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Wednesday, 29 June 2016 00:00

CFA EBA Volunteer Feedback

Attached at the bottom of this page, is the current copy of the proposed CFA-UFU Operational Staff Enterprise Agreement 2016 version 17.4, which has been provided to VFBV for consultation purposes arising from our recent court action to enforce the consultation provisions of the Volunteer Charter.

This document is provided to you for examination by members of your brigade for feedback covering such things as:

  • questions
  • concerns
  • practical Implications
  • local volunteer capacity implications
  • impacts on CFA operating as a fully integrated organisation
  • potential to discourage volunteers or impact on their welfare and efficiency
  • potential impacts on CFA’s volunteer based culture
  • anything that might limit or erode support for volunteers
  • anything that impacts on CFA’s ability to genuinely consult with volunteers

This latest document (referenced by CFA as version 17.4) does have some changes made since the last version provided to VFBV by CFA on 15th June, but still provides clear evidence that the comments by the Premier and Deputy Premier are misleading to say the least. The document should also serve to dispel any criticisms of VFBV’s broad concerns and comments made to date as “unfounded and misleading” by Premier Andrew’s, new Minister Merlino and UFU leadership.

Clearly this latest version of the proposed enterprise agreement speaks for itself as did earlier versions when they were made public. The matters of concern that we have raised are either written in the document itself or would be the necessary outworking’s of the implementation and operation of various clauses on volunteers and the organisation and operation of the CFA as a volunteer based and fully integrated fire and emergency service.

Recent independent legal commentary by Mr Jack Rush QC sums it up well by stating that the UFU EBA proposal is contrary to the CFA Act because it works against the idea that CFA is first and foremost a volunteer based organisation in which volunteers and paid staff are to work in a fully integrated manner; it undermines the role of volunteers; and it provides unprecedented powers to the UFU.

CFA have assured us, consistent with their undertakings to the Supreme Court, that this is the latest version of the proposed agreement and incorporates a range of changes to earlier versions including amendments recommended by Fair Work Commissioner Roe and subsequent further amendments in response to issues raised by the CFA Board (now ex-Board) recommended by Fair Work President Ross.

At a fundamental level our concerns with previous drafts of the UFU EBA proposal are not addressed. There has been some change in the detail but the EBA still includes clauses that interfere with the Chief Officer’s operational resource decision making autonomy; directly impact on the provision of support to volunteer brigades; affect the way the CFA integrated system works; affect the role of volunteers and impact on CFA brigades across Victoria, not just the 34 Integrated brigades as stated by Premier Andrews and recently appointed Minister Merlino.

Recent claims made by Premier Andrew’s and Minister Merlino that the UFU EBA proposal only impacts on the work of paid staff or on the way CFA’s 34 Integrated brigades operate is not only fundamentally wrong in terms of the way CFA’s volunteer and integrated brigades network together to respond to incidents but it is also categorically wrong given the fact that:

  • provision of Brigade Administrative Support (BASO) to all CFA volunteer brigades will be altered by clause 15;
  • the support provided by CFA Volunteer Support Officers to CFA volunteer brigades across Victoria will be altered by clause 16;
  • the UFU EBA (17.4) proposal perpetuates the UFU’s long running ban on any volunteer brigade being supported by Community Safety Facilitators despite volunteer brigades repeatedly pointing out that this brigade support initiative is still regarded as one of the most successful volunteer support initiatives ever;
  • at any fire ground where volunteers and paid staff come together at an incident the reporting relationships and line of control becomes unclear given clause 35.4 which at a minimum creates confusion and at worst is likely to unpack the current CFA integrated system (not to mention it appears to specifically exclude DELWP staff being recognized as incident controllers);
  • the UFU EBA (17.4) proposal perpetuates deficiencies in the CFA’s paid training staff workforce management arrangements, an issue highlighted repeatedly by volunteers, CFA and recent independent inquiries;
  • the UFU EBA (17.4) proposal specifically dictates the future operational and resource arrangements for a number of fully volunteer brigades, despite Premier Andrew’s and Minister Merlino’s claims that there is no impact beyond the existing 34 integrated brigades
  • the UFU EBA (17.4) proposal introduces changes to Road Accident Rescue, a function currently performed by many CFA and SES volunteer brigades and units
  • the UFU EBA (17.4) proposal introduces a process to change the way CFA responds to incidents affecting many more brigades than the existing 34 integrated brigades and it is unclear how volunteers would be consulted about this process and form to date would suggest that if it ends in Fair Work Australia, volunteers would have no say
  • various clauses requiring agreement between CFA and the UFU mean that obligations to consult with volunteers are likely to be sidelined or potentially ignored
  • various clauses about dispatch of paid firefighters to incidents ignore the role and capacity of trained volunteer firefighters, impact on many more than the 34 integrated brigades and enable an EBA instrument to override the Chief Officer’s powers and decision making
  • and the list goes on…

