the Government in waiting for advice on the impacts of Fire Services Reform.”
“Now at the eleventh hour the Government is revealing terrible decisions, ignoring their commitment and legal responsibility to effectively consult with CFA Volunteers & Staff. The people most affected are being ignored again- they deserve to be heard!”
“The Government appears to be overlooking the people they appointed to manage the creation and implementation of reform, such as the CFA Chief Officer and our highly qualified Volunteer Firefighters who also provide critical local knowledge needed in emergencies.”
“We call on the Minister for Emergency Services to listen to our CFA leadership, and CFA Volunteers and our Volunteer Association to get the best possible outcomes for our communities as we rebuild the State’s crucial firefighting services”
VFBV Stands in Solidarity with Trafalgar and Westbury Fire Brigades
Written by VFBVAs previously advised on the 4th June, the Government introduced an Amendment Bill into Parliament to amend their FRV boundaries. These amendments are being made through the “Police and Emergency Legislation Amendment Bill 2020” and are covered in Part 6 of that bill. (Page 15).
Both Trafalgar and Westbury Fire Brigades have requested VFBV assistance in opposing proposed changes contained in this amendment that will have significant impacts on their Brigades.
VFBV stands in full support and solidarity with both these brigades, and attached is a copy of our correspondence to Members of Parliament requesting Parliamentarians oppose the amendments proposed to the FRV Latrobe West boundary in so far as it impacts on Trafalgar and Westbury Fire Brigades.
Despite government promises and assurances that its Fire Services reforms would not impact on any other brigades, both Trafalgar and Westbury have been shocked to discover that instead of simply respecting the existing primary area of the Moe brigade when staff were appointed, this last minute amendment proposes to significantly expand the primary FRV area as shown below.
The red area shows the original primary area, with the green showing the expansion being sought by the amendment. Most shocking, is that Trafalgar and Westbury are recording 100% SDS and service to their respective communities. Despite perfect records, the government has rejected all compromises put forward by the brigades, the local DPC, CFA Management and VFBV. This proposed boundary cross two District boundaries making a mockery of the boundary alignment process to align LGA boundaries. The message this sends is – no matter how well a volunteer brigade is doing, this government will preference a FRV response over its volunteers.
More disappointing is the broken promise and assurances that all future boundary changes would be subject to independent, robust risk analysis and consultation, through a “independent” Fire District review Panel process.
I want to re-iterate that this is not a volunteer vs career staff issue. There are terrific relationships between the career staff operating out of Latrobe West and the surrounding volunteer brigades. In fact, the Brigade’s point is these relationships and mutual respect has been built on the current primary areas and the response model that all the local brigades have agreed, but which the governments amendments are seeking to change. Neither Trafalgar or Westbury have any desire to stop or prevent the Latrobe West career staff from responding in support to their primary areas (as they do now) but are deeply concerned about the knock-on effect of FRV consuming large parts of their volunteer primary areas – despite these brigades achieving 100% SDS. In many cases – the locations consumed by the expansion are much closer to the volunteer brigade locations, and the volunteer brigade response will arrive much quicker than the response from the FRV location. There is no community benefit to these changes – and all it achieves is demoralizing the local volunteer brigades, and making them visitors and support brigades in their own communities.
VFBV is encouraging members to support the Trafalgar and Westbury brigades, and are asking you to please request your local MP NOT to support Part 6 of the “Police and Emergency Legislation Amendment Bill 2020”.
If they can do it to them – they can do it to you.
To find the contact details of your MP’s please visit: https://vfbv.com.au/index.php/component/k2/item/800-how-to-contact-your-local-mp
Please also consider sending a message of support to Trafalgar and Westbury letting them know they don’t stand alone. Brigade/Group letters of support on brigade/group letterhead addressed to both Trafalgar and Westbury would provide a significant morale boost. You can send your messages to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we’ll be happy to forward them on.
If you would like to send a message of support to CFA volunteers you can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To keep up to date with VFBV and CFA volunteers you can also sign up to receive our email newsletter starting from the next edition here.
If you wish to contact your local MP to show your support for CFA volunteers, contact details including email addresses, postal addresses and phone numbers for all Members of Parliament can be found on the Parliament of Victoria's website here and view details of the member you wish to contact.
You can also download contact details for MPs here.
If you are unsure who your local MP is you can search using your address here and find out who represents your electoral district and region in the Victorian Parliament.