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Thursday, 28 February 2013 00:00

VFBV Secretariat

VFBV Secretariat Team


Executive Team


Adam Barnett
Chief Executive Officer

P: (03) 9886 1141 M: 0403 711 911
F: (03) 9886 1618
E: a.barnett@vfbv.com.au

Mark Dryden
Executive Officer

P: (03) 9886 1141   M: 0428 767 258
F: (03) 9886 1618
E: m.dryden@vfbv.com.au

Support and Field Team


Chris Fryer
Policy Support Officer

P: 0400 228 601
E: c.fryer@vfbv.com.au 


Max Blackmore
Support Officer - North West

P: 0409 119 477
E: m.blackmore@vfbv.com.au 


Colin Booth
Support Officer - South East

P: 0456 554 593
E: c.booth@vfbv.com.au 

Jason Willis
Support Officer - South West

P: 0409 109 447
E: j.willis@vfbv.com.au 

John Lloyd
Support Officer - West

P: 0407 334 685
E: j.lloyd@vfbv.com.au 

Administration Team

Cathie Smith

Cathie Smith
Administration Officer

P: (03) 9886 1141
F: (03) 9886 1618
E: c.smith@vfbv.com.au


Kara Bishop
Administration Officer

P: (03) 9886 1141
F: (03) 9886 1618
E: k.bishop@vfbv.com.au

Jade van Blaricum
Administration Officer

P: (03) 9886 1141
F: (03) 9886 1618
E: j.vanblaricum@vfbv.com.au 

Published in About
CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.


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