VFBV News (201)
CFA-UFU EBA Negotiation Developments - 20 April 2016
Wednesday 20th April 2016
RE: Latest Reports on CFA-UFU EBA Negotiation Developments – 20 April 2016
You will have read or heard in today’s media reports of attempts to finalise the CFA-UFU Enterprise Bargaining Industrial Agreement by the Premier Daniel Andrews in a manner said to be circumventing the role of the Minister for Emergency Services, Jane Garrett and the Board and CEO of the CFA. The same approach is also said to be being used for the MFB.
In summary the features of the agreement would give way to the UFU in most if not all their demands.
The proposed financial settlement included a 19% wage increase over the life of the Agreement (also flowing to existing allowances) and an initial cash payment of $3,000 per operational employee as a “sign on payment”. There are apparently a range of new allowances also claimed by the UFU. The cost implications of such a settlement are large and will lead to significant rises in the Fire Service Levy. This is not an issue for our members as volunteers except to the extent that it reduces or retards the allocation of training, equipment and support for building volunteer capacity to meet growing service requirements including surge capacity.
From a CFA, volunteer and community safety perspective the non-financial demands of the UFU that are intended as part of the Agreement are fundamentally more serious. These include various ways of marginalising volunteers and progressively replacing urban volunteers in Greater Melbourne and regional centres with paid career staff:
- The agreement proposes that there would be a minimum of seven paid firefighters on any CFA fireground before response measures were initiated. Qualified volunteer firefighters are not to be counted.
- A new Board of Reference is to be created comprised of a representative of the UFU, a representative of the CFA and a mutually agreed industrial chairperson to assess and determine staffing disputes between the Union and the CFA as regard the numbers, shift deployment and rank of paid staff at CFA brigades, both existing integrated brigades and purely volunteer brigades. There is also a proposal that the MFB be incorporated into the Board of Reference, although the status of this proposal is unknown to us. The initial negotiation over these matters is limited to the Union and CFA under the terms of the proposal. This arrangement would deal with further new paid staff additional to the 342 paid staff from the 2010 EBA and the 350 paid staff promised by Daniel Andrews at the last election. (It is noteworthy that the then Chief Officer in his evidence to the 2009 Bushfire Royal Commission estimated the then additional requirement for paid staff as less than half this number to 2020.)
The above information has entered the public domain in the past 24 hours – we are not aware of other features of the Agreement. It has not been discussed with VFBV despite the impact various clauses may have on volunteers. Under the terms of the Volunteer Charter as incorporated in the CFA Act 1958 with support of the Coalition and the Labor Party in 2011, VFBV is to be meaningfully consulted on any matter which may affect volunteers before any decisions are made. That consultation has to include details relevant to the decision making and time for proper consultation with the volunteers who may be affected by the decision(s).
It has also become clear that our Minister, Jane Garrett, our CEO, Lucinda Nolan , our Chief Officer, Joe Buffone and the CFA Board have been resolute in opposing the proposed Agreement, particularly the non-financial aspects which impact on statutory and management responsibilities of CFA , particularly with regard to volunteers – to develop policy and organisational arrangements that encourage, maintain and strengthen the capacity of volunteers to provide the CFA’s services as well as the fundamental role of the Chief Officer.
We Need Your Help:
VFBV is solidly in support of the Minister, CFA CEO, Chief Officer and CFA Board’s position and wish to make that generally clear to all Victorians. And we want your urgent help to do this.
You can contact local MPs (Federal and State), candidates, mayors and councillors, community organisations and service clubs to get them to write to the Premier and Minister in support of our position of non-industrial/political interference in the organisation and operation of CFA as a volunteer based emergency service. Write to or contact local media with the same message. And you should write to the Minister supporting her stand and send a copy to the Premier.
Minister's email address is; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and the Premier can be reached at; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We will continue to closely monitor events as they unfold, including invoking relevant clauses of the Volunteer Charter for the provision of information and formal consultation as required.
We will keep you advised, but in the meantime ask that wherever possible you make clear our support of the Minister and the CFA current reported position.
Andrew Ford Nev Jones
Chief Executive Officer State President
For background the Herald Sun article can be accessed from here http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/firefighters-union-tipped-to-get-bulk-of-demands-if-premier-daniel-andrews-caves-in/news-story/49b619c0340322a4e1f441d422f04ebf
VFBV's FireWise Page - April 2016
- Fire Services Review response hits the mark
- VESEP Grants - apply now
- Digital Scanners - Tier 3 orders open now
- Cancer Law - latest update
- Young Volunteers Wanted for VFBV's Youth Network
- Recognition of Qualifications
- Fatigue Management
- And more...
By Andrew Ford, VFBV Chief Executive Officer
VFBV supports the Government’s response to the Fire Services Review and we have commended Minister Garrett for taking the time to make a sensible and considered response. We have also welcomed the invitation to work with Government on the issues requiring further consideration.
Over all, our reaction to the Government’s response to the review’s recommendations is positive and I believe this provides a good foundation for us to work constructively with Government and the CFA. I have said publicly that in the main the Government’s response to the Fire Services Review is on the mark, and for the issues requiring more work, VFBV looks forward to working with Government, the agencies and other stakeholders.
I think most CFA volunteers will also be pleased overall with the Government’s response. A key theme throughout the review is a recognition of the enormous front line and collective capacity of Victoria’s fire services. There is a very strong theme of needing to ensure there is a culture and collective respect of the skills, knowledge and professionalism of Victorian firefighters, volunteer and paid staff alike, regardless of pay status. The report calls to improve leadership and to address a concerning culture that has tolerated; treating people differently based on pay status; bullying and harassment; poor front line worker and management relationships; and a them and us approach.
There is a strong call for everyone in the sector to focus more energy on working as one. There is strong recognition of the need for CFA to have more flexibility in the way it deploys resources to support local brigades and community circumstances, and there is an identified need to improve leadership from agency executive level through to Brigade level and across the sector’s collective leadership.
The review recognises the strengths of the existing fire services and says that effort should be focussed on ensuring the separate fire services share common effort, reduce duplication and work as one. The report explicitly advises against any contemplation of amalgamating the MFB and CFA, reporting that this would have a negative rather than constructive impact.
The report acknowledges the extensive and essential capacity of CFA’s volunteer Brigades and the fundamental value of sustaining and building strong integration in those communities where paid staff are required to supplement volunteer capacity. The report identifies the essential nature of CFA’s volunteer Brigade surge capacity for major and concurrent events.
There are 20 recommendations, and the Government has identified actions to address 18 of these. Several recommendations are earmarked for further discussion/work and the Government has committed to work with VFBV and others on the detail of these.