Sadly, most of the crucial concerns we have had with previous versions have still not been properly addressed in the latest proposed agreement. The Government’s claims that a new clause (7A.1) which states “The role of volunteers in fighting bushfires and maintaining community safety and delivering high quality services to the public in remote and regional areas and in integrated stations is not altered by this agreement” fails to recognise that CFA brigades do more than fight bushfires in remote and regional areas and either cleverly or by accidental omission ignores the fact that CFA volunteer brigades service a huge part of metropolitan Melbourne and provincial centres & townships across Victoria.

We will be asking for clarification during this consultation stage as to what this clause means and how it works when other clauses contained in the EBA specifically contradict this clause. We know that CFA’s own assessment is that the EBA clauses affect many more than the 34 integrated brigades and fundamentally alters the way CFA works today as a volunteer based and integrated system. By what it omits to say, if this clause is aiming to suggest that the role of volunteers in outer metropolitan Melbourne and urban communities will be altered, then this would be a matter of serious concern.  The failure of this clause to specifically recognize the role of volunteers in the urban risk environment is consistent with our assessment of the impact of many of the clauses that this EB would have on the CFA volunteer capability that we have today, and at a fundamental level reinforces our concern.

Premier Andrew’s and Minister Merlino continue to make public comment that all volunteer issues have been addressed despite the fact that they still have not bothered to seek to understand VFBV’s concerns, instead the Minister has advised us that cabinet have made their decision.

Until the consultative process we are working through with CFA is completed, and despite the Government ignoring Ex Minister Garrett’s, the now sacked CFA Board’s, and the Ex CFA CEO Lucinda Nolan’s advice, we remain hopeful that the Government will not continue to ignore volunteer and VFBV concerns.

Because of the Court arrangements, timelines for both member/brigade consultation and direct consultation with CFA are very tight and your expedited assistance is required.  We also apologise for the delay in sending you a copy of the latest proposed agreement – a single hard copy was provided to us late Friday with CFA restrictions placed on its circulation which then became a matter for further legal advice and determination. The electronic copy was only provided to us late yesterday.

It is proposed that your feedback, particularly your assessment of the key issues affecting your brigade and its operations, be sent by no later than the evening of Sunday 10 July. In the circumstances, any initial observations, comments and feedback at an earlier time would be most welcome with any further detail submitted by 10 July.

Our next formal discussion with CFA is currently scheduled for Friday, 8 July and it is anticipated that a schedule of formal consultation meetings with then continue until 19 July.

We look forward to your earliest response on this matter of fundamental importance to CFA volunteers. Attached is a generic template you can use to provide feedback if it helps, and we have also attached an initial impact analysis that whilst based on 17.2, will be used to re-assess version 17.4 in the coming days. Appreciate of concerns that members are raising about confidentiality and their fears of retribution, all responses will be consider confidential, and will all be consolidated to anonymize any responses. You can send your feedback back to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Published in VFBV News
Monday, 31 March 2014 00:00

Have your say on . . .

  • VFBV's third Volunteer Survey - register now

The third VFBV Volunteer Welfare & Efficiency Survey will be online in the middle of 2014.  To pre-register to receive the survey via email, click here.

The survey is a total of 33 questions chosen by volunteers and takes about 15 minutes to complete. Your answers are confidential.

Last year’s survey was a great success with more than 1,400 participants. VFBV examined the results in detail to guide its own actions and briefed the CFA Board. See the full report here.

The third survey will show trends in volunteer opinions on issues chosen by your fellow volunteers and if you register today you’ll receive the survey automatically as soon as it opens.

  • CFA Training Strategy Survey - deadline extended to 15 April

You can download CFA’s Training Strategy Implementation Survey on Brigades Online or click here to take part. The survey closes on 15 April.

