Fiskville Inquiry Report - State Govt Response
The State Government has responded to the Fiskville Inquiry’s final report, endorsing all of the recommendations, either fully or in part - download the State Government response here or download the Fiskville Inquiry Final Report here.
VFBV now hopes it will be the trigger for urgent Government and CFA action on replacing Fiskville’s vital training capacity, ensuring properly monitored water quality standards for all CFA training sites, and maintaining ongoing support to all of those affected by exposure at the Fiskville site.
The announcement follows years of work from VFBV since the issue was first raised in the media in December 2011. VFBV has consistently called for urgent remedial action at the site, independent, expert monitoring, ongoing support for everyone affected, and the urgent replacement of Fiskville’s lost training capacity.
The closure of the site came in 2015 after the surprising discovery that water quality problems were persisting in spite of the reassurances of WorkSafe, the EPA, technical experts and CFA.
The State Government’s response to the Fiskville Inquiry is not the end of the issue, but a cue for action to resolve the problems left in Fiskville’s wake.
Fire Services Review Reporting Deadline Extended
The Fire Services Review has been granted a two week extension and will now report to the State Government by 14 October.
The Review team has also announced that they will not publish the submissions received until then.
For more details, see the Fire Services Review website.
2015 VFBV Volunteer Welfare & Efficiency Survey
Click here to take The 2015 VFBV Volunteer Welfare & Efficiency Survey
Click here to learn more about the annual survey
Talk to other volunteers in your Brigade about taking part - More participants means greater influence for the survey results when we take them to CFA, the Emergency Management Commissioner and the State Government.
The survey is open until 31 August 2015.
You can see the 2014 results by clicking here
This year, VICSES volunteers have their own survey, hosted by VFBV on behalf of VESA – VICSES volunteers can click here to take part or find out more here.
2014 VFBV Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey Report
This report provides comment and detail on matters considered to be important to CFA Volunteers' welfare and efficiency, as measured through the Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria (VFBV) Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey.
The report uses survey data provided by a series of statements rated by volunteers for importance and performance. The report also uses information gathered from written response comments against the survey statements.
Observations against the 2014 survey results are presented by survey theme, with comments on both the survey scores and the written comments received.
As with the previous two years, survey data is collated and analysed for trends, outliers and exceptions that guide us to particular issues warranting further analysis. The survey results are compared against demographic profiles that include gender, age, length of time as a volunteer and brigade type.
The survey data is also compared to previous years' results to determine if changes have occurred and whether reasons for these changes can be identified.
Click on the links below to see each of the detailed sections of the 2014 VFBV Volunteer Welfare & Efficiency Survey report;
- Foreword, by VFBV Chief Executive Officer Andrew Ford
- Executive Summary
- Introduction
- Observations
- Respect and Professionalism
- My Role as a Volunteer
- Cooperation
- Support from CFA
- Training by CFA
- Recruitment and retention
- People Management - My Brigade
- Demographic Variations
- Volunteer Satisfaction
- Conclusion and Survey Questions Gap Scores
The 2015 survey will open in July - you can sign up to take the online survey here or request a paper copy of the survey by calling (03) 9886 1141. Your comments will be confidential.
2014 VFBV Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey Report
To all participants in the 2014 VFBV Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey, thank you for taking part.
The Survey Report is available for download at the bottom of this page (Note: the top of the first page is white - if it looks blank on your screen, scroll down a little).
Now in its third year, this survey continues to grow in importance as it captures trends in CFA volunteers’ opinions on matters affecting their welfare and efficiency.
VFBV and the CFA Board have both studied past years' results and will use the survey to highlight aspects of volunteer support that need attention.
The survey would not have been possible without the support of CFA volunteers, in particular the 1,652 – another record number - who participated in 2014.
Please consider the trends revealed in the survey report and encourage your fellow volunteers to do the same. Printed copies are available by mail if you need them, call (03) 9886 1141.
Please also encourage the volunteers around you to sign up for the next VFBV volunteer survey, by emailing their name and Brigade to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or calling (03) 9886 1141 if they would like the paper version of the survey posted to them.
VFBV Annual Report 2012/13
The VFBV Annual Report 2012-13 includes;
- Reports from the President and CEO
- A snapshot of the year's major events
- The VFBV Volunteer Welfare Fund centenary
- Strategic issues in the Emergency Management Sector
- Practical representation and equipment trials
- VFBV Championships results
- Financial/audit statements
You can download a copy of the VFBV Annual Report below.
Jones Inquiry - Second Progress Report
Updated 9 July 2013 - CFA’s second progress report on the Jones Inquiry Implementation Acton Plan has been published – click here for details on the Jones Inquiry and the newly issued progress report.
This progress reporting to volunteers is the result of VFBV’s representations early in the Jones Inquiry, and while CFA’s actual progress on the ground is modest at this stage, VFBV has been involved in the formulation of the implementation plan and will be involved in monitoring of results as the project continues.
What you can do: VFBV needs to hear from volunteers on the front line how well CFA’s actions are producing results on the ground.
It is early days yet, but VFBV will be monitoring the progress throughout the implementation and your observations to your District Council, or via email, this website or on the phone will help us to do that.
There will be more progress reports from CFA and we will post them on this site as they become available. Click here for the first progress report.
VFBV Publications
This page is a resource for volunteers, with a wide range of useful documents for download, including;
- VFBV Annual Reports
- VFBV Notes for Members and News Notes for MPs, explaining major issues like fleet funding, presumptive legislation – the firefighters’ cancer law – and volunteer concerns over industrial interference in CFA
- Reports and data analysis from the annual VFBV Volunteer Welfare & Efficiency Survey
- The CFA Volunteer Charter
- The VFBV Volunteer Welfare Fund Brochure
- The VFBV Constitution
- The Volunteer Code of Conduct
- The VFBV Brigade Delegate pack, containing useful information and resources for volunteers representing their Brigades at VFBV District Council meetings
To find VFBV's monthly newsletter, our Page 2 column in FireWise, click here.