Based on some commonly discussed issues during the review, many volunteers will be particularly interested in the following recommendations and government response;
- Recommendation 9, concerning consideration of a Firefighters’ Registration Board – Government response is to initiate national consultation on this over the next five years. The report detail suggests this would need to be open to volunteers and paid firefighters alike and would provide an opportunity to facilitate lateral entry and recognise skills, irrespective of whether they are paid or volunteer.
- Recommendation 18, concerning deploying Leading Firefighters or Station Officers to provide administrative, technical, community engagement and operational support to volunteer Brigades. The Government has supported the intent of finding ways to support volunteer Brigades, but has noted the best means to deliver that support requires further consideration.
- Recommendation 17, includes recommendation that CFA review the process for selecting Brigade Captains. Government response suggests a selection process be developed to enhance the current approach to focus on ensuring the necessary leadership and technical skills needed for the role. This work has a timeframe of the next two years.
- Recommendation 5, includes developing best practice models for initiation and planning for the establishment of integrated Brigades and the selection of leaders of integrated Brigades, drawing on successful processes adopted to date. Government response is that CFA is to lead a short review to identify best practices.
- There are also recommendations concerning training; health & wellbeing; developing leadership; and better engagement with volunteers and representative bodies.
VFBV will seek to be very closely involved with work on these and the actions proposed for all other recommendations.
Of interest is an acknowledgement to include VFBV on EMV’s Fire Services Interoperability Committee. This is consistent with VFBV’s previous requests to EMC Craig Lapsley and also an issue covered in our submission to the review. VFBV has previously expressed dissatisfaction to the EMC about not being included in this important forum.
There are several recommendations relating to culture in the fire services and issues specifically relating to bullying and harassment. VFBV has already welcomed the CFA-commissioned Equity and Diversity Review being conducted by VEOHRC.
At a more strategic level, there are recommendations involving consideration of possible future service delivery models, a review of CFA and MFB legislation, and a review of the legislation giving powers to EMV, but no specific direction set down as yet. VFBV will certainly be taking a keen interest to ensure these important issues progress in a positive way.
You can download a copy of the Fire Services Review report and the Government’s response and hear ABC radio's Conversation Hour discussion of the issues here.
The Fire Services Review website includes copies of all public submissions including VFBV, CFA and EMV submissions.
Applications are now open for Volunteer Emergency Services Equipment Program (VESEP) grants, with $12.8 million available to volunteer emergency services organisations.
Brigades and Groups can apply for VESEP grants of up to $100,000 for operational equipment and small capital works.
This is a welcome announcement from Minister for Emergency Services, Jane Garrett, and a sign of the Government’s recognition of the professionalism and essential services provided by Victoria’s emergency management volunteers.
VFBV worked with the State Government on the design of VESEP, helping to make it as simple and practical as possible, and we continue to work with CFA so Brigades and Groups can achieve the best outcome.
VESEP contributes two dollars in grant money for every one dollar raised locally by the Brigade, and last year 202 Brigades and Groups were successful with their applications.
This year’s VESEP grants will favour applications for:
- Operational Equipment such as chainsaws, quick fill pumps, generators, inflatable rescue boats, and rescue and safety equipment.
- Vehicles and appliances such as vehicles, lighting and storm trailers, light/medium tankers, big fill trucks, watercraft and rescue trucks.
- Minor Facility Improvements, refurbishments and amenities such as: kitchens/change rooms
Talk to your State Councillor for advice and visit the VESEP grants page for an Application Help Pack and case studies from successful applications in past rounds.
VFBV Affiliation and Welfare Fund Subscriptions
For the benefit of your Brigade and volunteers
Renewal notices for your Brigade/Group’s VFBV Affiliation and Brigade’s VFBV Volunteer Welfare Fund subscription have been mailed and should be with your Secretary now, with a due date of 30 June, 2016.
The modest cost of $77.50 for VFBV affiliation is the same for all Brigades and Groups, and VFBV’s representation of CFA volunteers continues to win growing approval and support, with a record 94% of Brigades affiliating in 2015/16
By renewing your membership or signing up as a new member you not only demonstrate support for the important work VFBV does on behalf of all CFA volunteers, you also help build the strength of VFBV’s influence, your Brigade or Group will be entitled to participate in VFBV forums and decision making, and your Brigade’s members will be eligible to be supported by VFBV’s Welfare Fund.
We also strongly encourage Brigades to subscribe to the VFBV Welfare Fund in the interests of supporting your members in times of personal hardship. The VFBV Welfare Fund operates under Australian Tax Office rules for charities and is independently audited. It can provide small grants to assist volunteer members, their immediate family members and long servicing ex-members, who are suffering significant financial hardship. Over the past five years, the Welfare Fund has distributed over $550,000 to 170 CFA volunteers in need.
It should be noted that in order to access the VFBV Welfare Fund, your Brigade must be affiliated with VFBV, since the association pays all of the VFBV Welfare Fund’s operating costs. For full details visit the VFBV website www.vfbv.com.au and go to the Member Services area.
If you would like to speak to someone from VFBV about your affiliation please contact one of your District’s VFBV State Councillors or call the VFBV office on (03) 9886 1141.
Brigades have now been notified of their successful orders for digital scanners under Tier 2 of the subsidy scheme, and have until 15 May to pay for their scanners.
The subsidy scheme has been a great success, and more than 1,000 Brigades and Groups have received subsidised digital scanners under Tier 1 and 2 orders.
All of the subsidised scanners have now been allocated, but you can order additional units at cost price – still well under retail - under Tier 3 of the program, which is open until 30 June 2016.
Get your Tier 3 orders in now;
Download the Brigade Order Form here
Download the Group Order Form here
You can download the updated FAQ sheet by clicking here, or download a copy of the Tier 2 confirmation letter and instructions by clicking here.
The whole subsidy program has been an outstanding success for members, and is a great example of CFA and VFBV working together for the benefit for our members.
Dunrobin/Nangeela B had a clear win at the 2016 VFBV Rural Championships, Katunga won the Discipline and the crowd at Colac had a great weekend.
There was real diversity on the field, with young men and women from communities all over Victoria and plenty of team spirit.
The events are based on practical firefighting activities. As well as camaraderie among the teams, they build fitness, team skills and capabilities with hoses, pumps and other equipment that make them a useful addition to each Brigade’s regular weekly training regime.
The championships also offer one of same benefits as staging a major fire brigade exercise; giving Brigades and volunteers the chance to build the networks that pay off when they work together on large scale bushfires and other major emergencies.
As always, the success of the championships was the result of an amazing effort by the organising committee, volunteer judges and officials, support teams and CFA’s hard working DMOs. Congratulations to all involved.
