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2024 State Championships - Information for competing teams

Available for download from the bottom of this page is information for teams competing in the 2024 State Championships in March 2024.

Below is highlighted information for each championship and the torchlight procession.


State Urban Junior Championship – 16 and 17 March 2024

Opening Ceremony: will commence at 0830 hours on Saturday with roll call from 0815 the order of brigades is available in the information for competing brigades.

BBQ lunch: for competitors will be provided on Saturday this year (previously had been held on Sunday), vouchers for the lunch will be available for collection on Saturday morning, please listen out for announcements.

Wristbands for competitors: Where brigades have more than one team entered, the competitors will be required to wear a wrist band indicating which team they are part of. Coaches for brigades entering more than one team should attend the VFBV office to obtain wrist bands for their competitors. If required replacement wrist bands can be issued on Sunday.

Testing of hydrants: Brigade hydrants to be used in the Hydrant Race must be weighed, checked and sealed on Friday afternoon between 1500 hours and 1700 hours, or on Saturday and Sunday mornings between 0730 hours and 0800 hours.  Please not that access to the track grounds prior to 3pm is not permitted.

Youth Forum: CFA will be running a Youth Forum on Saturday 16 March from 3pm at the Sir Ian McLennan Centre. The Youth Forum is an opportunity for Juniors and 16-17-year-old members to meet with the Chief Officer and ask questions and provide feedback on the experience of being a young person in CFA. Snacks and refreshments will be provided to those attending. For more information please visit this website. https://www.members.cfa.vic.gov.au/brigades-operational/supporting-volunteers/young-people-in-cfa/young-people-in-cfa 

Appointment of judges and officials: a list of appointed judges and officials can be found in the information for competing brigades.

Rule Book: a copy of the current rule book is available for download from the VFBV website


State Rural Championships – Junior & Senior – 23 and 24 March 2024

Saturday 23 March – Senior Championship

Roll call for brigades will be at 0745 hours on the main oval adjacent to the competition track ahead of the opening ceremony commencing at 0820 hours.

The line up order for brigades can be found in the information for competing brigades available for download at the bottom of this page.

Make up roster: Brigades should familiarise themselves with the make up roster also included in the information for competing brigades and ensure that a member of their brigade is available to assist in rostered events.


Sunday 24 March – Junior Championship

The opening ceremony will commence at 0830 hours at the competition track.

A BBQ lunch will also be provided for all junior competitors on the Sunday and lunch vouchers will be available for competitors at the competition track.

Make up roster: Brigades should familiarise themselves with the make up roster also included in the information for competing brigades and ensure that a member of their brigade is available to assist in rostered events.

Rule Book: a copy of the current rule book is available for download from the VFBV website


State Urban Senior Championship – 23 and 24 March 2024

Opening Ceremony: Roll call for brigades will be at 0745 hours on the oval adjacent to the competition tracks ahead of the opening ceremony commencing at 0820 hours.  The information for competing brigades includes a copy of the order of brigades including brigades in the echelon movement.

Wristbands for competitors: Where brigades have more than one team entered, the competitors will be required to wear a wrist band indicating which team they are part of. Coaches for brigades entering more than one team should attend the VFBV office to obtain wrist bands for their competitors. If required replacement wrist bands can be issued on Sunday.

Testing of hydrants and equipment: Brigade hydrants to be used in the Hydrant Race must be weighed, checked and sealed on Friday afternoon between 1500 hours and 1700 hours, or on Saturday and Sunday mornings between 0730 hours and 0800 hours.  Please not that access to the track grounds prior to 3pm is not permitted.

Make up roster: Brigades should familiarise themselves with the make up roster also included in the information for competing brigades and ensure that a member of their brigade is available to assist in rostered events.

Appointment of judges and officials: a list of appointed judges and officials can be found in the information for competing brigades.

Rule Book: a copy of the current rule book is available for download from the VFBV website.


Torchlight Procession – 23 March 2024

The Torchlight Procession will take place on Saturday 23rd March commencing at 2030 hours, with all Brigades to assemble no later than 2000 hours.

Brigades will be assembled in Groups and report for Roll Call in their respective groupings at the eastern end of McLennan Street Service Road near Elizabeth Street in Mooroopna at 2000 hours on Saturday. Each group of brigades will be headed by a CFA vehicle.

This year’s Torchlight Procession will be conducted with LED powered torches, replacing the traditional kerosene torches. Any brigade participating in the Torchlight Procession will be supplied with LED torches by CFA to be returned at the completion of the Torchlight.

The Procession will conclude in Doonan Street Mooroopna and all brigades are requested to assist in clearing the break off area as quickly and effectively as possible.

Brigades should refer to CFA Circular distributed prior to the Championships, for details of the Groups and line up order of Brigades.

Borrowing: where a brigade does not have sufficient members to march in the minimum required in the Torchlight Procession, up to three members may be borrowed from competing brigade/s. The approval of the brigade/s from which the members are to be borrowed must be obtained.

LED Torches and Name plates for the Torchlight Procession: Brigades are to collect their Name Plate and LED Torches for the Torchlight Procession from 2pm on Saturday afternoon at the competition track. These will be available for brigades to collect from the hose repair personnel situated in the shed at the western end of the Pumper Track at the Urban Championship, after 1400 hours on Saturday. There will be a return point at the completion of the Torchlight for the return of name plates and torches.

Further information about the Torchlight Procession and the reason for moving towards the LED torches is available from the Members Online www.members.cfa.vic.gov.au/torchlightprocessions and in information distributed to competing brigades by CFA prior to the Championships.


CFA Information for Competing Brigades

Information distributed by CFA for brigades who are competing in the State Urban Senior Championship and the State Rural Championships has been distributed to brigade secretaries, this information is also available for download at the bottom of this page. 

Included in this information is the final line up of brigades for the Echelon Movement and the groups for the Torchlight Procession. 


Travel Claim Reimbursement

Travel reimbursement: for competing brigades must be submitted to CFA by midnight Sunday 28th April 2024 Travel claims can be completed online here tinyurl.com/2024-travel-claim  or by completing and returning the PDF available for download at the bottom of this page.  Any claims submitted after Sunday 28th April may not be accepted by CFA so please do not delay in returning your claim form.

Bus Travel: A reminder to brigades if they are wishing to claim for bus travel to the State Championship this must be approved by CFA prior to the Championship, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  to seek approval.


Questions or queries

Please contact the VFBV office via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 9886 1141.

Read 5901 times Last modified on Friday, 08 March 2024 11:16
CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.
