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Thursday, 05 December 2019 11:57

International Volunteer Day 2019

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International Volunteer Day (IVD) is held annually on 5 December to raise awareness on the important role volunteers play in responding to challenges facing the world.

IVD is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly and is viewed as a unique chance for volunteers and organisations to celebrate their efforts, to share their values, and to promote their work among their communities, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), United Nations agencies, government authorities and the private sector.

The theme for IVD 2019 is “Volunteer for an inclusive future”. Volunteering frequently provides opportunities for people, particularly those often excluded to concretely impact their own lives and play a role in their communities by volunteering their time and skills. Through volunteerism, communities often experience strengthened solidarity and inclusion.

The strength of volunteers in protecting their communities is especially evident in the number of CFA volunteers who have given up their time in recent weeks to be a part of strike teams in New South Wales and Queensland and those who have contributed to CFA’s surge capacity in other ways while remaining at home. To read VFBV CEO Adam Barnett’s article on CFA Surge Capacity from the VFBV November 2019 newsletter click here.

If you know a CFA volunteer who has strengthened their community through volunteering, consider nominating them for a Spirit of CFA Award, applications close on 3 January 2020. More information about the Spirit of CFA Awards can be found here.

More stories promoting the value of CFA volunteers and the contributions they make to their local communities:

Huntly CFA volunteers light up the town with safety messages
Young Boort CFA volunteer jumps from school into the fire zone
Stawell parents tag team to ease NSW fire threat
Victorian volunteers step in to stop fire spreading in NSW
Rushworth volunteers return for second stint to ease NSW and Qld fire threat 
Werribee CFA volunteer says protecting the community is number one priority
Flowerdale CFA volunteers return favour to help NSW
South-east Victorian CFA volunteers help ease NSW and Qld fire threat
Commendation for long-serving Bunyip CFA volunteer
Alexandra volunteer recognised for dedicated service
Wednesday, 04 December 2019 12:22

FRV Commissioner Announced

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CFA has released the following statement:

The Minister for Police and Emergency Services Lisa Neville has today announced veteran firefighter Ken Block as the new Fire Rescue Commissioner for Victoria.

Ken has extensive experience in the fire and emergency services and has served as a firefighter since 1980. 

Most recently, Ken has held the position of Chief Fire Officer at Edmonton Fire Rescue Services in Canada since 2009 and has served as President of the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs. 

Ken's prior role has had a focus on community safety and preparedness, which is in alignment with CFA's strategic direction. 

“CFA will work collaboratively with Ken and our emergency services partners to ensure we have the best possible fire service as we protect and empower Victorians to be prepared for fire.” CFA CEO and Chief Officer Steve Warrington said.

“Both agencies are committed to the safety of Victorians and we know that our CFA members will proudly assist their communities and our emergency services colleagues in times of need.”

Monday, 25 November 2019 13:21

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

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The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that begins on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day.

It was started by activists at the inaugural Women’s Global Leadership institute in 1991 and continues to be coordinated each year by the Centre for Women’s Global Leadership. The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is used to call for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls.

This year Respect Victoria are running their Respect Women: ‘Call it Out’ campaign to align with the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence along with the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) and the Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria.

Respect Victoria’s Respect Women: ‘Call it Out’ campaign encourages people to call out sexism, sexual harassment and disrespect against women.

To learn more about the Respect Women: ‘Call it Out’ campaign visit the Respect Victoria website. ( https://www.respectvictoria.vic.gov.au/campaigns/respect-women-call-it-out-active-bystander ) The Respect Victoria website provides resources and tips on what sexual harassment is, how to call out sexual harassment and how to report sexual harassment.

CFA is hosting Active Bystander Training on 10 December, which is a half-day course designed to equip people with the skills and confidence to identify and respond to instances of gender inequality.

The tools that are shared in this training can be used to challenge any form of discrimination, harassment, or bullying. They are designed to reinforce healthy, respectful behaviours, and to focus on what people in the workplace and communities can do to make a difference.

RSVP as soon as possible to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as places are limited.


If you have experienced sexual assault or sexual harassment and would like to speak to someone for support and information you can contact 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732). 1800 RESPECT is a national sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service is open 24 hours to support people impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence and abuse or www.1800respect.org.au


If you are not okay, or if you notice a change in someone you know, contact the CFA Wellbeing Support Line on 1800 959 232 to access free, confidential support that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

The support services include the Member Assistance Program with Psychologists and Counsellors, Traditional and Career Firefighter Peer Support Programs, Chaplaincy Program, Bullying and Harassment Hotline, Let Me Know web-based app, Centres Against Sexual Assault as well as other services provided by the Organisational Wellbeing team.

To view the complete range of services, visit www.cfa.vic.gov.au/wellbeing  



Wednesday, 20 November 2019 17:53

CFA Declares Total Fire Ban - Thursday 21 November

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Tomorrow (Thursday 21 November 2019) has been declared a Code Red day for the Mallee and Northern Country – the first in many years. There is also a statewide Total Fire Ban, so our members and emergency management teams will be on high alert and prepared for the worst conditions.