For detailed results, see the rural championships page
It was a nail biter of a finish in the 2016 VFBV Rural Junior Championships, with Springhurst A, Ascot A and Greta A all on 48 points.
Only a countback could separate them, leaving Springhurst the Champion Team for 2016!
There was a great turnout of girls and boys from communities all over Victoria, with 39 Brigades represented by the CFA volunteer firefighters and community leaders of tomorrow.
Each event is designed to build great team spirit, fitness, team skills and capabilities with hoses, pumps and other equipment that make it a useful addition to each Brigade’s regular weekly training regime.
Of course the teams’ performance on the field is not just about making a big effort on the day, but the hours of practise and dedication of Brigades, coaches, parents and families throughout the year to encourage, train and support our young juniors in developing the professionalism that will benefit their communities for years to come.
As always, the success of the championships was also the result of an amazing effort by the organising committee, volunteer judges and officials, support teams and CFA’s hard working DMOs. Congratulations to all involved.
For detailed results, click here.
The 2016 VFBV State Urban Championships have concluded, with Maryvale taking the title of Champion Brigade with a convincing win over Kangaroo Flat and Melton .
The team from Werribee has been victorious in B Class, with Patterson River second and Sale third.
C Class honours were taken out by Whittlesea, with Stanhope in second place and Knox Group third.
Victoria won the Interstate Challenge, in a very closely fought contest.
Congratulations to the Mildura Committee on their organisation and commitment to the championships, and we hope to see all competitors, families and spectators next year for the VFBV 2017 State Urban Championships at Bendigo.
Detailed results are available for download from our urban championships page.
We expect that proposed presumptive legislation – the Firefighters’ Cancer Law – will be in Parliament soon, but we are concerned the legislation may contain a barrier to volunteers accessing compensation, in the form of an arbitrary ‘incident threshold’ - possibly requiring 150 incidents in any five-year period before they become eligible.
The arbitrary nature of the ‘incident threshold’ is seen by volunteers as simply a way to drastically reduce the number of volunteers who will become eligible.
VFBV has written to your Brigade with details – you are encouraged to raise the concerns with Government MPs serving your area as soon as possible.
Many VFBV District Councils are distributing shop window posters to Brigades that call for the public’s support, and there is more information on our presumptive legislation page.
To improve VFBV’s engagement and representation of younger members, we are establishing a VFBV Youth Network.
This is not a once-off forum, but an ongoing framework and process to engage young people in VFBV, CFA and Emergency Management sector discussions, on an ongoing and structured basis.
As a result, VFBV is hosting an Emergency Management sector multi-agency youth network.
VFBV is committed to the Youth Network, and this is a chance for younger volunteers to get on board at an exciting new stage in our evolution.
See our call for Expressions of Interest and stay tuned to www.vfbv.com.au for updates.
The VFBV Volunteer Welfare & Efficiency Survey is coming soon. Have your say on issues of importance chosen by volunteers, in a forum that continues to grow in recognition and influence.
The annual survey that has already established itself with the sector’s decision makers is expanding again this year, to include volunteers from right across the Emergency Management sector.
If you took part last year and provided an email address, you are already registered; otherwise provide your name, Brigade and email address to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (03) 9886 1141 to request a printed copy of the survey.
The problem of gaining CFA recognition of the first aid skills of volunteers who are medical practitioners, paramedics and nurses is moving towards resolution.
The VFBV/CFA Joint Training Committee has been pressing for a solution for a number of years and has now been advised that CFA proposes the creation of a new enterprise (CFA) competency (not a nationally recognized competency unit) which will be called “Eligible to provide first aid in the workplace”.
The competency will be used to record those members who have evidence of formal and current qualifications and will satisfy the CFA skills profile requirements for first aid for those members. CFA is seeking the support of key stakeholders before applying for official approval. VFBV will keep members updated on progress.
The VFBV/CFA Joint Operations Committee has been highlighting District and Regional variances in fatigue management procedures for some time, and has made use of a new case study based on a recent large incident to support its case.
The Committee has asked CFA to develop a standard set of guidelines for the whole state, outlining crew changeovers, appropriate rest periods and long haul strike team travel arrangements, including the use of coaches and/or fresh drivers to return appliances to their home locations.
Get the latest in our email newsletter or VFBV’s popular 2 Minute Briefing from the VFBV/CFA Joint Committees. Register here.
Join the discussion on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/cfavol
Follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/vfbv or on Instagram @volunteer_fire_brigades_vic
VFBV Youth Network - Calling On Young Volunteers
VFBV have recognised the need to engage with and improve our connection to our young volunteers.
As a result, VFBV are in the process of establishing the VFBV Youth Network.
VFBV is looking for volunteers aged 18 to 35 to join and represent younger volunteers in each District.
By joining your District’s VFBV Youth Panel, you can give young volunteers a greater say in VFBV at every level, build your skills as a volunteer delegate and prepare yourself for future VFBV and CFA leadership roles.
Each District’s VFBV Youth Panel will work with the VFBV District Council and a young delegate will represent their district at the state-level Youth Advisory Committee, which will work with VFBV’s State Council.
You won’t be alone, you will be supported in each District, by experienced Champions who will guide you along the way and act as a connection to your District Council.
Younger volunteers deserve a stronger voice and VFBV will need experienced representatives in the years to come – we’d like you to consider taking up the challenge.
We will keep you posted online at www.vfbv.com.au and in future editions of Firewise however, if you have any questions, please call:-
Christine Fryer
VFBV Youth Engagement Officer
(03) 9886 1141
VFBV Affiliation and Welfare Fund Subscription Renewals
For the benefit of your Brigade and volunteers
Renewal notices for your Brigade/Group’s VFBV Affiliation and Brigade’s VFBV Volunteer Welfare Fund subscription have been mailed and should be with your Secretary now, with a due date of 30 June, 2016.
The modest cost of $77.50 for VFBV affiliation is the same for all Brigades and Groups, and VFBV’s representation of CFA volunteers continues to win growing approval and support, with a record 94% of Brigades affiliating in 2015/16
By renewing your membership or signing up as a new member you not only demonstrate support for the important work VFBV does on behalf of all CFA volunteers, you also help build the strength of VFBV’s influence, your Brigade or Group will be entitled to participate in VFBV forums and decision making, and your Brigade’s members will be eligible to be supported by VFBV’s Welfare Fund.
We also strongly encourage Brigades to subscribe to the VFBV Welfare Fund in the interests of supporting your members in times of personal hardship. The VFBV Welfare Fund operates under Australian Tax Office rules for charities and is independently audited. It can provide small grants to assist volunteer members, their immediate family members and long servicing ex-members, who are suffering significant financial hardship. Over the past five years, the Welfare Fund has distributed over $550,000 to 170 CFA volunteers in need.
