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Monday, 11 March 2013 00:00

VFBV Publications

This page is a resource for volunteers, with a wide range of useful documents for download, including;

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An Adobe Acrobat file 2MinuteBriefingPackageDecember2014 Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 2 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file VFBV Constitution 2012 Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 1.06 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file 2014 VFBV Brigade Delegate Pack Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 1.08 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file 2014 VFBV Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 3.01 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20100727 - VFBV News Note to MPs - Volunteers Back Premiers Decision Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 599.81 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20100909 - VFBV News Note to MPs - Union Deal a Setback Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 523.62 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20101116 - VFBV News Note - Special State Council Meeting Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 545.27 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20130913 - VFBV News Note - Presumptive legislation Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 299.54 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20140303 - VFBV News Note - CFA Fleet Funding Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 756.98 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20140409 - VFBV Notes for MPs - Firefighters Cancer Law Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 362.23 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20140515 - VFBV Notes for Volunteers - Cancer Campaign Trust Fund Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 551.36 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20140612 - VFBV Brief to Members on FAP Operations Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 390.63 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20140612 - VFBV News Note to Volunteers - Firefighters Assessment Panel Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 351.92 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20141126 - Urgent News Note from VFBV Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 449.46 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20150924 - VFBV Notes for Volunteers - Fire Services Review Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 436.98 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20151012 - VFBV Notes for Volunteers - Firefighters Cancer Law Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 560.65 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20160420 - VFBV Note to Members - Latest Reports on CFA-UFU EBA Negotiation Developments Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 361.42 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20160802 - VFBV Note to Members - VFBV-CFA Consultation on Operational Staff EBA Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 509.13 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20160816 - VFBV Note to Members - CFA and EBA Supreme Court Action Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 468.95 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20160816 - VFBV Note to Members - CFA and the EBA Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 468.84 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20160819 - VFBV Note to Members - EBA to go to Court Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 517.1 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20160905 - VFBV News Note - Fundraising Update for Members Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 755.61 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file CFA Volunteers Cancer Petition - 50 Page Kit FINAL Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 866.14 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file CFA Volunteers Cancer Petition - Full Kit Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 626.34 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file VFBV 2 Minute Briefing - December 2015 Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 2.4 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file VFBV 2 Minute Briefing - December 2016 Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 454.64 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file VFBV Annual Report 2012-13 Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 12.64 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file VFBV Annual Report 2013-14 Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 4.14 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file VFBV Annual Report 2014-15 Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 2.74 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file VFBV Constitution - amended 15 September 2013 Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 338.07 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file VFBV Welfare and Efficiency Report 2013 Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 2.49 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file VFBV Welfare and Efficiency Report Trends 2012-13 Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 1.43 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file VFBV Welfare and Efficiency Survey - Summary for Participants Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 645.52 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file VFBV Welfare and Efficiency Survey Final Report 2012 Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 2.36 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file Volunteer Charter 2011 Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 2.39 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file Volunteer Code Of Conduct Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 361.75 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Welfare Fund Brochure Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 444.59 KB

Published in Library
Monday, 25 February 2013 00:00

Our Role

About VFBV

VFBV is the united voice of CFA volunteers and advocates on their behalf to CFA and other key stakeholders. The VFBV Board drives policy development based on volunteer input and is involved in management of issues that are of central importance to all CFA volunteers. There are ten members of the VFBV Board, comprising eight members appointed from CFA brigades and two ex officio Board members elected by State Council. The State President and Vice President are elected by the Board. Day to day issues are managed by a Chief Executive Officer and policy and issues are debated and formulated through specialist committees.

Statement of Purpose

The VFBV’s Statement of Purposes was adopted at the formation meeting of the VFBV on 14 October 2002 and incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act on 16 October 2002.

  1. To function as a non profit organisation of Volunteer Fire Brigades within Victoria registered by the Country Fire Authority under the Country Fire Authority Act (1958) and its Regulations.
  2. To provide a united voice for volunteer fire brigades and regional councils registered with the Victorian Urban Fire Brigades’ Association Inc. and the Victorian Rural Fire Brigades’ Association Inc.
  3. To promote VFBV to CFA volunteers.
  4. To consult with CFA volunteers on matters that affect them.
  5. To provide a consultative mechanism through which CFA can appropriately consult with its volunteer members on matters that affect them according to the principles of the Volunteer Charter.
  6. To make representation on all matters which might reasonably affect the welfare and efficiency of CFA volunteers.
  7. To promote to volunteers their rights and responsibilities under the Volunteer Charter.
  8. To promote to CFA volunteers the comprehensive support services available to them including but not limited to: legal assistance, OH&S, equity and diversity, counselling and welfare, training, employment support and compensation for accidents, injuries and illnesses.
  9. To develop policy relating to the welfare and interests of volunteer members and promote that policy to CFA.
  10. To assist its members in furthering the purposes of the VFBV.
  11. To take any other action as determined by the VFBV Board.