CFA's CEO/Chief Officer reminds our people to consider their own personal welfare, ensure they have their own fire plans in place and minimise non-critical contact with our regional and district offices in the North West and North East. We recommend that you not travel in these areas unless absolutely essential, and wherever you are, stay hydrated.

Code Red is the highest level of rating in Victoria and it signifies the worst conditions for grassfires or bushfires.  Tomorrow’s conditions will be extremely difficult for firefighters and the community if we get fires running.

Be aware that homes are not built to withstand the types of fires we may see on a Code Red Day and you don’t want to be caught travelling through areas on fire. Seriously consider whether you need to be travelling tomorrow.

Conditions will be extremely hot and windy and you need to take care of yourself in the heat. For more information, FAQs and advice about Code Red days click here.

A Code Red Fire Danger Rating means that if a fire were to start:

·         it will be uncontrollable, unpredictable and fast moving

·         fire services will find it difficult to put out

·         there is a high likelihood that people in the path of a fire will be killed or seriously injured

·         homes are not designed or constructed to withstand in these conditions - even the best prepared homes will not be safe

·         leaving high risk bushfire areas the night before a Code Red Day or early in the morning of a Code Red Day is the safest option for your survival – do not wait and see

A Code Red Day means that all public parks will be closed, some community services will be unavailable and some local council facilities will be closed. For further information check with your local council.

During extreme weather, such as a Code Red Day, localised power outages may happen. Make sure you have your emergency kit ready, including medication, battery-operated torches, radio and phones.

It’s important to have more than one way to access information and stay informed:

Bookmark www.emergency.vic.gov.au, download the VicEmergency app and set up your own Watchzone or tune in to ABC Local Radio, commercial and designated community radio stations, or Sky News TV;

Call the VicEmergency Hotline to talk to someone about preparedness on freecall 1800 226 226; People who are deaf, hard of hearing, or who have a speech/communication impairment can contact VicEmergency Hotline via the National Relay Service on 1800 555 677;

For help with English, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 (freecall) and ask them to telephone VicEmergency Hotline. If you know someone who cannot speak English, provide them with this number.

You can access current and updated CFA Total Fire Ban advice and ratings here: https://www.cfa.vic.gov.au/warnings-restrictions/total-fire-bans-and-ratings 

Wednesday, 20 November 2019 16:15

November 2019 Newsletter

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CFA Surge Capacity in Action

By Adam Barnett, VFBV Chief Executive Officer

Our thoughts and best wishes are with all those communities across NSW and QLD currently impacted by intense bush fire activity.

As I write this month’s column, we have over 500 Victorian personnel deployed to assist NSW crews with firefighting, incident management and specialist roles, and that number increases every day. CFA is supplying the lion’s share of that contingent with approximately 400 members, with the remainder coming from our partner agencies FFMVic (63) the MFB (26) and additional personnel from other emergency management agencies including the SES.

To put the CFA contribution into perspective – on one day alone we deployed 311 personnel via 11 strike teams. Think about that – with very short notice we have been able to deploy hundreds of members, many hundreds of kilometres away to another State, for multi-day concurrent deployments. Resources included 75 fully crewed vehicles, with the vast majority comprising of tankers and of course hundreds of CFA volunteers. CFA surge capacity in action. No stations left empty and no communities left unprotected while we send people away. Like an elastic band stretching when you need it to – CFA’s volunteer surge capacity working exactly as it is designed to.

After factoring in the support Victoria has also provided to Queensland over the last few weeks, more than 730 Victorian personnel have been sent to support our interstate colleagues so far. And while none of these numbers will surprise us, it should be noted that the official start of Summer is still some weeks away.

I want to thank and acknowledge not only the members who have been deployed interstate, but the hundreds of people working behind the scenes to make it possible. And while the fire reports will only list the personnel who were deployed – think of the countless hours, days and sometimes weeks of preparation from Group Officers, Brigade Officers and members who have given up their own time collating availability rosters, distributing and processing the expressions of interest, and planning what trucks can be deployed while at the same time maintaining local coverage.

Now think about the hundreds of volunteers who have arranged with their Brigade to modify their daily routines to increase their availability or arranged flexible hours with their employer so they can be available just in case for local incidents while the brigade has several members deployed interstate. None of these people ever get counted on any official CFA reports.

Now think of all the nonoperational members who have arranged support, airport drop off’s, rosters and logistics and helped with the avalanche of paperwork that comes with the increase of tempo in our operational and brigade activity. They too are not counted on those official fire reports or any other CFA system for that matter.

And last but by no means least, think of the hundreds of family members supporting each one of those deployed firefighters - the families, partners and friends pitching in to assist their loved ones. Those left behind while their partner, mother, father, brother or sister is deployed interstate. They are keeping home life on track, managing school drop off’s and other family and work commitments. Think of those volunteers who are using their annual leave entitlements to cover their deployment, and the employers who have released many volunteers from their businesses without docking wages – all to help our efforts. The self employed putting their business on hold so they can help these communities in need.

The fact that most of these people are donating their time, their safety and their livelihoods just to pitch in and help their fellow Australians during their time of need should not only be recognised, it should be respected and celebrated.

