VFBV News (201)
CFA volunteers cautiously welcome Coalition’s cancer announcement
CFA volunteers cautiously welcome Coalition’s cancer announcement
Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria, the CFA volunteers’ association, says that on face value the coalition’s announcement of a commitment to presumptive legislation for Victorian firefighters sounds like the makings of good news.
"We cautiously welcome this morning’s announcement, but await the detail, to confirm the Coalition’s commitment delivers the cancer compensation arrangements that we have been seeking for the past three years,” said Mr Andrew Ford, VFBV Chief Executive Officer.
“The issue is very important to Victoria’s volunteer and career firefighters,” he said.
“VFBV has been stepping up its campaign with tens of thousands of signatures on a petition to Parliament and increasing community awareness and support.”
“There are 12 cancers included in the presumptive legislation arrangements federally and in other states, and we expect the same in Victoria,” Mr Ford said.
“We would expect the detail of the Coalition’s commitment contains at least the same standards, and we look forward to the Government providing the information to us as soon as possible,” he said.
Current Victorian compensation arrangements have meant that it is almost impossible to access cancer compensation because the firefighter has to show evidence of fires or incidents they attended that might be 10 or 15 years ago and prove on the balance of probabilities which incidents or which toxic exposures caused their cancer.
Presumptive legislation would work by reversing the onus of proof – the firefighter’s cancer would be presumed to be work related provided the firefighter has sufficient years of service. A firefighter’s claim could still be rejected if it could be proven that the cancer was not related to firefighting duties.
Federal legislation and laws in South Australia, WA, Tasmania and NT recognise 12 specific cancers to be covered by presumptive legislation for firefighters.
SA Volunteers Covered for Cancer
South Australian CFS volunteers now have equal access to cancer compensation with their career colleagues under that State’s presumptive legislation.
Amid media reports of a backdown, the SA Government has scrapped its discriminatory extra eligibility requirement that applied to volunteers but not career firefighters.
The SA Government had been resisting the introduction of presumptive legislation for volunteers, based on incorrect and exaggerated costings.
With a year’s experience, the SA Government realised it had the costings wrong and has now moved to fix the problem and introduce legislation to give equal coverage to volunteers as soon as possible.
This leaves Victoria as one of the few States still resisting the introduction of presumptive legislation.
Female PPC Reminder
VFBV has received several enquiries from members who were unaware that there is bushfire PPC available that has been specifically designed to suit female members.
Modifications to the cut of the trousers, and an elastic waist in place of braces are just some of the differences available.
Any female member can have their existing bushfire PPC replaced with the new cut, with automatic pre-approval, by contacting their local stores or Operations Officer.
VFBV has requested that CFA once again promote awareness among Brigades of the options available, and ensure that female PPC options are added to all PPC order forms to make members aware of it.
Phased BA Competency endorsed by Chief Officer
After long delays, the Committee has been advised that the Chief Officer has now endorsed the proposal for phased Breathing Apparatus (BA) competencies.
This means that there will now be two levels of BA training & competency.
Level 1 will be for training on BA for external fire attack such as car fires, bin fires and haystacks.
Level 2 will incorporate search and rescue aspects and internal structural attack scenarios.
For more details, click here to see the VFBV/CFA Joint Training Committee's latest 2 Minute Briefing.
To receive the 2 Minute Briefing every quarter via email, with summaries of the latest issues from all of the Joint Committees, click here.
First Batch of Petitions goes to Parliament
UPDATED 25 OCTOBER 2014: Liberal MP Neale Burgess' statement to the Victorian Parliament after tabling part of the CFA Volunteers' Cancer Petition, which calls on the Government to fix problems with the existing firefighters’ cancer compensation process.
Mr BURGESS (Hastings) -- Earlier this week I tabled a petition that represented half of a petition with a total of more than 60 000 signatures. The petitioners are seeking simpler cancer compensation arrangements for Country Fire Authority (CFA) volunteer firefighters and their career colleagues.
Victorian firefighters, both paid and volunteer, are a very special breed of people; they are people who choose to put their lives at risk to keep ours safe. We are particularly fortunate in Victoria because, while we have some of the most dangerous fire conditions in the world, we also have some of the very best firefighters in the world.
The issue is one confronting all firefighters, paid and volunteer alike.
In Victoria, paid and volunteer firefighters work side by side, attend the same incidents, face the same risks and are exposed to the same toxins. Technically, all Victorian firefighters are already entitled to compensation for work-related cancer, but the current onus of proof arrangements require the firefighter to provide sufficient evidence to prove that the cancer arose from attendance at particular fires or incidents or other work duties. They may be events that occurred over the last 10 to 15 years, or even more. For most firefighters this is difficult because of the absence of sufficient records, data or analysis held by the CFA on each event a firefighter attends.
