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Volunteerism Joint Committee -2 Minute Briefing 

Issue 6, 11 August 2013

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held 11/08/2013)


An update was given on the Project, there are numerous projects underway with many small group meetings being conducted which have appeared most successful.  Project plans have been submitted to the steering committee with project staff working hard on the “discovery” phase to see what types and levels of support volunteers require.  By the end of October it is hoped that CFA will begin to form a view of the demonstrated need for permanent resources that will be required after the 1st July 2014 with the ongoing permanent funding. 

When first launched by the then Brumby Labor Government the Police & Emergency Services Minister announced that the Volunteer Support Program would fund 64 positions to provide direct support for volunteers. CFA and VFBV are working jointly to deliver on this initiative.

Some of the projects underway at the moment are;

  • Membership sustainability,
  • Not wanting to look at just Operational needs,
  • Mix of membership
  • How brigades deal with the issues of declining populations or diversity from which to draw future membership?
  • The concept of a CFA Alumni, Investigate volunteer (member) support initiatives that other organisations such as Defence Force, Service Clubs, Forums, and Universities have and are using.
  • 1800 help number – as a single information portal for member help/queries;
  • CFA shop relaunched by December (State Logistics Centre are willing to participate), there would be a small mark up to ensure costs are covered - not to there to make a profit.


VSP officers have been encouraged to contact VFBV State Councillors or District Council Executive if they have issues of "coming" into the district, also let Kate Harrap know if any issues.


A working party is to be established, with representation sought from VFBV and any volunteer members willing to participate. This is key body of work for CFA and rated a high priority in Jones Report, has prominence within the Fire Services Commissioner’s Sector wide strategy and is also a key project of the Department of Justice under their Valuing Volunteers Program VSP.  VFBV officers and through our Joint Committees are contributing partners in this strategies design and implementation.

As part of the design, CFA will engage other Volunteer organisations (i.e. SES, Surf lifesaving) to ensure complementary programs and themes are developed. Focus will be to embark in one direction with all agencies involved, must also involve VESA with VFBV and any other volunteer representative organisations.


CFA ID cards will soon be available to junior members, they will be blue in colour, with the expiry date when they turn 16 years of age.  Further information has been asked for to see if the ID card can also have the name of their brigade on it.


CFA has received 3730 approved medal sets from the Australian Honours and Awards Secretariat in Canberra.  Another 1,000 nominations are still under consideration.  It is likely that the first awards of this batch of medals will commence in September/October this year. 

The NEM Working Party has meet numerous times, looking at planning and conducting presentation ceremonies within each District giving recipients and family and friends the opportunity to attend. CFA is planning for presentations to be performed by a Board member, Executive Director, or Regional Director.

Published in Volunteerism Committee

Issue 5, 19May 2013

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV.


CFA outline a plan to work within the Volunteer Support Package to develop a Wellbeing Stream, a suite of services and support to volunteers over and above those that currently exist. CFA and VFBV delegates discussed the range of current programs and services available to members and some further options were workshopped to inform the project team of likely avenues for research in terms of designing and building strong wellbeing support services and products.

As part of the discussion the future viability of the current CFA Equal Opportunity Officer network was considered. CFA are indicating that many comparable organisations are dismantling their EO networks, VFBV having a contrary view that albeit not perfect, the EO Officer network is today a product of a lack of support and emphasis by CFA. Some concerns that CIS Peers are being asked to pick up the pieces and work in support of members where Equity and Diversity, bullying and harassment matters are concerned. VFBV is keen to progress the work within the Volunteer Support Package. A refocused and energised network of trained and capable advisors that can support BMT’s and volunteers on matters of wellbeing, relationship management and conflict management is seen as highly desirable as an outcome of this work,. VFBV has offered names of experienced volunteers to act in a reference Group role to assist with the analysis and future directions of this research and program development.


CFA advised the VFBV delegates that CFA has approved the ongoing provisioning for Occupational Health, Safety and Environment Officers to be in place, post the looming 30 June 2013 deadline for the previous OH&S Project Officers funding expiration. VFBV delegates indicated strong support for the ongoing appointment of Field OHS&E Officers and welcome CFA’s decision.