My point? Official tally’s and records as unreliable as they are – will still only be capturing a tiny fraction of the personnel, commitment and contribution required to support these critical operational activities. Don’t listen to anyone that tries to talk down CFA’s amazing volunteer surge capacity or tries to belittle or qualify the incredible contribution and sacrifices of its volunteers.

This is what makes our CFA so special. Its network across the State, its connectedness with our communities and most importantly – its people – drawn from those very same communities it is there to protect. From those on the front line, to the countless others who are leading, training, supporting, mentoring and assisting in the background.

To everyone that has had a hand in preparing and contributing to the current activity I say thank-you. Each and every one of you are valued and respected and no matter how small or insignificant you think your role or contribution is – it is our collective efforts that make our operational response to these significant events possible, and of this we should all be proud.

Our CFA has yet again stepped up when it was needed the most. And you its people are the backbone of CFA upon which all its successes are built. And given the fire season proper has not even started yet – it looks like we have a long and challenging season ahead of us.

Be proud of yourselves and each other and remind yourselves that this is why we invest so much time, energy and effort into improving CFA and working together to make it a better place to volunteer and work. We don’t do it to make ourselves happy – we do it because it is so critically important in our pursuit to protect this State’s most important asset – its people. And in the countries most fire prone area, Victoria relies on this sacrifice year in and year out.

As the focus now moves to our operational activities, keep thinking about those tangible things that would best support and assist you in your roles protecting our communities. Reform planning or discussions won’t stop just because we’re busy – so we’ll need to remain agile and ready to influence those discussions as they occur.


During this week’s high fire danger period, NSW Police are pursuing five individuals over breaches of NSW’s statewide total fire ban. Incredibly, on days where fire agencies warned of catastrophic fire danger, these five individuals were caught using barbeques with an open flame or burning rubbish.

VFBV delegates have been seeking stronger powers and arrangements for Victoria Police to investigate and prosecute TFB offences here in Victoria, including on the spot fines. I am pleased to report that CFA has agreed to support this initiative, with CEO/Chief Officer Steve Warrington AFSM personally backing it. VFBV is extremely grateful for the Chief’s support and we will continue to pursue with EMV as we seek the Emergency Management Commissioners support also.

VFBV Quarterly Supplement

I’m thrilled with the inaugural edition of the VFBV Supplement contained in this edition of ‘Fire Wise.’ This will be a regular feature four times a year and will replace our quarterly mailout. This is just one way we are improving the communication flow between members and sharing the vital work done by hundreds of VFBV delegates across the State who tirelessly and passionately support, represent and advocate for CFA volunteers.

I commend this initiative to you and hope you find it informative and interesting.

Presumptive Legislation

The first volunteer applications under Presumptive Legislation will be decided on this month. Like many volunteers, we will be looking to see how these new processes are working and if the results from these first cases match the promises and commitments made, especially in relation to the panel that will decide on volunteer cases.

VFBV is continuing to support applicants, and anyone contemplating lodging a claim under Presumptive Legislation is encouraged to make contact with the VFBV Welfare Fund Secretary so we can support you through the process. The Welfare Fund Secretary can be reached on (03) 9886 1141.

VFBV Quarterly Supplement distributed with Fire Wise

Commencing with the current edition, ‘Fire Wise’ and Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria (VFBV) have partnered together to launch a new quarterly VFBV feature supplement that will be included with Fire Wise, four times a year, at no additional charge.

This new easy to read format will replace the VFBV Quarterly Mailout that used to be mailed separately to Brigades, and included relevant news, updates and information on current issues being pursued by VFBV on behalf of members.

Under this arrangement each brigade will be receiving a free copy every month of Fire Wise to both Captain and Secretary and each Group a free copy for the Group Officer and Group Secretary as a benefit of their paid VFBV affiliation fee. It is hoped these free copies will supplement any existing paid ‘Fire Wise’ subscriptions and are intended to be tabled at Brigade and Group meetings to be made available to members. Individuals are encouraged to continue their subscription to ‘Fire Wise’ which relies on paid subscriptions to support the publication and printing costs.

All existing subscribers will receive a copy of the quarterly VFBV Supplement as well, providing wider reach.

Managing Editor of ‘Fire Wise’ Gordon King and Chief Executive Officer of VFBV Adam Barnett both hailed this new initiative and said it demonstrates the strong bonds that have been enjoyed by the two organisations since the publication’s inception.

“The Volunteer Association has always been an enthusiastic and loyal supporter of ‘Fire Wise’ and has long recognised the importance of a publication dedicated to providing news coverage of not only CFA but the thoughts, news and aspirations of its volunteers. I am very pleased on behalf of VFBV to continue this support for ‘Fire Wise’ with the establishment of this new feature that should serve both well, ” said Mr Barnett.

First published in July 1947, ‘The Fireman’ as it was called back then, was established as an independent publication that has proved a vital tool to assist with the communication between individual firefighters, brigades, CFA, VFBV and the wider sector. It provides valuable and interesting information to all CFA members, keeping its readers up to date on matters that affect the fire service and, in many instances, is the sole source of important facts.