Under commonwealth jurisdiction and some state laws, the law lists 12 cancers known to be more common to firefighters, and presumes them to be work related if a firefighter has sufficient years of service, effectively reversing the onus of proof.
The CFA volunteers are asking for legislation that will take the burden of proof away from the sick firefighters and, importantly, that will treat all firefighters, volunteer and paid, as equals.
My own electorate is in an area protected by CFA volunteers, but that is not unusual -- CFA brigades protective 60 per cent of suburban Melbourne -- --
The ACTING SPEAKER (Mr Morris) -- Order! The member's time has expired.
See the VFBV media release here
VFBV is hopeful the presentation of these petitions to the Victorian Parliament next week will help convince MPs of all parties to fix a problem that has now been fixed in most other States across Australia.
16,000 signatures are included in this first batch, making this one of the largest petitions to be presented to the current Parliament. In the meantime, the campaign continues and volunteers are urged to keep collecting signatures and posting completed petitions to VFBV, PO Box 453, Mt Waverley 3149.
The first batch of petitions was lodged with the assistance of Labor MP for Narre Warren North, Luke Donnellan, and Liberal MP for Hastings, Neale Burgess (Pictured).
Please post signed petitions to:
VFBV Cancer Petition, PO Box 453, Mt Waverley 3149.
CLICK HERE to download a copy of the petition kit, including instructions for its use and a leaflet explaining the issue to the public.
Volunteer Open Forums - Book Now
THIS SATURDAY AT BENALLA: There are still some places available at VFBV’s Open Forum for Volunteers at Benalla this weekend - see below for details and how to book - and plenty for the forums at Hamilton and Burwood East.
This is your chance to talk shop with senior CFA and VFBV personnel, raise an issue, ask a question or make a comment.
Dates and locations are;
THIS SATURDAY, 4 October - Benalla Bowls Club, 25 Arundel St, Benalla, with lunch at noon and forum at 13.00hrs.
Saturday 18 October – Hamilton Performing Arts Centre, 113 Brown St, Hamilton, with lunch at noon and forum at 13.00hrs.
Saturday 22 November – Whitehorse Club, Burwood Highway, Burwood East, with lunch at noon and forum at 13.00hrs.
Book now by contacting VFBV on (03) 9886 1141 or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CFA is advertising jobs for sessional training instructors - qualified, experienced volunteers are encouraged to apply.
The new positions are good news for volunteers, as they mean more capacity to train at times and places to suit the needs of volunteers. VFBV and volunteers pressed for these roles during the Jones Inquiry.
For details of the sessional trainer roles, visit;
Firefighters' Cancer Law issue in Vic Parliament - Wednesday 17 September
The Greens will be raising the issue of presumptive/cancer legislation for firefighters in the Upper House of the Victorian Parliament tomorrow, Wednesday 17 September, about 4pm.
They’ll be calling for the support of all parties.
This issue affects all CFA volunteers, so you are welcome to attend to sit in the gallery, hear the debate & show your support.
The address is Parliament House, Spring Street, Melbourne.
Get there early, visitors/observers are welcome but there are formalities with security.
Good News on Brigade Owned Vehicles
Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria (VFBV) has welcomed the news that registration and responsibility problems with CFA Brigade Owned Vehicles (BOVs) have been resolved.
After contact with affected Brigades, initial research work and ongoing encouragement provided by the VFBV/CFA Joint Equipment and Infrastructure Committee, CFA has negotiated with the State Revenue Office and VicRoads to resolve the technical aspects of taking over responsibility for registration of BOVs. Ownership of the vehicles will stay with the Brigades and they are able to retain their existing number plates.
When investigating moving BOVs to red plates, as was the original plan, VicRoads advised that CFA would have to transfer ownership of the vehicles to Corporate CFA, which would incur transfer fees, duty and all vehicles would require a roadworthy inspection before the new plates could be issued. It would also have resulted in the full Registration cost being applied, and not the discounted rate available to Brigades registering emergency vehicles, who currently only have to pay the TAC portion of the registration.
Following this advice, CFA & VFBV have been working through an alternative solution that would allow Brigades to add CFA as the Registered Operator of the vehicle, while retaining the ownership with the Brigade, an option typically employed by large transport fleets. However CFA would still be required to negotiate with the State Revenue Office to keep the exemption that Brigades have on the registration cost and get permission from VicRoads to treat individual CFA Brigade ownership of the vehicles as permissible under the common registration process.
Over the past nine months, CFA has successfully negotiated with the State Revenue office and with VicRoads that results in a real win for Brigades. Not only will Brigades be able to add CFA as the Registered Operator which removes the liability from the Brigade nominee to manage traffic infringements and registration issues, they retain ownership of the vehicle, are exempt from the transfer fees, and the first year’s registration during the transition to a common registration date will be picked up by CFA through the Volunteer Emergency Service Equipment Program.