It should be noted that in order to access the VFBV Welfare Fund, your Brigade must be affiliated with VFBV, since the association pays all of the VFBV Welfare Fund’s operating costs. For full details visit the VFBV website www.vfbv.com.au and go to the Member Services area. You can download the VFBV Volunteer Welfare Fund brochure here.
If you would like to speak to someone from VFBV about your affiliation please contact one of your District’s VFBV State Councillors or call the VFBV office on (03) 9886 1141.
2016 VFBV Rural Junior Championships Results
It was a nail biter of a finish in the 2016 VFBV Rural Junior Championships, with Springhurst A, Ascot A and Greta A all on 48 points.
Only a countback could separate them, leaving Springhurst the Champion Team for 2016!
There was a great turnout of girls and boys from communities all over Victoria, with 39 Brigades represented by the CFA volunteer firefighters and community leaders of tomorrow.
Each event is designed to build great team spirit, fitness, team skills and capabilities with hoses, pumps and other equipment that make it a useful addition to each Brigade’s regular weekly training regime.
Of course the teams’ performance on the field is not just about making a big effort on the day, but the hours of practise and dedication of Brigades, coaches, parents and families throughout the year to encourage, train and support our young juniors in developing the professionalism that will benefit their communities for years to come.
As always, the success of the championships was also the result of an amazing effort by the organising committee, volunteer judges and officials, support teams and CFA’s hard working DMOs. Congratulations to all involved.
CHAMPION TEAM (following a countback to determine placings):
1st |
Springhurst A |
48 Points |
2nd |
Ascot A |
48 Points |
3rd |
Greta A |
48 Points |
To download full results and aggregates, visit the Rural Championship Results page here
VFBV State President Encouragement Award: Chiltern A
Stan Ross Conduct Trophy: Sedgwick Brigade
Junior Firefighter Sprint:
11-13 Years – Female: Abbie Hromenko, Huntly
11-13 Years – Male: Logan White, Greta
11-15 Years – Female: Tiffany Jorgenson, Beazley’s Bridge
11-15 Years – Male: Matthew Kerr, Dunrobin/Nangeela
To download full results and aggregates, visit the Rural Championship Results page here
1st |
Greta A |
36 Points |
2nd |
Mandurang A |
26 Points |
3rd |
Sedgwick A |
22 Points |
1st |
Springhurst A |
48 Points |
2nd |
Dunrobin/Nangeela A |
34 Points |
3rd |
Ascot A |
28 Points |
To download full results and aggregates, visit the Rural Championship Results page here
Event 1A: Low Down Pump & Ladder – 11-13 Years
1st |
Ascot A |
18.91 Seconds |
2nd |
Eldorado A |
19.17 Seconds |
3rd |
Plenty A |
19.45 Seconds |
4th |
Beazley’s Bridge A |
19.86 Seconds |
5th |
Stuart Mill A |
20.09 Seconds |
Event 1B: Low Down Pump & Ladder – 11-15 Years
1st |
Ascot A |
15.84 Seconds |
2nd |
Mandurang A |
16.97 Seconds |
3rd |
Sedgwick A |
17.14 Seconds |
4th |
Dunrobin/Nangeela A |
17.16 Seconds |
5th |
Doreen A |
17.83 Seconds |
Event 2A: Hose & Ladder – 11-13 Years
1st |
Beazley’s Bridge A |
22.37 Seconds |
2nd |
Greta A |
22.51 Seconds |
3rd |
Sedgwick A |
23.39 Seconds |
4th |
Yambuk A |
23.85 Seconds |
5th |
Millbrook B |
24.03 Seconds |
Event 2B: Hose & Ladder – 11-15 Years
1st |
Dunrobin/Nangeela A |
19.74 Seconds |
2nd |
Springhurst B |
21.16 Seconds |
3rd |
Willaura A |
21.24 Seconds |
4th |
Huntly A |
21.66 Seconds |
5th |
Stuart Mill A |
21.98 Seconds |
Event 4A: Tanker – Priming, Pumping & Ladder – 11-13 Years
1st |
Sedgwick A |
28.84 Seconds |
2nd |
Greta A |
29.23 Seconds |
3rd |
Mannerim A |
32.9 Seconds |
4th |
Ascot A |
32.92 Seconds |
5th |
Hurstbridge A |
33.78 Seconds |
Event 4B: Tanker – Priming, Pumping & Ladder – 11-15 Years
1st |
Springhurst A |
24.84 Seconds |
2nd |
Dunrobin/Nangeela A |
24.94 Seconds |
3rd |
Greta A |
25.16 Seconds |
4th |
Stuart Mill A |
26.62 Seconds |
5th |
Mandurang A |
26.73 Seconds |
Event 5A: Hydrant & Tanker – 11-13 Years
1st |
Greta A |
27.54 Seconds |
2nd |
Mandurang A |
29.91 Seconds |
3rd |
Stuart Mill A |
30.37 Seconds |
4th |
Millbrook A |
31.22 Seconds |
5th |
Eldorado B |
31.31 Seconds |
Event 5B: Hydrant & Tanker – 11-15 Years
1st |
Springhurst A |
23.16 Seconds |
2nd |
Drunrobin/Nangeela B |
23.83 Seconds |
3rd |
Mandurang A |
24.73 Seconds |
4th |
Stuart Mill A |
25.35 Seconds |
5th |
Ascot A |
26.01 Seconds |
Event 6A: Tanker – Drawing Water from Tank – 11-13 Years
1st |
Mandurang A |
21.98 Seconds |
2nd |
Millbrook B |
22.64 Seconds |
3rd |
Willaura A |
24.13 Seconds |
4th |
Moyhu A |
25.21 Seconds |
5th |
Mannerim A |
25.5 Seconds |
Event 6B: Tanker – Drawing Water from Tank – 11-15 Years
1st |
Springhurst A |
17.14 Seconds |
2nd |
Ascot A |
19.22 Seconds |
3rd |
Greta A |
20.58 Seconds |
4th |
Dunrobin/Nangeela A |
20.71 Seconds |
5th |
Mandurang A |
21.71 Seconds |
To download full results and aggregates, visit the Rural Championship Results page here
2016 VFBV Rural Championships Results
Dunrobin/Nangeela B had a clear win at the 2016 VFBV Rural Championships, Katunga won the Discipline and the crowd at Colac had a great weekend.
There was real diversity on the field, with young men and women from communities all over Victoria and plenty of team spirit.