Third Generation Editor Gordon King (whose father Alan and grandfather Les before him have been editors of ‘The Fireman’) and Mr Barnett explained the long history between the publication and the volunteer association. “Back in 1956 a page of the publication was dedicated solely to news and notes from the Association which continues (on page 2) to this day. In 1958, the then Editor of ‘The Fireman’ Les King asked if consideration could be given by the Association to make ‘The Fireman’ its official publication. Aware that two similar publications that had been established previously and had both failed to garner strong support or readership, the CFA Chair at the time made an appeal to both the Urban and Rural Associations urging them to grant permission and support the publication for the benefit of the fire service and all firefighters.

The Associations granted permission at their annual meetings in 1958, and the publication has enjoyed this exclusive status ever since.

“One of the unique facts regarding ‘Fire Wise’ is that readers help determine its content. Brigades and firefighters regularly make contact regarding local issues – incidents, training, exercises, vehicle handovers or brigade functions – to have a report published in the next edition. This contact is crucial and is welcome from any brigade or group through the State,” said Mr King.

It is hoped both Brigade Captains and Secretaries and Group Officers and Group Secretaries take the time to read Fire Wise, and table the VFBV Quarterly Supplement for the benefit of their members. Page 1 of the supplement will include an easy to read summary of any items requiring action or response from brigades/groups.

As all Brigade Captains and Secretaries and Group Officers and Group Secretaries will receive a complimentary copy under this arrangement with VFBV, Fire Wise would appreciate if any changes to office bearers or addresses be provided to the office.

This includes changes to current subscriptions held which will continue to be sent and invoiced as normal.

If your brigade or group has an editorial item for inclusion in Fire Wise please contact the Editor, Gordon King at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by telephone on 0402 051 412.

For any changes or items for inclusion, or to be placed on a reminder list of copy close dates, please contact Gordon King at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by telephone on 0402 051 412.

The first VFBV Quarterly Supplement is included with the November 2019 edition of ‘Fire Wise’ or can be downloaded from here


Training Certificates Update

Members would remember late last year that VFBV delegates advocated strongly for the resumption of printed training certificates for members when they completed CFA training courses. Delegates advocated that volunteers should be recognised by CFA especially given they were giving up substantial amounts of their own time to undergo the training.

The Committee has been advised that due to administrative error, the backlog of certificates have not yet been sent to Brigades. The certificates have all been printed, and sent to CFA District Offices, with a request from HQ for these to be sent to brigades as soon as possible.

If your brigade is yet to receive them, brigade secretaries or training officers are requested to contact your relevant District Office ASAP.


VFBV VolWEL Survey

This year’s Volunteer Survey closed earlier this month. Thank you to all members who participated and did the survey. Thank you also to those members who helped promote this year’s survey to your members.

It is clear from the number of responses that Brigades and Groups have worked hard to promote the survey and encouraged members to participate – with this year’s figures surpassing last year’s.

As soon as the results have been analysed they will be published and we’ll share the results.


Structural PPC Cleaning turnaround time

VFBV delegates on the State PPC/E Committee have requested CFA report on average turnaround time of structural PPC that has been sent away for laundering. This follows repeated complaints from Brigades.

CFA has researched the issue and advised that the average turnaround time for the laundry is 48 hours from when the garment is received from the courier. Exceptions to this are for asbestos or contaminated gear, or if a repair is required.

In investigating why Brigades are reporting longer turnaround times, the Committee has become aware of some Districts implementing local arrangements which has directed courier companies to deliver the laundered PPC to District Offices instead of individual Brigades or their designated pickup locations. The gear is then sitting at District offices with sometimes the individual unaware that their garments have been returned.

VFBV is now investigating these arrangements to determine where they have come from, on who’s authority and the reasons for this change in practice.

Any systems that add days or sometimes weeks to a member receiving their gear back is unacceptable and needs to be rectified ASAP.

We will report on progress as our investigation continues. Any Brigades that are experiencing delays with having their PPC returned are requested to please contact your local VFBV District Council with date and location information so we can investigate why this is occurring.


New Volunteer Nominee to CFA Board 

VFBV welcomes the announcement of Beth Davidson as the fourth volunteer nominee to CFA Board. Beth is a CFA volunteer of Anglesea Brigade, where she has served as a nonoperational member for more than 36 years and has been heavily involved with fire prevention committees and community education.

Beth has over 30 years’ experience in senior leadership and governance roles in CFA, Local Government and the non-government sector, and has served previously on the CFA Board as a municipal representative from 2004-2007.

She has been appointed to the position of Mayor four consecutive terms over her 11 years with the Surf Coast Shire and led the Council over a particularly challenging period post a Commission of Inquiry that required rebuilding and regaining community confidence. She has also served as President of the Board of the Victorian Local Governance Association between 2005 – 2009. Since 2011, Beth has devoted considerable energy to Neighbourhood House and has served three terms as President of the Barwon Network of Neighbourhood Centres.