The Volunteer Charter

The Charter is an agreed commitment by the State of Victoria, CFA and VFBV on behalf of CFA volunteers to each other. 

It ensures the State of Victoria and CFA will commit to consultation with Volunteers about all matters which might reasonably be expected to affect volunteers.

You can download a copy of the Charter below.

Our Vision

Strong Volunteerism, Embraced to Build Community Resilience for a Safer Victoria


To achieve our vision we will:

  • be well informed of and responsive to grass roots volunteer needs, ideas and concerns;
  • represent volunteers and work with CFA and the Victorian Government to ensure ongoing commitment to the principles outlined by the Volunteer Charter;
  • be aware of strategic influences, opportunities and challenges confronting CFA volunteers, volunteerism generally and the decision makers who influence our future;
  • be proactive and prepared to lead and contribute, as volunteer advocates, to decision making and future planning processes at all levels;
  • build the profile and relationships required to position VFBV as an active and respected influence on decision making;
  • deliver communication, representation and decision processes that keep volunteers informed and provide opportunity for volunteers to be consulted on matters that impact on them
  • resolve concerns and issues raised as quickly as possible;
  • work collaboratively with CFA management to achieve a CFA culture, structure, and operating context that treats volunteers fairly, justly and reasonably.

Values and Behaviours

The Volunteer Code of Conduct details the behavioural principles expectations and ideals which all CFA volunteers will aspire to. The values and behaviours detailed in the Code, created by volunteers for volunteers, will provide the ethos underpinning all VFBV decision making plus guide how we treat each other and how we treat others.

This means we are committed to promoting and displaying behaviour underpinned by principles of:

  • Safety;
  • Respect;
  • Trust, Integrity, Honesty and Truthfulness;
  • Commitment and loyalty;
  • Communication;
  • Comradeship, teamwork, support and welfare;
  • Leadership and Discipline;
  • Equity and Diversity

We understand that the world around us is ever changing and we will remain alert to opportunities and challenges requiring our attention. We will respect tradition and also be open to new ideas based on what is best for volunteers into the future.

We will respect and encourage diversity of opinion and will passionately advocate the views of volunteers, providing leadership to ensure our message is based on objective thinking and informed strategic analysis.

We will respect and recognise the vital support provided to volunteers by families and employers and will always remain conscious of the needs and interests of these vital supporters of volunteers.

We will be proactive and will seek to work co-operatively with all who have a genuine interest in volunteer matters, or who can influence decisions impacting on volunteers. We will not show political bias.

We will display strong, transparent, governance and accountability to our constituents and stake-holders at all levels.

We will remain dedicated and focused on improving the welfare and efficiency of volunteers with a philosophy of volunteers supporting and representing volunteers.

We will deliver what we promise and we will finish what we start.


Published in About
Saturday, 23 February 2013 00:00

About CFA Volunteers

Victoria is one of the most fire prone areas in the world.

And with climate change this high risk situation is getting worse – the number and frequency of severe and widespread wildfires is increasing.

Growing urbanisation around Melbourne and our provincial cities with new homes, businesses and schools together with greater road traffic adds to the number of structural fires and road accidents.

Central to Victoria's capacity to cope with these threats around the clock is the volunteer based Country Fire Authority (CFA).

CFA has primary fire and related emergency service responsibility for most of Victoria and its surrounding coast including 60% of Melbourne's suburbs, all of our provincial cities and towns and all of our country areas.

Each year qualified and highly skilled CFA volunteers – men and women – respond to thousands of house and industrial fires, grass fires and bushfires, road and marine accidents, hazardous materials events and a vast array of other emergencies in their community.

Unpaid, CFA volunteers provide Victoria with emergency services valued at nearly $1 Billion each year. In addition to saving lives, CFA Volunteers save untold millions of dollars in property, environment and natural resources across Victoria. They protect local economies from devastation and thereby are a key part of protecting the Victorian economy.

And these figures don't even begin to incorporate the value of CFA volunteers building community capacity for preventing, responding to and recovering from emergencies as part of their own local communities. Nor do they incorporate the contribution of CFA volunteers to local community development whether raising funds for community projects, developing local leadership skills or building community networks for stronger communities.