The events are based on practical firefighting activities. As well as camaraderie among the teams, they build fitness, team skills and capabilities with hoses, pumps and other equipment that make them a useful addition to each Brigade’s regular weekly training regime.
The championships also offer one of same benefits as staging a major fire brigade exercise; giving Brigades and volunteers the chance to build the networks that pay off when they work together on large scale bushfires and other major emergencies.
As always, the success of the championships was the result of an amazing effort by the organising committee, volunteer judges and officials, support teams and CFA’s hard working DMOs. Congratulations to all involved.
HIGHEST POINTS OVERALL: Dunrobin/Nangeela B - 74 points
WINNERS OF THE SPRINTS: Female Sprint: Amy Jackson, Willaura
Male Sprint: Nathan Hooper, Greta
To download full results and detailed aggregates, visit the Rural Championship Results page here
1st |
Greta A |
64 Points |
2nd |
Hurstbridge A |
46 Points |
3rd |
Greta B |
42 Points |
1st |
Dunrobin/Nangeela B |
74 Points |
2nd |
Connewarre B |
28 Points |
3rd |
Strathmerton A |
27 Points |
1st |
Plenty A |
44 Points |
2nd |
Dunrobin/Nangeela D |
41 Points |
3rd |
Dunrobin/Nangeela C |
40 Points |
To download full results and aggregates, visit the Rural Championship Results page here
Event 1: Low Down Pump & Ladder
A Division: |
1st |
Greta A |
15.07 Seconds |
2nd |
Greta B |
16.45 Seconds |
3rd |
Eldorado A |
16.65 Seconds |
4th |
Beazley’s Bridge A |
16.68 Seconds |
5th |
Mandurang A
17.17 Seconds |
B Division: |
1st |
Dunrobin/Nangeela B |
17.18 Seconds |
2nd |
Connewarre B |
17.28 Seconds |
3rd |
Strathmerton A |
17.86 Seconds |
4th |
Irrewarra A |
18.03 Seconds |
5th |
Dunolly A |
18.21 Seconds
C Division: |
1st |
Dunrobin/Nangeela D |
16.75 Seconds |
2nd |
Strathmerton C |
17.24 Seconds |
3rd |
Plenty A |
17.55 Seconds |
4th |
Katunga B |
18.08 Seconds |
5th |
Dunrobin/Nangeela C |
18.53 Seconds |
Event 2: Hose & Ladder
A Division: |
1st |
Chiltern A |
15.22 Seconds |
2nd |
Hurstbridge A |
15.41 Seconds |
3rd |
Greta B |
15.55 Seconds |
4th |
Eldorado A |
15.56 Seconds |
5th |
Beazley’s Bridge A |
15.88 Seconds |
B Division: |
1st |
Dunrobin/Nangeela B |
15.92 Seconds |
2nd |
Miners Rest A |
16.7 Seconds |
3rd |
Mandurang B |
16.95 Seconds |
4th |
Eldorado C |
17.04 Seconds |
5th |
Research B |
17.34 seconds
C Division: |
1st |
Dunrobin/Nangeela C |
16.09 Seconds |
2nd |
Mt Buninyong A |
16.78 Seconds |
3rd |
Connewarre C |
17.06 Seconds |
4th |
Plenty A |
17.12 Seconds |
5th |
Greta D |
18.03 Seconds |
Event 3: Tanker Hose Reel & Ladder
A Division: |
1st |
Hurstbridge A |
39.49 Seconds |
2nd |
Beazley’s Bridge A |
40.6 Seconds |
3rd |
Greta A |
42.96 Seconds |
4th |
Springhurst A |
44.21 Seconds |
5th |
Eldorado A
44.35 Seconds |
B Division: |
1st |
Moyhu A |
44.04 Seconds |
2nd |
Dunrobin/Nangeela B |
45.95 Seconds |
3rd |
Research B |
46.53 Seconds |
4th |
Strathmerton A |
46.66 Seconds |
5th |
Connewarre B |
47.66 Seconds
C Division: |
1st |
Dunrobin/Nangeela E |
47.71 Seconds |
2nd |
Dunrobin/Nangeela C |
48.91 Seconds |
3rd |
Research C |
50.51 Seconds |
4th |
Corio B |
51.15 Seconds |
5th |
Plenty A |
51.7 Seconds |
Event 4: Tanker - Priming, Pumping & Ladder
A Division: |
1st |
Greta B |
20.31 Seconds |
2nd |
Greta A |
20.63 Seconds |
3rd |
Hurstbridge A |
21.71 Seconds |
4th |
Mandurang A |
22.45 Seconds |
5th |
Springhurst A |
22.71 Seconds |
B Division: |
1st |
Dunrobin/Nangeela B |
23.94 Seconds |
2nd |
Connewarre B |
24.46 Seconds |
3rd |
Strathmerton A |
24.69 Seconds |
4th |
Elaine A |
24.94 Seconds |
5th |
Miners Rest A
24.98 Seconds |
C Division: |
1st |
Plenty A |
25.09 Seconds |
2nd |
Research C |
25.43 Seconds |
3rd |
Dunrobin/Nangeela D |
25.91 Seconds |
4th |
Pearcedale A |
26.1 Seconds |
5th |
Dunrobin/Nangeela C |
27.64 Seconds |
Event 5: Hydrant & Tanker
A Division: |
1st |
Greta A |
17.92 Seconds |
2nd |
Greta B |
18.9 Seconds |
3rd |
Springhurst A |
19.17 Seconds |
4th |
Hurstbridge A |
20.77 Seconds |
5th |
Springhurst B |
21.98 Seconds |
B Division: |
1st |
Dunrobin/Nangeela B |
20.18 Seconds |
2nd |
Strathmerton A |
20.47 Seconds |
3rd |
Connewarre B |
22.53 Seconds |
4th |
Irrewarra A |
22.81 Seconds |
5th |
Moyhu B |
23.53 Seconds
C Division: |
1st |
Dunrobin/Nangeela D |
21.25 Seconds |
2nd |
Dunrobin/Nangeela C |
23.38 Seconds |
3rd |
Research C |
23.74 Seconds |
4th |
Corio B |
24.44 Seconds |
5th |
Dunrobin/Nangeela E |
24.57 Seconds |
Event 6: Tanker Drawing Water from Tank
A Division: |
1st |
Greta A |
14.48 Seconds |
2nd |
Hurstbridge A |
15.53 Seconds |
3rd |
Chiltern A |
16.42 Seconds |
4th |
Torquay A |
16.78 Seconds |
5th |
Mandurang A |
16.82 Seconds |
B Division: |
1st |
Eldorado B |
17.35 Seconds |
2nd |
Irrewarra A |
19.4 Seconds |
3rd |
Dunolly A |
20.1 Seconds |
4th |
Eldorado D |
20.22 Seconds |
5th |
Beazley’s Bridge C |
20.42 Seconds
C Division: |
1st |
Plenty A |
20.56 Seconds |
2nd |
Greta D |
20.73 Seconds |
3rd |
Doreen A |
20.96 Seconds |
4th |
Connewarre C |
21.11 Seconds |
5th |
Dunrobin/Nangeela D |
21.19 Seconds |
To download full results and aggregates, visit the Rural Championship Results page here
VFBV 2016 State Urban Senior Championships
The 2016 VFBV State Urban Championships have concluded, with Maryvale taking the title of Champion Brigade with a convincing win over Kangaroo Flat and Melton .