On behalf of the VFBV Board and State Council – please join us in congratulating Beth, who joins Peter Shaw, Dawn Hartog and Kent Griffin who were all appointed to the CFA Board in August 2019. VFBV is confident that given their combined extensive breadth, experience and skills within the volunteer ranks, together they provide significant experience and capability to the CFA Board and will make a valuable contribution to the future CFA on behalf of volunteers.


Mental Health Injury Pilot 

In June of this year, the State Government launched a pilot to provide emergency workers (volunteers and staff) with access to provisional payments for their mental health injuries. This pilot enables eligible current and former CFA volunteers to access payments for the reasonable cost of medical and like expenses for their CFA related mental health injury covered by the pilot for up to 13 continuous weeks from the date they submit their claim.

This allows CFA volunteers to access reimbursement for medical treatment and services while their claim is being assessed and for an extended period even where their claim is rejected. The pilot is being offered to not only CFA members, but VicPol, Ambulance Victoria, MFB, ESTA, DELWP and other emergency related public sector employees including registered nurses. The pilot is funded by the Emergency Services Workers and Volunteers Mental Health Support Fund, which has been established by the Department of Justice and Community Safety for the purposes of this pilot.

For volunteers, CFA will provide all paperwork and case management, and will reimburse eligible members for treatment costs . CFA will then be reimbursed by the pilot. The pilot will cover expenses such as consultation with your GP, the cost of prescription medication and consultations with a psychologist and/or psychiatrist.

VFBV encourages any member who may be experiencing a mental health injury or trauma such as PTSD, depression or anxiety that has been caused by CFA service to make contact with the CFA wellbeing team, and consider accessing the provisional payments pilot. A claim form is available from your CFA District Office, and VFBV has requested the forms also be made available online. Any members having difficulty accessing the pilot should make contact with a VFBV State Councillor or Support Officer for assistance.

Further details on the pilot can be found on the VFBV website or via www.vic.gov.au/provisional-payments 


Online Systems Closure 

CFA has advised that the online systems for Healthwatch (HW) and the Healthy for Life Program (HFLP) are being closed. These online systems were available for participants in these programs to access and download their personal historical data. The services themselves are to continue – it is just the online portals that are being closed.

If members wish to retrieve their historical data, they will need to access the system before 14th January 2020. CFA has provided instructions on how to do this, which is available from the VFBV website.

Members who need assistance or have any questions can contact the Healthwatch team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or the Healthy For Life Program team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.    

Wednesday, 20 November 2019 15:22

Mental Health Injury Pilot

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In June of this year, the State Government launched a pilot to provide emergency workers (volunteers and staff) with access to provisional payments for their mental health injuries.

This pilot is part of the Governments Mental Health initiatives and enables eligible current and former CFA volunteers to access payments for the reasonable cost of medical and like expenses for their CFA related mental health injury covered by the pilot for up to 13 continuous weeks from the date they submit their claim.

This allows CFA volunteers to access reimbursement for medical treatment and services while their claim is being assessed and for an extended period even where their claim is rejected. The pilot is being offered to not only CFA members, but Victoria Police, Ambulance Victoria, MFB, ESTA, DELWP and other emergency related public sector employees including registered nurses. The pilot is funded by the Emergency Services Workers and Volunteers Mental Health Support Fund, which has been established by the Department of Justice and Community Safety for the purposes of this pilot.

For volunteers, CFA will provide all paperwork and case management, and will reimburse eligible members for treatment costs . CFA will then be reimbursed by the pilot. The pilot will cover expenses such as consultation with your GP, the cost of prescription medication and consultations with a psychologist and/or psychiatrist.

VFBV encourages any member who may be experiencing a mental health injury or trauma such as PTSD, depression or anxiety that has been caused by CFA service to make contact with the CFA wellbeing team (1800 959 232), and consider accessing the provisional payments pilot. A claim form is available from your CFA District Office, and VFBV has requested the forms also be made available online. A copy of the pilot opt-in document is available at the bottom of this page which needs to be returned along with your claim form in order to participate in the pilot.

Any members having difficulty accessing the pilot should make contact with a VFBV State Councillor or Support Officer for assistance.

A Governmental Steering Committee has been established to oversee and guide the pilot in making provisional payments to eligible volunteer emergency workers and it will operate in conjunction with a Steering Committee focused on the scope of paid workforces. The Steering Committee is made up of representatives including AV, CFA, SES, Victoria Police and VFBV. Government agencies represented on the Committee include the Departments of Premier and Cabinet, Justice, Treasury and Health, DELWP, EMV and Worksafe.

VFBV is represented by CEO Adam Barnett who has reported very positive progress. “I commend the Government on this mental health initiative and see this as an extremely important project to improve early intervention for emergency service volunteers and staff alike. This is a very positive step in helping to remove the stigma around seeking assistance for mental health and providing members with compassionate and accessible options for support” he said. The pilot will focus on determining claims as quickly as possible, recognising the importance of early intervention.

A copy of the Provisional Payments Pilot Fact Sheet is available for download at the bottom of this page along with a copy of the schedule of fees information detailing what is available to members for reimbursement.