It is understood that 6 personnel will be field based and assigned to provide coverage across Victoria. A Coordinator role plus additional roles designed for Field training Grounds, Environmental and potentially DMO facilities may ultimately exist. VFBV delegates expressed their strong support for these roles to be fully integrated into CFA’s OHS&E networks, with particular emphasis on the development and support to HSE representatives in all brigades and Groups. 


On show for all CFA and VFBV Joint Committee delegates at CFA Headquarters during the lunchbreak was Yellingbo brigades new support vehicle. Yellingbo Fire Brigade is leading the way to reduce member’s injuries and illnesses when they respond to emergencies. The brigade has built a specialist support vehicle that carries equipment for its specialist role of rehabilitation of fire fighters at long duration incidents, especially where the new structural firefighting clothing is worn in conjunction with breathing apparatus equipment.

Heat related illness occurs when the body’s core temperature rises above normality. A core temperature above 39c is considered dangerous. Symptoms of heat related illness include heat rashes, cramps, headaches, vomiting, exhaustion and left untreated, in severe cases, could even lead to death. To combat this and to lessen the chance of heat related illnesses, specialist appliances like YELLINGBO'S SUPPORT VEHICLE with REHAB MODULE will carry specialist cooling chairs that would be utilised, by providing forearm submersion, to assist in bringing a firefighters core body temperature down. It also carries marquees to provide shade and protect against the elements, a large amount of bottled water and electrolyte satchels to mix with the water to assist in hydration of the firefighters, hot and cold washing facilities, fans, small first aid kits and ration packs.

YELLINGBO SUPPORT with REHAB MODULE is now available for active rehabilitation of firefighters on the fire ground.        Call for YELLINGBO SUPPORT through VICFIRE.

Issue 5, 19 May 2013

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV.


The recently formed VSP Management Team were in attendance with the members introducing themselves to the Joint Committee members.  Kate Harrap gave overview of the Project Team structure and responsibilities.  Additional new project staff will commence on 3rd June and a comprehensive induction process in being planned of which VFBV will be involved.  OT&V will be ensuring there is the right governance and reporting tools to complement the work and outcomes for the project.

VSP Project funding is available up to 30th June 2014, where ongoing funding after this will be dedicated to ongoing volunteer support resources being imbedded in CFA business as usual.  The Project Team and the Program Steering Committee will oversee the outcomes of this next phase with a view to making recommendations for ongoing practical support for volunteers being embedded in CFA arrangements and actions.

For the initial phase of the project there be a strong field focus, visiting a variety of Brigades and Regions and other CFA work locations to enable the team to have the best understanding of CFA.  VFBV has been involved in these processes.


There are many Region / District initiatives such as Ex-Captain's forums, Legends Dinners, Moomba activities, Ash Wednesday Memorial Service, OH&S, LMR peer engagement.  CFA want to encourage the good work of Brigades / Groups, Districts & Regions in what they are doing to ensure they continue and also share the ideas and experiences of such good initiatives.


Peter Sharman, Graham Cocks and Brian West are part of the Working Group for the Exit Survey pilot.

There will be a 3 month trial beginning soon to test the tools required for CFA to conduct exit interviews (using a variety of mediums).  The trail will involve interviewing those that may have left in last 6 months and using some of the tools already developed.  From this, the Working Group will see what worked and what didn't to ensure that CFA understand why people leave the organisation and how best to deal with it.

Once the trial is complete and adjustments made CFA may undertake a quarterly report of those that have left the organisation and send out the exit surveys at these times.  The tools developed can also be provided to the Captain / Secretary of brigades.


There is a proposal to conduct a torchlight procession to coincide with National Volunteer Week and CFA’s 70th Anniversary in Melbourne in 2014.

As such feedback is required from members to see if they will support this, please indicate to your State Councillors if your brigade would participate before June 22nd  this year. 

Published in Volunteerism Committee
CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.