The team from Werribee has been victorious in B Class, with Patterson River second and Sale third.
C Class honours were taken out by Whittlesea, with Stanhope in second place and Knox Group third.
Victoria won the Interstate Challenge, in a very closely fought contest.
Congratulations to the Mildura Committee on their organisation and commitment to the championships, and we hope to see all competitors, families and spectators next year for the VFBV 2017 State Urban Championships at Bendigo.
Detailed results are available for download below.
To see results from the 2016 VFBV State Urban Junior Championships, click here.
Position Vacant – VFBV Support Officer
VFBV Support Officer – North East Region (Districts 12, 13, 22, 23 and 24)
VFBV is seeking to appoint a VFBV Support Officer to work in regional Victoria with VFBV District Councils, Brigades and volunteers to facilitate consultation, issues resolution and volunteer engagement. This is an existing position, with the incumbent due to leave the role at the end of April this year.
In addition to relevant skills, candidates will need to understand CFA and volunteerism, be good listeners and be able to navigate through complex issues resolution, be self-starters and have a passion to improve arrangements that benefit the welfare and efficiency of CFA volunteers.
Extensive regional Victorian work travel is envisaged and flexible work base locations will be considered for the position, with the priority focus to assign a support officer in the CFA North East Region covering Districts 12, 13, 22, 23 and 24.
Flexible working arrangements, to cater for extensive evening and weekend work, will be tailored to match the needs of our volunteer membership base.
This is a full time position giving the right candidate an opportunity to really put his/her stamp on the VFBV of the future.
All applications must include both a current resume and a cover letter addressing the key selection criteria outlined in the attached position description.
Send applications to the CEO, VFBV, PO Box 453, Mt. Waverley, Vic. 3149 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Applications close 28 March, 2016.
For further information contact Cathie Smith on 03 9886 1141
Great News on Digital Scanners
A successful VFBV/CFA bid for additional funding means all Brigades and Groups that applied for any leftover digital scanners under Tier 2 of the subsidy program will now get as many as they requested at the subsidised price.
A phenomenal 994 Brigades and 81 Groups have responded to the Tier 1/2 program which closed on 15 January, with over 7,000 units ordered under Tier 1 alone. CFA has advised that they have completed shipping of all Tier 1(A) orders (the first three scanners to each Brigade), with the remainder of Tier 1(B) orders (up to five more) to be finished shipping by the end of March.
VFBV has again agreed to take on the ordering logistics for the Tier 2 program, and will coordinate payments from Brigades/Groups on behalf of CFA, just as we did for the Tier 1 program. CFA will continue to manage the purchase and shipping of the units.
Download the Brigade Order Form here
Download the Group Order Form here
Each Brigade or Group will receive confirmation of their Tier 2 order via email, along with instructions and next steps. You are reminded that Tier 2 orders were binding, and as such the units have been ordered from the manufacturer. Please be advised that Brigades and Groups have until 15 May 2016 to pay for their orders, and you are encouraged to return payment ASAP, as orders will be shipped in the sequence that payment is received. As there are still long lead times from when CFA places an order with the manufacturer to when they are available in the country, the quicker your payment is received, the earlier you will receive the units.
We have prepared an updated FAQ sheet that also includes details about the use of external antennas that will improve performance for those members located in areas with poor or weak reception. You can download the FAQ sheet by clicking here, or download a copy of the confirmation letter and instructions by clicking here.
The whole subsidy program has been an outstanding success for members, and is a great example of CFA and VFBV working together for the benefit for our members.
VFBV’s Fire Wise Page – March 2016
By Andrew Ford, VFBV Chief Executive Officer
It won’t have been missed by most of you that there has been a name change to this important publication.
Some people might struggle with this I know, others will love it, and some won’t care – what’s in a name, some might say.
So what’s in the name? In the past and certainly into the future, this publication is one of the many important channels for information to be passed on, for first hand stories to be shared in order that we collectively learn, pass on knowledge, and as the name suggests, get wiser.
In CFA we talk a lot about the value of local knowledge, of organisational memory, and of the invaluable practical knowhow that comes from years of on ground experience.
In today’s dynamic world the value and importance of learning and gaining knowledge through the passing down of stories and first hand experiences should not be underestimated.
Talking with a Sector Commander after one of our recent big fires, he reflected on the gratitude of local community members (and many of these were relative newcomers) and their thankfulness that the CFA “just knew how the fire would behave”, “knew what to do” and “seemed amazingly calm” despite it being years since that community had experienced such a severe fire.
The training and experience of volunteers on that fireground was abundantly clear but there was also a deeper knowledge and inherited memory of the way things would pan out that made an enormous difference to achieving the terrific outcome and the Sector Commander reflected on the dozens of stories that had been shared down through time that built their collective knowledge.
So what’s in the name – Fire Wise – a vital communication tool to share information and stories so that we can build capability, celebrate, remember and learn.
Congratulations on being decisive enough to take the step Gordon, and I look forward to the value and role of this publication being widely recognised into the future.
Elsewhere on this page, you will see details of CFA’s Red Paper, and I urge you to see this as a great opportunity to shape CFA’s future direction.
One of the things of most concern to VFBV and volunteers in recent years is that external factors have too often overridden CFA’s setting of its own priorities.
VFBV’s detailed submission to the State Government’s Fire Services Review plus many previous VFBV submissions are already a key part of volunteer input to the Red Paper, and I urge you to have your say as both a contribution to the outcome and a form of support for this proactive decision making by CFA.
We encourage every volunteer to take CFA’s Red Paper survey online – member input is open until 27 March and the survey consists of three questions.
While many volunteers feel CFA has been heavily scrutinised, reviewed and subjected to any number of external inquiries in recent years, the Red Paper is about CFA making its own decisions and setting its own path for the coming 10 years.
Naturally, practical input from volunteers on the front line is essential.
CFA says the Red Paper will inform its engagement with its stakeholders and Government about future investment, and give it authoritative evidence about what it needs and why; from fire trucks and stations, to new front line or support staff, community programs, technology innovation and research.