Further information can be found on the Provisional Payments website at www.vic.gov.au/provisional-payments

If any CFA members or their families require assistance please contact the CFA Wellbeing Support Line on 1800 959 232 which is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Wednesday, 20 November 2019 14:17

U2 thanks CFA Members

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One of the world’s most famous rock bands took the time to thank more than 100 CFA firefighters as they headed off to fight the bushfires in New South Wales.

U2 band member, Bono, meets with CFA members before they boarded a military aircraft to depart for New South Wales this afternoon.


CFA strike teams from District 14, 2, 7 and 8 crossed paths with U2 at Melbourne Airport just after midday today, when Bono and the band stopped their car to meet with the firefighters.

Chief Officer Steve Warrington said the band’s plane was parked next to the military aircraft which was preparing to take CFA crews to Richmond Airport in NSW.

“They heard our crews were here and they sought us out to thank us for our contribution and assistance during the NSW bushfires,” Mr Warrington said.

CFA State Agency Commander Mark Kennedy said U2 was driving by the CFA crews on the tarmac when the band decided to stop and meet with around 107 CFA members.

“They got us all together and had the time to have a quick chat with everyone and get photos,” Mr Kennedy said.

“The band members shook just about everyone’s hand and gave all our members a big pat on the back for the work they have been doing.

“Bono and The Edge told CFA members they’re doing a great job and they took such a keen interest in everyone’s story.

“There were a few big fans among our crew, so it was a pretty special moment for many of our members who were about to depart to assist at the NSW bushfires.”  



Courtesy of CFA Media: https://news.cfa.vic.gov.au/-/it-s-a-beautiful-day-as-u2-thanks-cfa-fireys 








Tuesday, 12 November 2019 15:23

Healthwatch Online Systems Closure

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CFA has advised that the online systems for Healthwatch (HW) and the Healthy for Life Program (HFLP) and are being closed. These online systems were available for participants in these programs to access and download their personal historical data. The services themselves are to continue – it is just the online portals that are being closed.

If members wish to retrieve their historical data, they will need to access the system before 14th January 2020.

CFA has provided instructions on how to do this, which is available from the bottom of this page under attachments.

Members who need assistance or have any questions can contact the Healthwatch team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or the Healthy For Life Program team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



Healthwatch health checks are offered to CFA volunteer brigades once a year and are free and confidential. They aim to identify risk factors that may increase your likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

The Healthy for Life Program are health checks, fitness assessments and educational sessions offered to Career Firefighters and other CFA staff aimed at improving overall health.



CFA has advised that the current applications used for online access to these programs are built on platforms that are outdated, unsupported and have been experiencing limited access and functionality for the last 18 months. As a result, the systems will be effectively closed as of 14th January 2020.


Data Retrieval

Individuals can retrieve their own historical data prior to the closure of both systems. Instructions on how to do this is different for each system, so two separate instruction sheets have been provided by CFA to guide members on how to do it.


Future State

Both of these health programs will continue to be available as normal. However - moving forward - all session results and any health-related information will now be retained by the individual within a generic health programs booklet until a new ICT system is implemented.


Monday, 11 November 2019 12:38

CFA Assistance to NSW

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Country Fire Authority (CFA) has answered the call for more firefighting resources to be deployed to assist with the ongoing New South Wales bushfire emergency, sending more than 300 CFA members interstate.

Following a request for more personnel by the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS), CFA has sent 311 personnel from across the state to be positioned at the Hunter Region and Goulburn ahead of the predicted extreme or catastrophic fire weather conditions forecast for tomorrow, 12 November.

The large-scale deployment consisted of 286 firefighters, 18 supporting resources, as well as six additional task force members and one CFA Liaison Officer to be stationed at RFS Headquarters.

The 11 strike teams from across the state were grouped into two task forces and were deployed around 4pm yesterday and aim to be positioned by 7pm tonight.

State Duty Officer John Katakouzinos said in the midst of the ongoing tragic bushfire emergency in NSW, it’s important for interstate firefighting crews to lend a hand to help minimise the damage.

“We’d like to thank not only the firefighters who give up their time to protect lives and properties in NSW, but also the families, loved ones and businesses that allow our members to assist with this emergency,” Mr Katakouzinos said.

“It’s important to recognise all our support members working to transport CFA vehicles to the bushfire areas and the resources working to assist crews to safely work on the fire grounds.

“It’s important we continue to work as one to take on the tragic bushfires currently gripping NSW.”

CFA has also despatched a fleet of 76 vehicles, including 55 tankers and 21 operational support vehicles.

Two additional CFA strike teams departed from Melbourne Airport at 10am this morning to provide further assistance at the Glen Innes area as part of the CFA’s ongoing support.

CFA has not deployed crews from District 18 to ensure there are sufficient resources in place for the Total Fire Ban in the Mallee Region today.

CFA Task Force 1 to be positioned at Hunter Region

 Strike Team District 22/12
 Strike Team District 23/24
 Strike Team District 13
 Strike Team District 20
 Strike Team District 02
 Strike Team District 14

CFA Task Force 2 to be positioned at Goulburn

 Strike Team District 6/7
 Strike Team District 8
 Strike Team District 15/16
 Strike Team District 9/27
 Strike Team District 10/11

Wednesday, 16 October 2019 09:35

October 2019 Newsletter

Written by

Recognise the quiet achievers 
By Adam Barnett, VFBV Chief Executive Officer 

This month - nominations opened for the 2020 Spirit of CFA Awards. Nominations for the current round will close on 3 January 2020.

