CFA is undertaking a review of the Annual Brigade Allowance that is made to Brigades.
As part of a consultation process with member Brigades, VFBV is seeking advice and feedback from Brigade Management Teams on the types of expenses that notionally the Brigade Allowance makes a contribution towards.
Additionally, the move of all Brigades to Risk Based Classifications over the next few years as part of the CFA’s Brigade and Member Classification Project provides a good opportunity to review the intent for the Annual Brigade Allowance, the Brigade expenses it is intended to contribute towards and the amount / form that these allowances are made based on every Brigades Classification.
All Brigades will have receivede correspondence and a questionnaire from VFBV during October (see below to download a copy) seeking feedback to equip VFBV with solid evidence of the requirements volunteers in Brigades seek as part of this Brigade Allowance Review.
Extended deadline: feedback to VFBV is due by 30 November 2013.
UPDATE: Typing error corrected on page 4 - FEEDBACK OPEN UNTIL THE END OF NOVEMBER
VFBV is providing opportunity for all volunteers to comment on the much anticipated CFA Driver Education and Endorsement Strategy that is being considered for acceptance by the Chief Officer. Members will recall a Discussion Paper in 2009 that sought feedback on eight (8) key principles that could underpin the development of any future strategy.
Entitled 'Providing Safer Drivers & Operators for all CFA vehicles’ the Draft Strategy currently under consideration has a defined future focus that will:
‘By implementing all recommendations contained within the Strategy, it is CFA’s goal that by 2024, all members will hold CFA or nationally recognised competencies giving them the skills to drive and / or operate CFA vehicle in a safe manner.’
VFBV has developed and posted to all brigades an Information Paper (download a copy below) that provides an executive summary of the important changes proposed and the specific member and organisational impacts of adopting the strategy.
VFBV is keen for all Brigades to consider the details contained within the Information Paper and for local discussion to be held at VFBV District Councils in preparation for consideration of VFBV’s position to be ratified at the December 2013 State Council meeting.
Changes to CFA - Limited time for volunteers to comment
Changes to CFA
Limited time for volunteers to comment
Under the name of Creating our Future Together, CFA is proposing significant changes to the way the Regions work and CFA supports Brigades.
CFA is calling for feedback and has now extended the deadline for comment on the proposals to Friday, 30 August, after VFBV expressed concern that volunteers were not being given sufficient time to hear about the changes and consider them.
The proposed changes include;
- Reorganising Districts in to five Regions instead of the current eight
- New Assistant Chief Officers in the roles of Regional Director/Regional Commander
- Changes to the roles of Brigades, Groups, Districts and Regions
- Changes to the way Brigades are supported
- Allocation of resources by workload, not location
CFA says the changes are intended to improve support to Brigades and members, reduce red tape and enable better service delivery.
Please familiarise yourself with the proposals, help spread the word among your fellow volunteers and provide any comments by Friday, 30 August. See below for links to CFA’s information.
If you have any concerns or comments, please raise them through the methods made available by CFA, talk to your State Councillors, call the VFBV office or email
The CFA CEO explains the proposals under Creating our Future Together in his blog, here.