VESEP Resources: VFBV Helps with Your Application
The Volunteer Emergency Services Equipment Program (VESEP) offers grants up to a maximum of $100,000 excluding GST. VESEP contributes $2 for every $1 of funding contributed by the Brigade or Group.
About the Program
The million program offers State Government grants of up to $100,000 each, for trucks, equipment and building works. The grants are on a two-for-one basis, giving three dollars in spending power for every one dollar raised by the Brigade and local community.
Eligible volunteer groups include CFA, VICSES, Life Saving Victoria and Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association (see for other eligible organisations).
VFBV was directly involved in the design of the VESEP program and its later expansion to include small equipment for training and operational use, and the program is now in its 16th year, supporting emergency service volunteers who play a crucial role in responding and assisting their fellow Victorians in times of emergency 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The financial support provided by the Government recognises the invaluable support Victorian communities continue to provide to their local agencies.
VFBV support for your Brigade's application
Each year, VFBV provides support to Brigade and Groups in preparing their applications.
At the bottom of this page you will find copies of VFBV’s 2016 Application Help Pack and case studies from past years that include useful tips and advice from Brigades whose applications were successful. We also offer personalised advice for Brigade/Groups that might have questions or are after guidance with their application. Members can contact a VFBV Support Officer or State Councillor to discuss, or email and we’ll put in you in touch with someone who can help.
Additional support is available from CFA’s Project Coordinator Diane Frost ( or 03 9262 8630) or your operations manager. Program details are also available on Brigades Online (Brigade > Property & Equipment > Brigade Owned Vehicles > VESEP).
One important tip is to start early: look at what your Brigade and community will need and start planning for fundraising and the VESEP application. This takes a lot of the pressure off you if a future funding round is announced with just a short window to make applications.
Fiskville Research Released
On 21 January, the Victorian Premier announced the release of the Fiskville Firefighters’ Health Study by Monash University. You can download it from the Fiskville Investigation page of the CFA website
The study was commissioned by CFA in November 2012 and led by Monash Universities Associate Professor Deborah Glass. It adds to the already well established evidence showing connections between firefighting and cancer that led to VFBV’s continuing campaign for presumptive cancer compensation legislation to cover all Victorian firefighters, in line with federal legislation.
It is important to note in relation to the Fiskville training facility in particular, that in announcing the details of the study, the Premier Mr Andrews said that for those who work and train there now, there are very low risks associated with the site today because remediation work has been done.
Whilst acknowledging that issues relating to Fiskville are largely historical, the Premier went on to say that there is ongoing oversight and monitoring of those risks – and that vigilance is critically important.
VFBV has worked with CFA since questions were raised about the safety of training practices at the site, supervising onsite inspections alongside the EPA and successfully pressing for greater monitoring and easier access to information for members, including the posting of regular water testing results on the CFA website for the information of all members. VFBV has also been advocating and supporting changes to new training foams to be used at all training grounds.
VFBV continues to closely monitor the situation and advocate on behalf of our members. If you have concerns or questions, or would like to provide us with feedback, talk to your VFBV State Councillor or email