Held every two years, the Spirit of CFA awards were first held in 2018 and recognises the exceptional achievements of CFA members across nine categories.

These awards are an excellent opportunity to recognise some of our quiet achievers. We all know people who go about their work without any thought of recognition or praise.

The world is roughly split between those with a preference for either extroversion or introversion. Extroverts are often rewarded more often because they are noticed more and tend to enjoy social interactions. They are often described as being enthusiastic and talkative. They tend to be more assertive around people and enjoy being in the spotlight.

Introverts are often more reserved or reflective. Because they prefer to work quietly or in the background, their contribution may often be overlooked or taken for granted. They may also be overlooked for recognition or leadership roles simply because extroverted behaviour fits more comfortably with the stereotype about how good leaders behave and interact.

Interestingly some of the world’s most successful leaders have been introverts. Former US President Barack Obama is a recent example. He reminds us of the importance of honouring and respecting those amongst us who thrive in solitude but also make an incredible contribution to the team.

These people often contribute just as much to outcomes. They excel at activities that make good use of their listening skills. The team benefit from their deep thought and reflection to solve the problem at hand.

I encourage you to think about people who are always delivering amazing things. Those that consistently contribute or deliver outstanding results. Especially those that don't enjoy being in the spotlight or aren’t shouting from the rooftops. Have a think about who has made a real difference to your brigade or group. Who toils away day after day, year after year and doesn’t get the recognition or thanks they deserve?

The Spirit of CFA is a great opportunity to acknowledge and recognise the incredibly valuable contribution CFA members make to our community. Nominate people so that they receive the recognition they deserve. Visit the VFBV or CFA websites for information, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   


A reminder that nominations for the next round of Australian Fire Services Medal's close on 1 November 2019. AFSMs are awarded twice a year as part of the Australia Day and Queens Birthday honours lists. They are awarded for distinguished service to the fire services across Australia.

Members should refer to the CFA Honours and Awards Nominator’s Guide for help when preparing a nomination. Request the guide from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Fire Services Reform

High level planning for next year’s Fire Services Reform implementation continues. The Government recently announced its reform Strategic and Operational Governance structures.

I am pleased to report that the Government have delivered on their commitment to VFBV that we would be engaged and represented at the highest levels.

The Minister has formed a VFBV Volunteer Reference Group at the strategic governance layer. This will ensure we can monitor and contribute to high level strategic issues, opportunities and concerns. This is a small strategic group, VFBV representatives are State President Nev Jones, State Vice President Samantha Rothman and myself.

As workplans are developed - this group will monitor consultation and implementation. Its role will be to inform senior levels of Government on the progress of consultation and ensure decision makers are aware of any volunteer impacts or concerns.

This will not be the only engagement mechanism. All current consultative structures will continue. This will ensure existing structures are linked and are being used to gather input and feedback. There are similar reference groups in the governance structure to ensure career firefighters and non-operational employees are also represented. Hopefully, this will ensure all perspectives are present and equally involved in discussions.

On 23 September the Minister hosted a strategic workshop with a small group of leaders drawn from across the sector. It was attended by VFBV, UFU, EMV, ESTA, CFA, MFB and senior department and government representatives. This workshop explored and discussed stakeholder perspectives on implementation challenges and opportunities. VFBV was represented by State President Nev Jones AFSM and myself.

While this was not a decision making forum, it was a terrific opportunity for stakeholders to discuss reform and begin developing shared trust, transparency and goodwill.

I am pleased to report that discussions were positive and good natured. With so much water under the bridge there was no way we could cover everything, but as a way of kicking off a new approach it was certainly a huge step in the right direction. The outcomes of this session will be used to inform the prioritisation of the key issues and opportunities for the implementation teams to focus on as they develop their work plans.

Over the coming months the agency groups (made up of EMV, CFA, MFB, ESTA and FRV) will start developing draft work and implementation plans. We are told that stakeholder feedback and input will be sought during each phase.

Each of the workstreams will identify projects and tasks required to transition to the new model. This will include key dependencies, resource requirements and scheduling.

I expect this work to start picking up pace and momentum as it progresses from scoping to delivery. VFBV will continue to advocate for strong engagement with the field. We will seek open and genuine opportunities for volunteers to be involved and that the agencies promote, encourage and seek feedback. I must caution members that when the rubber hits the road there is likely going to be an expectation of fast turnaround for feedback and input.

And while we will continue to advocate for engagement strategies that respect the Volunteer Charter and respect the size and diversity of all our people across the sector, I foreshadow a constant tension. A tension between two competing priorities. Enough time to engage genuinely as one. And the expectations of meeting project deadlines and dependant activities as two.

I’ll do my bit to ensure decision makers are aware of our expectations, but I encourage members to start preparing for this work now.

