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The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) and Parks Victoria (PV) are searching for skilled, fit and healthy people to become firefighters this year.

They employ field based seasonal firefighters to assist with planned burning and the prevention and suppression of bushfires in parks and forests.

Training will be provided and positions are open to those who:

  • Have a high level of fitness.
  • Are a team player.
  • Hold a current manual driver's licence.

Positions available (generally between November and April) for a period of 18 to 26 weeks include:

Salaries commence from $842.22 per week plus superannuation.

Applications for the 2015-16 season close Sunday 30 August 2015.

Check out their employment page here




Published in Other News
Thursday, 21 August 2014 00:00

Emergency Services Project Expo

Sunday 14 September between 10.30 and 5pm at the Darebin Arts Centre in Preston.

More than 60 projects from CFA, DEPI, MFB and SES will be on show including a broad range of operational, community safety, training, IT, safety/rehabilitation displays along with vehicles and equipment. All emergency service members are invited to come along with family, friends and colleagues to see what’s new, talk with project teams and take advantage of free health checks.

CFA and DEPI projects include:

  • New release training projects and mobile props
  • Volunteerism resources and brigade sustainability pilot
  • Health & Wellbeing and Manage your Mental Health initiatives
  • Concept and new release equipment including (from CFA) Scoresby Hoselayer, Technical Rescue Pod, ArmCore Cooler Harness, Bendigo Hydraulic Pole Saw and Alpine vehicle; (from DEPI) Vehicle-mounted flame-thrower, aerial intelligence gathering platform and the self-propelled incendiary flare.

For more information and who’s exhibiting please visit www.projectexpo.com.au

Published in CFA News
Thursday, 26 September 2013 12:18

CFA Project Expo - Monday, 14 October

The CFA Project Expo is an event for CFA members, their families and the organisation’s major stakeholders.  It will showcase more than fifty projects, initiatives, pilots and vehicles.

Where: Whitehorse Club, East Burwood, 298-336 Burwood Highway (close to CFA HQ).  Most displays will be inside the main hall with trucks and equipment outside in the carpark..

When:  14 October, 10.30am and 3.30pm

More information:  contact Sonia Maclean:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

•         It will be an informal day for our members to get together, have a look at the big picture of what’s going on around CFA, and talk about areas of interest.

•         Projects are an important part of the way CFA does business and in particular the way CFA brings about change.

•         A program of short presentations and demonstrations (to be held adjacent to the main display area) will be advertised closer to the event. 

More than 50 exhibitors will include:

•         Specialist Response Vehicles

•         Scoresby Hoselayer Project

•         Regional Radio Dispatch

•         Volunteer Support Project

•         Various equipment and PPC

•         Member ID Project,

•         Volunteer Workforce Management

•         Region-based community safety initiatives.

Getting to the Whitehorse Club

By car: turn off Burwood Hwy - ample parking is available at the venue.

By public transport: number 75 tram from the city

By foot from CFA Headquarters: walk through the car park to the rear of Building 8/4 and past the basketball centre. 

Published in CFA News
CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.


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