Paperwork and transfer forms will shortly be on the way to Brigades, and VFBV Executive Officer Adam Barnett urges BMTs to get the transfer form back to CFA as soon as possible.
“This solution is a good thing for Brigades and shows the strength of the VFBV/CFA Joint Committee system, with the issue raised by volunteers, moved along by the Committee, and resolved by action at Government Departmental level by CFA,” Mr Barnett said.
“It offers improved support to volunteers and Brigades at the front line, resolves a long standing source of problems for BMT members and lets them concentrate on providing frontline emergency service to their communities,” he said.
He also paid tribute to CFA Fleet Services who have worked extremely hard negotiating with the State Revenue Office and VicRoads to reach this solution.
While CFA and VFBV have only been able to agree on CFA funding of BOV registrations for the first year, CFA has committed to working with VFBV over the next 12 months to investigate options to make this arrangement more permanent. Brigades are increasingly reporting the inadequacy of their Brigade allowances, from which registration costs are normally paid, and VFBV will continue to pursue either an increase to Brigade allowances, or the reduction of costs incurred by Brigades.
New membership Forms Withdrawn
The CFA Chief Officer has written to all OM’s and OO’s requesting they advise Brigades to revert to the old Member Registration forms until further notice.
VFBV raised its concerns with the new membership application forms that have been sent to Brigades over the last four weeks, and in particular the implied process new members were instructed to follow with regards to the completion of mandatory medical forms, which not only applied to new members – but also all transferring members, including junior members.
On the forms, members are requested to choose from a tick list of 20 medical conditions which are so broad, that it potentially meant most new members would have to pay for a medical professional to complete the two page form and sign a detailed declaration before CFA would accept lodgement of the new application forms. In an environment that is supposedly seeking to remove red tape, the new process was a major setback to volunteerism, and placed an unreasonable delay and cost back to community members wanting to join their local Brigade.
The Chief Officer has committed to engaging with VFBV over its concerns, and to conduct a review to address those concerns. Brigades are advised to revert to the existing member registration forms and process until further notice.
New Member Registration Forms Withdrawn
The CFA Chief Officer has written to all OM’s and OO’s requesting they advise Brigades to revert to the old “Member Registration” forms until further notice.
VFBV raised its concerns with the new membership application forms that have been sent to Brigades over the last four weeks, and in particular the implied process new members were instructed to follow with regards to the completion of mandatory medical forms, which not only applied to new members – but also all transferring members, including junior members.
On the forms, members are requested to choose from a tick list of 20 medical conditions which are so broad, that it potentially meant most new members would have to pay for a medical professional to complete the two page form and sign a detailed declaration before CFA would accept lodgement of the new application forms. In an environment that is supposedly seeking to remove red tape, the new process was a major setback to volunteerism, and placed an unreasonable delay and cost back to community members wanting to join their local Brigade.
The Chief Officer has committed to engaging with VFBV over its concerns, and to conduct a review to address those concerns. Brigades are advised to revert to the existing member registration forms and process until further notice.
Medium Pumper Prototype
A tender has been awarded to Ballarat manufacturer SEM and the first Medium Pumper prototype is expected by December 2014, with trials from January 2015 before a statewide tour for member feedback.
The Scania cab chassis has recently arrived in Australia and work has begun on building the body & lockers.
The VFBV/CFA Joint Equipment and Infrastructure Committee is currently reviewing the small gear and stowage, with plans well advanced.
Sand Tanker Update
With the VFBV/CFA Joint Equipment and Infrastructure Committee reviewing specifications for proposed Sand Tankers, operational representatives from Districts 17 and 18 have asked the Committee to consider a reduced water capacity of 3,000 litres in order for the trucks to use super single tyres.
The request for reduced water capacity surprised the Committee, as previous requests have been for more water, but the Committee has agreed to investigate further.
The Committee is continuing to monitor feedback and expects to see a new prototype by December 2014.
Popular Open Forums return soon
The popular VFBV Open Forums will be back soon, giving volunteers the chance to talk shop and raise questions and issues in discussion sessions with senior CFA and VFBV decision makers.
With the great success of last year’s Regional Forums in Gippsland and the North West, VFBV will again be hosting Regional forums as well as the traditional central one.
Dates are still being finalised but local planning is well advanced around an Open Forum in the North East early in October, one in the South West in mid to late October, and one for the Central districts towards the end of November.
Stay tuned for details here and in the next edition of ‘The Fireman.’
See the picture on this page, for VFBV CEO Andrew Ford, VFBV President Hans van Hamond AFSM and CFA Chief Officer Euan Ferguson, responding to volunteers' questions and discussing their ideas at the Tawonga Forum in District 24.