VFBV wants to build greater awareness, respect and support amongst all levels of government, media and in the wider community for CFA Volunteers and their fundamental and central role in the CFA as an ever more effective volunteer based fire and emergency service for the people of Victoria.

What do CFA Volunteers do?

The CFA's 60,000 dedicated volunteers freely give their time to serve their community.

They train to national professional standards for emergency management and response; practice their craft through regular exercises; build community preparedness for fires and other emergencies; develop, communicate and educate on prevention strategies and initiatives; and, respond to fire and other emergencies. And they help Victorians and local communities recover from the ravages of fire and other disasters.

CFA volunteers are on call around the clock. They are supported and supplemented by 1,300 highly skilled operational and support paid staff of the CFA.

CFA volunteers come from Melbourne's suburbs, provincial cities, local towns, and communities across the state. They work at every level of the organisation from leadership and management to service delivery on the ground. They play a core role in CFA in planning and preparation; developing and implementing prevention strategies; and, delivering operational response, including incident management, to bushfires, structural fires and other emergencies. And they play an important part in helping individuals and communities recover from such disasters.

CFA volunteers are fundamental to the management and delivery of Victoria's emergency system.

For the Future

The challenge for the future is to maintain an effective community based volunteer model of fire and emergency service supported by a highly trained and dedicated operational, training, support and administrative paid staff and a small number of integrated brigades of volunteers and paid fire fighters at strategic locations.

To maintain and further develop this internationally renowned and cost effective system of protecting our State, with its inherent community capacity building advantages, CFA must actively engage its volunteers in strategic and practical leadership; effective planning; and, successful community recruitment and engagement programs. To achieve these outcomes CFA must also grow its investment in its volunteers through support services, recruitment and sustainment programs, accessible quality training, equipment and infrastructure.

And CFA and its volunteers must be effectively supported by Government, Parliament, business and the public.

Respect, recognition and practical support for volunteers and their families for their self sacrifice and the commitment they make to protect our community are key requirements for building and sustaining volunteerism for a safer Victoria.

For some it would seem far easier to just do fire and emergency response with employed staff and be done with it. But that would come at an overwhelming financial, community and operational cost.

And it is only through the current CFA volunteer/integrated model of fire and emergency response in our outer suburbs and in provincial centres that Victoria maintains a sufficient force of trained and experienced volunteers who regularly form wildfire strike teams for service all over the State and interstate when needed.

The needs of the future require that we grow and strengthen the CFA volunteer/integrated model for fire and emergency services.

Since 2000 the partnership of CFA Volunteer Associations with CFA Board and Management has …

Concluded the historic Volunteer Charter with the Victorian Government and CFA which guarantees the right of CFA Volunteers through their Association to be part of the CFA decision making process to represent the views and needs of CFA volunteers across the State. You can download a copy of the Volunteer Charter below.

Finalised a Deed of Agreement in August 2008 to strengthen the implementation of the Volunteer Charter and commit to practical ways of ensuring Charter provisions and aspirations are actively implemented throughout CFA.

Negotiated the $97.5 Million CFA Strategic Resource Initiative with the State Government which saw dramatic increases in funds for volunteer training, trucks and equipment and fire station infrastructure.

Ensured annual budgets meet growing CFA needs as an effective volunteer and community based fire and emergency service including the provision of the new state-wide Emergency Alerting System, new/upgraded fire appliances and fire stations as well as new and improved protective clothing, equipment, training and general support for volunteers.

Helped the State Government establish and manage of the Community Safety Emergency Support Program (CSESP) which has seen millions of dollars injected to support local brigades fundraising to acquire new brigade owned equipment and carry out local fire station improvements.

Secured up to date protective turnout gear for volunteer fire-fighters meeting the best available health, safety and operational standards for structural and wildfire protective clothing.

Designed, developed and deployed new fire fighting vehicles with improved crew protection standards including better spray self protection and foam systems.

Obtained $2million for a new welfare fund under VFBV to provide assistance for CFA Volunteers and their families in times of financial hardship.

Developed and applied new policies including Equal Opportunity, Discipline and Volunteer Code of Conduct to ensure high standards of conduct and professionalism within CFA.

Reached for the future through CFA special youth initiatives including a recent joint Youth Forum which brought young men and women together from all over the State to plan for the future of CFA volunteerism.

VFBV continues to develop better, more effective consultation and engagement between the CFA Board, Management and Volunteers to build an even more effective volunteer and community based CFA.

Published in About
CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.