The survey asks three questions about; how the risks faced by communities will change, the changes CFA needs to make and what CFA should focus on achieving over the next 10 years.
You can find the Red Paper survey at http://cfa.engagementhq.com/red-paper
Hosts Tatura have won their third VFBV Urban Junior Championships in a row, with an impressive performance, taking the Dry, Wet and Under 14 Aggregates to win the Grand Aggregate by a clear margin.
At the end of the day, Tatura A came home with 89 points, leading Sale A with 41 and Moe A with 37 points.
Moe A and Sale A also appeared in the top three in most of the Aggregates, and other strong performers were Koo Wee Rup A and Melton A.
The championships attracted more than 700 competitors in 79 teams representing 47 Brigades from all over Victoria and two from Western Australia.
You can download full results here, or for more stories from the championships, see page 11 of the March 2016 edition of Fire Wise.
Proposed presumptive legislation – the Firefighters’ Cancer Law – is something we anticipate will be in Parliament soon, but there are still unresolved questions, and now is the time to make sure your local MPs fully understand the issue of possible discrimination against volunteers.
Our main concern is that the legislation may contain a barrier to volunteers accessing compensation, in the form of an arbitrary ‘incident threshold’ - possibly requiring 150 incidents in any five-year period before they become eligible.
The arbitrary nature of the ‘incident threshold’ is seen by volunteers simply as a way to drastically reduce the number of volunteers who will become eligible.
We are also concerned the Government is yet to finalise the legislation and whether or not commitments to treat CFA volunteers equally with career fire fighters will be maintained.
VFBV has sent a letter and supporting information to your Brigade Captains, Secretaries and VFBV Delegates, and you are encouraged to discuss the concerns with your Brigade and take them up with Government MPs that cover your area as soon as possible.
Approaching local MPs is not difficult, and can range from a formal letter to a simple email, a chat at a local event, or a letter or story in your local newspaper.
The legislation is due soon, don’t wait until you know a firefighter with cancer or flawed legislation is passed, speak up now.
There is more information at www.vfbv.com.au
The VFBV Youth Network will shortly begin to recruit young people in each District.
It is a key initiative for the year and will give younger volunteers a permanent place in VFBV’s decision making at local and state levels.
Each District Panel will be made up of five to 10 young volunteers aged 18 to 35 years who will send a representative to a VFBV State Youth Advisory Committee that will inform the VFBV Board and State Council.
The District Panels will deal with issues from a youth perspective, not just youth specific issues, and like the existing VFBV District Councils, each District Panel will work to resolve issues at the local level wherever possible, as well as raising statewide matters at state level.
We are now recruiting local champions in each District to support our young people and start identifying and inviting those young people to be involved as potential youth representatives.
VFBV, with the support of CFA, has secured extra funding for more subsidised digital scanners for Brigades and Groups.
All Tier 1 orders have been dispatched to Brigades and Groups, and those who placed Tier 2 orders for any remaining units will now receive their full order, rather than a share of any that were left over after Tier 1.
Brigades with Tier 2 orders have been sent notification and have until 15 May to send in their payment for the additional subsidised units.
Over 7,000 scanners have already been delivered under the VESEP funded scheme negotiated by VFBV and CFA.
VFBV first raised the need for a subsidy scheme in 2010, with a survey that revealed thousands of scanners and listening sets that would become obsolete when CFA radio channels switched to digital technology.
VFBV’s clever animated video is getting a great reception. It has now been viewed an estimated 50,000 times online and will be available soon from your District Council for use in local presentations.
The video tells the story in simple pictures about the huge volunteer surge capacity that allows CFA to call on thousands of trained, experienced firefighters at any time, the professional levels of training and the wide range of roles that volunteers perform.
Your District Council will soon receive copies of the video on USB memory stick, for use by Brigades planning open days, public events, community information meetings or discussions with local Members of Parliament, Councils and other decision makers.
If you haven’t seen the video, visit www.youtube.com/user/vfbvtv
The VFBV/CFA Joint Equipment & Infrastructure Committee is investigating crew protection systems for CFA’s light vehicles.
There are over 150 ultra-light tankers and slip-on vehicles that were not covered under the crew protection system retrofit due to a lack of a suitable system.
Two new products designed to provide protection against radiant heat and direct flame contact in the event of a burn-over are now being evaluated; a Polymer Gel System and a Compressed Air Foam System.
Both products have shown promising early signs, with experimental testing during field burn-overs in moderate bushfire intensity conditions planned for early autumn 2016.
The committee will keep you updated.
Register now for the 2016 VFBV Volunteer Welfare & Efficiency Survey.
A record 2,500 volunteers took part last year, and the new VICSES version of the survey achieved success in its first year.
The detailed 2015 survey report will be out soon, taking volunteers’ opinions and comments to VFBV and CFA Boards, CFA’s senior management, VICSES, the Emergency Management Commissioner and the Minister for Emergency Services.
Each year’s results are compared with previous years' figures to show trends in how volunteers feel on each issue.
It is a co-operative process; VFBV and the CFA Board have studied successive years' results and continue to use the survey to highlight aspects of volunteer support that need attention.
Sign up by sending your name, Brigade/Unit and District or Region to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or request a posted survey on paper on (03) 9886 1141.
VFBV District 13 President Bill Watson AFSM has stepped down from the role after distinguished service to the volunteers and career staff of the District.
Bill has retired and is moving to Wonthaggi, where he has volunteered in the past, and will continue his volunteering with CFA and his support of VFBV.
At District 13, Bill has shown strong leadership on the Firefighters’ Cancer Law issue and all aspects of the welfare of volunteers.
While his operational commitment has been exceptional, he has truly made his mark as a networker who has reached out to those volunteer families struggling in the aftermath of fires, drought and floods, and was recognised with CFA’s Outstanding Service Medal for his work in the wake of the 2009 fires.
In the wake of the major fires of summer, VFBV delegates, officials and Board Members have been hard at work, meeting with Brigades in the affected areas and conducting welfare checks on individual volunteers.
We have also posted a fresh list of government support services for people affected by bushfires and other natural disasters, on the VFBV web-site at www.vfbv.com.au
If you are in need of practical assistance or could use a sympathetic ear, don’t forget that CFA Peer Support is available through your CFA District Office, contact your VFBV State Councillor or talk to your own Brigade.
Get the latest in our email newsletter or VFBV’s popular Two Minute Briefing from the VFBV/CFA Joint Committees.
Register at www.vfbv.com.au - click on the VFBV Newsletter box.