Published in VFBV News
Wednesday, 19 March 2014 00:00

Have your say on . . .

  • VFBV's third Volunteer Survey - register now

The third VFBV Volunteer Welfare & Efficiency Survey will be online in the middle of 2014.  Pre-register to receive the survey via email, by sending your name, district and email address to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The survey is a total of 33 questions chosen by volunteers and takes about 15 minutes to complete. Your answers are confidential.

Last year’s survey was a great success with more than 1,400 participants. VFBV examined the results in detail to guide its own actions and briefed the CFA Board. See the full report here.

The third survey will show trends in volunteer opinions on issues chosen by your fellow volunteers and if you register today you’ll receive the survey automatically as soon as it opens.

  • CFA Training Strategy Survey - deadline extended to 15 April

You can download CFA’s Training Strategy Implementation Survey on Brigades Online or click here to take part. The survey closes on 15 April.

Published in VFBV News
Thursday, 30 January 2014 11:48

Section 29 feedback trial

CFA is trialling a Brigade feedback section for its expanded Section 29 Online Inspection Reporting system.

Brigades are invited to participate in the trial, either along with their Section 29 or stand-alone.

Click here for the online version.



Published in CFA News
Monday, 28 October 2013 15:48



CFA is undertaking a review of the Annual Brigade Allowance that is made to Brigades.

As part of a consultation process with member Brigades, VFBV is seeking advice and feedback from Brigade Management Teams on the types of expenses that notionally the Brigade Allowance makes a contribution towards.

Additionally, the move of all Brigades to Risk Based Classifications over the next few years as part of the CFA’s Brigade and Member Classification Project provides a good opportunity to review the intent for the Annual Brigade Allowance, the Brigade expenses it is intended to contribute towards and the amount / form that these allowances are made based on every Brigades Classification.

All Brigades will have receivede correspondence and a questionnaire from VFBV during October (see below to download a copy) seeking feedback to equip VFBV with solid evidence of the requirements volunteers in Brigades seek as part of this Brigade Allowance Review.

Extended deadline: feedback to VFBV is due by 30 November 2013.

Published in VFBV News

UPDATE: Typing error corrected on page 4 - FEEDBACK OPEN UNTIL THE END OF NOVEMBER

VFBV is providing opportunity for all volunteers to comment on the much anticipated CFA Driver Education and Endorsement Strategy that is being considered for acceptance by the Chief Officer. Members will recall a Discussion Paper in 2009 that sought feedback on eight (8) key principles that could underpin the development of any future strategy.

Entitled 'Providing Safer Drivers & Operators for all CFA vehicles’ the Draft Strategy currently under consideration has a defined future focus that will:

‘By implementing all recommendations contained within the Strategy, it is CFA’s goal that by 2024, all members will hold CFA or nationally recognised competencies giving them the skills to drive and / or operate CFA vehicle in a safe manner.’

VFBV has developed and posted to all brigades an Information Paper (download a copy below) that provides an executive summary of the important changes proposed and the specific member and organisational impacts of adopting the strategy.

VFBV is keen for all Brigades to consider the details contained within the Information Paper and for local discussion to be held at VFBV District Councils in preparation for consideration of VFBV’s position to be ratified at the December 2013 State Council meeting.

Published in VFBV News

Changes to CFA

 Limited time for volunteers to comment


Under the name of Creating our Future Together, CFA is proposing significant changes to the way the Regions work and CFA supports Brigades.

CFA is calling for feedback and has now extended the deadline for comment on the proposals to Friday, 30 August, after VFBV expressed concern that volunteers were not being given sufficient time to hear about the changes and consider them.

The proposed changes include; 

  • Reorganising Districts in to five Regions instead of the current eight
  • New Assistant Chief Officers in the roles of Regional Director/Regional Commander
  • Changes to the roles of Brigades, Groups, Districts and Regions
  • Changes to the way Brigades are supported
  • Allocation of resources by workload, not location

CFA says the changes are intended to improve support to Brigades and members, reduce red tape and enable better service delivery.

Please familiarise yourself with the proposals, help spread the word among your fellow volunteers and provide any comments by Friday, 30 August.  See below for links to CFA’s information.

If you have any concerns or comments, please raise them through the methods made available by CFA, talk to your State Councillors, call the VFBV office or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The CFA CEO explains the proposals under Creating our Future Together in his blog, here.

Published in VFBV News
CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.


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