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Wednesday, 11 March 2015 00:00

Web Streaming of CFA Radio

<News on listening sets & scanners coming soon>

The VFBV/CFA Joint Communications Committee is pleased to advise that you can now tune in to regional radio dispatch traffic from anywhere in the state by using the free website Broadcastify.

This web streaming service allows you to receive radio comms via your computer, smart phone or tablet, without the need for a listening set, or an upfront cost. 

To hear CFA traffic, go to www.broadcastify.com/listen/stid/152 and select your region.  Official CFA streams are identified by a white star inside a red circle.  For those using smartphones, you may need to install a player from the app store.  Be aware that some free apps might have time restrictions which will stop the streaming after several minutes.

Anyone listening via their mobile phone or tablet should keep track of their data usage to avoid the extra cost of exceeding their monthly data limit.  The VFBV/CFA Joint Communications Committee has requested that CFA publish streaming rates and estimated data use per hour to ensure people can factor that into their decision to use the service.

This service is not designed to replace listening sets, but the streaming service will provide a convenient way to listen for those that prefer a smartphone or computer. The committee is still working very closely with CFA as they progress to tender, and will have news on listening sets very shortly.  

Published in VFBV News
Wednesday, 27 August 2014 00:00

Regional Radio Dispatch Service (RRDS) update


The Regional Radio Dispatch Service (RRDS) project reached a significant milestone on Sunday 10 August 2014, with District 5 marking the final transition across regional Victoria to digital dispatch. All CFA regional brigades now have access to clearer, high quality dispatch communications. The transition to RRDS enables CFA members communication between a 24/7 CAD centre and emergency appliances in regional Victoria using enhanced coverage and better audio quality.

“This has been a major project and CFA is very pleased with the results. RRDS will make a major contribution to better emergency management as well as the safety of our members and the wider community,” said CFA Deputy Chief Officer Joe Buffone.

“RRDS solves many radio ‘black spot’ issues,” Mr Buffone said.

“RRDS ushers in a new generation of high-quality digital dispatch capability across the state. It’s the sort of service already enjoyed by Victoria Police, MFB, Ambulance Victoria and our brigades in metropolitan Melbourne.”


Reflash 2

Following the transition to CFA’s new digital radio network, the Radio Reflash 2 team has once again commenced scheduling brigade visits to upgrade software in CFA Tait radios.

All CFA Tait radios must be updated with new software enhancements, enabling additional radio features which are available through the digital network.

Radios across the state will be upgraded with new software, delivering additional functionality, including a 6 digit grid reference display.

When operating within regional districts, additional functionality will also allow for:

  • Resource tracking - this feature allows IMTs to track appliance movements whilst on a dispatch talkgroup
  • Trunk RMR network site name display – shown when the PPT is pressed


End User Observation Reports

RRDS team members have performed extensive field testing of the regional radio dispatch service and, in collaboration with members, conducted confidence trials across the state.

We are currently in the warranty phase, and members are reminded to inform us of unexpected coverage issues through the use of the end-user observation reports (Docs, Forms, Manuals > Fire & Emergencies > Communications > Regional Radio Dispatch Service). These observation reports are an important tool for capturing feedback relating to black spots, echoes or delays in transmission, difficulties receiving or transmitting to ESTA VicFire and/or other appliances and any other coverage issues.

End-user observation forms are currently available for download on CFA online, via a link from the communications page. Instructions on where to send the form are available on the bottom of the form.

The RRDS team is developing an online version of the observation report. Members will receive communication once this has been finalised.


RRDS Support Material

To assist with maintaining the learning from RRDS, we have provided each brigade with the following:

  • Complete Learning Package & Materials DVD

A DVD containing all materials of the Regional Radio Dispatch Service’s learning program. Brigades may have already received some of this material as part of their RRDS trainer kit however this disc contains the full catalogue of the learning package to assist with ongoing training and skills maintenance.

  • CFA District Dispatch Talkgroups/Channels Map

The map and associated table below ensure all brigades and members will have access to one complete visual list of digital talkgroups, as well as current and previous analogue channels for each district.

Download maps RRDS-1 and RRDS-2 below

  • Dispatch Radio Procedures Sticker (download RRDS-3 below)

The dispatch radio procedures sticker is designed to be applied to the dashboard of brigade appliances, support vehicles, big fills and FCVs. This is to replace the current “wordback table” sticker.

The blue “radio information” sticker is designed to provide radio operators with talkgroup and local command channel information as found in your current local “comms” plan.


Published in CFA News
Friday, 08 November 2013 13:19

Digital Listening Sets/Scanners Update

CFA’s change to digital radio dispatch channels is set to begin on 8 December in District 12, the first CFA District to migrate to the new digital frequencies on CFA Tait Radios.

The change will roll out District by District, with radio traffic still available on existing analogue radio frequencies for a period of time while the change to digital radio is bedded in.

VFBV has important advice for everyone using a listening set or scanner to monitor local Brigade activity;

  • Don’t dispose of your existing analogue set – analogue radio frequencies will still be used for incident management channels for the foreseeable future, even after regional dispatch goes digital
  • CFA will make regional dispatch available online, which means your computer, tablet or smart phone could monitor sufficient radio traffic to know when Brigades are called out or returning from calls.
  • CFA is now looking at digital scanners/listening sets, with the intention of partnering with a vendor(s) to select digital sets that will be available for members to purchase at a competitive price – VFBV representatives are on the working party that will assess the machines’ suitability

The project was built into CFA’s Regional Radio Dispatch Project after VFBV’s 2010 Scanner and Listening Set Stocktake confirmed that there were thousands of sets being used by Brigades, volunteers and their families to monitor the movement of appliances and the escalation of jobs in their local area.   For operational volunteers, their scanner provided a way of predicting when their own pager might light up, and for family members, the listening set offered a way of providing support or just keeping tabs on how things were going for a volunteer in the field.

Well done to all Brigades that responded to the stocktake, which gave VFBV solid facts and figures to back what had been common volunteer wisdom up until that point, and well done to CFA Headquarters staff and in particular the Regional Radio Dispatch Project and CFA Technology Services Teams for working with VFBV and Brigades to provide flexible options that will help keep volunteers, Brigades and communities in touch with their crews in the field.

Digital radio promises more range, sensitivity and voice quality in radio communications and dedicated dispatch channels for each CFA District.

With Telstra contracted to build the new Regional Radio Dispatch network, the infrastructure build program is well advanced and once District 12 migrates across, a schedule for all CFA districts will cascade in quick succession.

Progress reports and project updates are being posted on the CFA website www.cfa.vic.gov.au 

Published in VFBV News
CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.


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