Join the discussion on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/cfavol or follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/vfbv or on Instagram @volunteer_fire_brigades_vic
VFBV 2016 Junior Urban State Championships
Tatura A has won the title of Champion Team. You can download detailed results for every event below.
The Final Aggregate Results are as follows;
1st TATURA A 57 points
2nd SALE A 26 points
3rd KOOWEERUP A 18 points
1st TATURA A 32 points
2nd MOE A 24 points
3rd SALE A 15 points
1st TATURA A 61 points
2nd KOOWEERUP A 26 points
=3rd MELTON A & MOE A 14 points
1st SALE A 41 points
2nd TATURA A 28 points
3rd MOE A 23 points
1st TATURA A 89 points
2nd SALE A 41 points
3rd MOE A 37 points
Nominations are open for the Australian Fire Service Medal (AFSM) to be awarded on Australia Day in 2017, so it’s time to think about the long serving volunteers around you, the ones you most admire for their distinguished service.
See below to download the nomination form, nomination guidelines and nominator’s guide.
Nominations must be received by no later than 1 May, 2016.
The Australian Fire Service Medal recognises distinguished service by members of Australian fire services. It is awarded to paid and volunteer members.
All nominations are strictly confidential and the information provided will be used only to assist in considering the merits of the nomination. The person being nominated should not be approached for information or advised of his or her nomination at any stage.
Should you have any questions please contact CFA Awards Secretariat via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone to 1800 232 636.
VFBV Fact Sheet - Government Grants & Assistance
VFBV has prepared this handy Fact Sheet that lists State grants and services for people impacted by bushfires.
The Fact Sheet is intended as an easy reference for Brigades and members helping to support any CFA members or community members who are in need of assistance.
If you are aware of a service or grant that is not included, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will add it.
Applications Closing Soon - 2016 VFBV Leadership Program Scholarships
2016 VFBV Volunteer Leadership Scholarships
Courses based in the Gisborne and Pakenham/Dandenong areas, starting April 2016
CLOSING SOON - Apply by Sunday, 21 February 2016
See below to download the information pack and application forms. VFBV accepts applications from volunteers from Ambulance Victoria, Australian Volunteer Coastguard, CFA, Life Saving Victoria, SES and St John.
The participants work towards a nationally recognised qualification in leadership and management, in a course involving eight days of face-to-face class work and considerable off-campus course, project and assessment tasks, spread over the year.
The VFBV Leadership Scholarship program includes a series of one and two day sessions at venues chosen to be as convenient as possible to the participants.
The course covers skills suited to volunteer, career and community situations and include units on; •Leadership •Decision making •Planning •Safety and risk management •Team effectiveness •Making presentations •Managing projects •Engaging the community
The first two days of the course focus on leadership, team effectiveness and communication, the skills at the heart of the scholarships' aims.
The course adds to the participants' capabilities in useful skills such as public speaking, business writing and influencing. It comprises a mixture of lecture style teaching and interactive activities designed to suit the needs of adult students, as well as ample support using distance learning methods.
Recognising that many of the participants may be returning to study for the first time in years, we will provided them with return to study and study skills material to help them get started.
About the VFBV Volunteer Leadership Scholarship Program
The Leadership Scholarship aims to:
1. Recognise and develop current and future leaders in VFBV & our Volunteer Emergency Service Agencies
2. Build networks and work on important issues for volunteers and VFBV
3.Lead to a recognised qualification so the skills and capabilities learned can be transferred to all areas of the participant's life.
On completion of the Scholarship, the students will be awarded Certificate IV in Leadership and Management (BSB42015).
Time Commitment: The program runs over 9 months and includes eight face to face sessions throughout the year.
Method: the program includes face to face, guest speakers, and plenty of active learning and discussion.
Assessments: include individual work with small group project work to address key issues.
Costs: the program is fully funded by VFBV. Students need to provide their own transport and accommodation (if required) to the program venues (possibly with use of a CFA or brigade vehicle).
Overview: Certificate IV in Leadership and Management BSB42015 There are 12 units in the qualification and four of those must be core units. The units selected below match the qualification requirements and the key issues discussed for the program. We have sourced suitable resources for all of these units which will mean both the requirements of the qualification and the participants’ expectations as parties to the Scholarship are met.
The Units are:
BSBLDR401 Communicate Effectively as a workplace leader
BSBLDR402 Lead Effective workplace relationships
BSBMGT402 Implement Operational plan
BSBLDR403 Lead team effectiveness
BSBRSK401 Identify Risk and apply risk management processes
BSBWHS401 Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs
BSBWOR404 Develop Work Priorities
BSBCMM401 Make a presentation
BSBCUS401 Co-ordinate implementation of customer service strategies
BSBMGT401 Show leadership in the workplace
BSBPMG522 Undertake project work
BSBADM502 Manage meetings
The outcomes allow students to apply their enhanced skills to their voluntary, VFBV, employment and community roles. This is primarily achieved by application of principles and tools or models into the various different contexts.
A couple of obvious examples are in applying the basics of effective presentation skills and risk management in their voluntary and employed roles. In the voluntary presentation and risk management context he/she may be coming from a leadership position in the CFA and community, whilst as an employee the presentation may be internal or external sales, and risk may be from a much narrower perspective.
The principles are the same but the application may change in a different context. This flexibility is a skill in itself.
Each day will comprise:
a. Preview and day's objectives •Key learning objectives •Course requirements – competency and element overview •Explanation of assessment requirements •Expectations of participants
The first day will encompass an overview of the entire course and a general introduction to each other and to the course requirements. For some it may be a reintroduction to adult learning models, including;
•Slides, discussions, exercises and workgroups working through key issues for each of the topics
•Plenty of focus on discussion, idea sharing, scenario exploration and application of ideas. Role plays and small group activities and discussions are utilised where possible and practical.
•Guest speakers to demonstrate or talk about a specific issues or experiences which will enhance learning and lead to focused discussion &/or project work.
•A wrap up at the end of the day to highlight key points and issues and reinforce main learnings.
Follow up homework and assessments will be issued, with further follow up via email, and by phone if required. Participants will work in small groups to facilitate more localised support. Assessments will be completed progressively throughout the course. At the end of the first session, the group divides into small teams of 5 or 6 to design and work on key projects.
These projects would be relevant to the volunteers and community and to the course requirements. For example:
Consider the critical issues in designing and implementing a performance management and review system for the various levels and functions of a broadly dispersed voluntary organisation. What would it look like? What would it aim to achieve, what are some risks and how might they be managed? What are critical success factors and KPIs and how would they be measured, monitored and reviewed? Which stakeholders might you need to consult with, how and why?
For more information, contact your VFBV Support Officer (contact details in the application pack) or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.