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Thursday, 30 June 2016 00:00

Farewell Chief

On behalf of the VFBV Board and volunteer leaders across CFA, it is with sadness and regret that I write to advise members that today Chief Officer Joe Buffone has tendered his resignation.

The CFA Chief Officer holds a special place in volunteer’s hearts. He is our operational leader and our symbolic head of authority in our shared mission to protect lives and property. Joe has exercised his responsibilities and authority with honesty, integrity and compassion.

Joe has been very clear in his recent messages and letter of resignation, that as Chief Officer he will be unable to discharge his legislative responsibilities under the proposed industrial agreement, confirming that the latest changes do not address his fundamental concerns.  Joe, just as Minister Jane Garrett and CEO Lucinda Nolan before him, has had to choose between following his conscience and his job. As CFA’s most senior operational officer, he has acted with respect and integrity and done everything in his power to protect the safety of Victorian’s and remain impartial. He has, like those before him, been clear and unequivocal about the impacts the proposed agreement will have not just on volunteers but on CFA and its ability to discharge its responsibilities, in particular the powers of the Chief Officer.

Joe was appointed by Daniel Andrews on the 15th October 2015, and came to CFA from EMV where he was the Deputy Commissioner of Risk & Resilience. Mr Andrews also appointed the now Ex CFA CEO Lucinda Nolan in November 2015, a distinguished Deputy Commissioner with Victoria Police with over 30 years’ experience including acting as Police Commissioner.

Attempts by some to discredit a man that has spent over 25 years in emergency services encompassing senior roles with the Victoria State Emergency Service, Marine Safety Victoria, Port of Melbourne Corporation and Department of Infrastructure and served with the Australian Defence Force in Special Forces are quite disturbing. Both Joe and Lucinda have spent their entire lives serving the public in senior emergency response roles. Both have withstood the test of time and responsibility over their careers, that such important roles demand.

Just like the Governments spin about our court injunction “being lifted” and forgetting to tell the Victorian public that it was replaced with an even more onerous Court Order, they have again only told half the story.

Joe resigned on Tuesday.

Joe has stated publically today that Minister Merlino’s statements to the media about the factors underpinning his resignation are “absolutely incorrect”.

VFBV understands that it was Government and/or EMV officials that resisted his resignation, prompting discussions today and yesterday about what terms might be required to convince Joe to stay. It is entirely understandable that those terms might have included ensuring Joe had the organisational standing and powers to perform his role without the threat of being administratively overridden; it is also understandable that he might have sought confirmation about the security of his job tenure in order not to be threatened with being sacked if he didn’t toe the Government line against his assessment of the CFA statutory obligations that create and direct his role.

Despite the half stories being quoted by people in the media VFBV understand that Joe, after carefully considering his options, and concluding that he was simply unable to reconcile what he was being asked to do with what he knows are his statutory and legal obligations, he advised Government he would not reconsider his resignation. As Joe reminded volunteers on the weekend, when things go wrong, it will be the Chief Officer who will be in the stand, as occurred during the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission. It is therefore incumbent on the person who holds that office, to ensure they have the powers necessary to fulfil their role, and his assessment was frank and fearless. The proposed agreement is not good for CFA, it was not good for Volunteers and it is not good for Victoria.

Joe broke his silence this afternoon on 3AW, and you can listen to his interview here; http://www.3aw.com.au/news/former-cfa-chief-fire-officer-says-hes-absolutely-gutted-over-his-resignation-20160630-gpvkje.html

Joe has prosecuted his case in a respectful, professional and poignant way. He has gone to extremes to remain balanced and impartial, and operated as a loyal and honest broker. He will be remembered as the Chief who stood up for what he believes is right, and leaves with our utmost respect and thanks. Joe, your stance to attempt to save CFA, has been exemplary.

Thank you for your service and dedication, we won’t forget you.

Andrew Ford
Chief Executive Officer

Published in VFBV News
Friday, 21 August 2015 00:00

Farewell to ACO Mike Wassing

Queensland’s gain is our loss, ACO for CFA’s North West Region Mike Wassing has been appointed as the Queensland Fire and Emergency Service’s new Deputy Commissioner (Emergency Service Volunteers.

Mike will be sorely missed, and we wish him all the best in his new role.

Mike is one of three successful applicants for QFES Deputy Commissioner roles, from a field of nearly 80 senior emergency services managers from around the world.

Published in CFA News
CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.