For example, are you linked to VFBV consultative structures through your local level? Are you ready to provide informed feedback and comment? Have you selected delegates to represent your brigade or group that attend and contribute to your local VFBV District Council? Do you know who they are? Has your brigade or group started discussions about how it will prepare and inform your nominated delegates to represent your wishes back to District Council? Have you completed this year’s VFBV Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey?

This is your opportunity to have your say about what is working well and what needs improvement.

Get involved and don’t wait to be told what someone else thinks the new CFA will look like. Start thinking about how we as volunteers will address some of the new challenges and opportunities. Start thinking about the new service delivery model that will be required. What do you need from the agencies and the Government to support you? How do you want to be encouraged when you’re giving your all and making sacrifices to protect and defend your community during its time of need? Tick – tock.

Are you ready to answer these questions when they are asked? Have you answered the questions we have already asked you like through this year’s volunteer survey?

Get involved.

VFBV VolWEL Survey 

This year’s Volunteer Survey closes this month. Have you had your say?

A frequent criticism of volunteers is the lack of consultation and the fact that no-one asked what we thought. Here is an opportunity for you to provide feedback on what is working well and what isn’t.

The VFBV Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey is an annual snapshot of volunteer views and opinions. It keeps us informed about what volunteers think and how they think CFA is performing. It helps us understand what you need to support your CFA activities. It’s not just about what is not working. It is often a good insight into the areas that are working well which helps us learn from the good. It also helps show areas that with a little bit of attention could be doing better.

If you haven’t done this year’s survey – then how will anyone know what you think? Your input is valued. The results of the survey are used not just by VFBV to advocate on your behalf but senior leaders across the sector. The results go to CFA, EMV and Government. It shapes and drives the important advocacy work that gets done in the background to help you.

Make your voice heard and contribute to our understanding of what is working and what isn’t. Visit the VFBV website today to complete the survey before it closes this month.


Fire Investigation Helmets 

VFBV was approached by a high number of fire investigators who were deeply critical of CFA’s recent roll-out of fire investigation helmets. The new helmets now visually differentiate between career firefighters performing the role, and volunteer fire investigators.

It was pointed out that each undergoes the same training and have the same qualification and this team frequently works across both volunteer and career lines. We were told the team works very well as one integrated team with a high level of respect between the volunteers and staff who make up the team. The fear was this forced differentiation will now erode this common culture and kinship and create a wedge based solely on pay status.

VFBV shares these concerns and advocated strongly for CFA to stop this approach. We argued the folly of differentiating between CFA members based on their pay status and the unintended consequences and negative impact it has on the sectors culture of ‘working as one’.

CFA representatives advised VFBV that CFA and the UFU have come to an agreement on differentiating career fire investigators from volunteer fire investigators and therefore there was no choice but to comply with this agreement.

State Council has supported a request by District Council 23 to therefore advocate for the withdrawal of the ‘volunteer’ sticker that has recently been introduced. CFA has subsequently now agreed to its withdrawal acknowledging this had not been consulted on and was introduced in error. Despite career member fire investigator helmet colours changing – CFA has agreed that these changes should not impact volunteers and status quo will remain for volunteer fire investigator helmets. They will continue to be blue and will continue to be identified as they were previously. New stickers to replace the ones that were placed on volunteer fire investigator helmets during the Pacific R5S helmet rollout are now in the process of being issued, and CFA has issued a memorandum to all volunteer fire investigators explaining how to replace the stickers.


Workwear Progress 

CFA recently reported on the results of the second volunteer workwear survey that was undertaken as a follow-up to the previous survey. More than 3,300 people responded to the original survey. Following wide spread criticism of the original designs by VFBV and volunteers, CFA worked with VFBV to redesign the garments based on volunteer feedback.

The second survey showcased the re-designed garments and asked for confirmation on several design options. Over 1,700 volunteers responded to the second survey. Over 87% of people agreed this version of the workwear addresses the issues previously raised. 81% indicated they were satisfied with the new version.

VFBV has endorsed the survey’s results and advised CFA that it supports each of the preferred design choices selected by the majority of respondents. CFA is now undertaking detailed design and specification work to prepare for tender.

VFBV continues to advocate that the specifications encourage natural fibres and have requested CFA support greater flexibility in the Chief Officers allocation strategy to allow the opportunity for brigade input into how the new garments be rolled out. VFBV continues to encourage CFA to finalise the specifications and release for tender as soon as possible.


Torch and kit bags 

At last month’s VFBV State Council a position on helmet torches and kit bags was finalised and endorsed. State Council drew on the results of VFBV’s Helmet Torch and Kit Bag Survey that sought feedback from almost 1,000 members. It has formed the position that a Helmet Torch and Kit Bag should form part of CFA’s minimum PPC wildfire allocation for all members upon completion of their minimum skills.

The survey results confirmed VFBV’s view that safety was the primary consideration for helmet torches, with 99% of Brigade/Group and individual responses to the survey agreeing that helmet torches should be considered essential equipment for operational use and should form part of minimum standard. There was an overwhelming preference for personal issue vs vehicle caches.

State Council considered the results that showed 92% of brigade responses and 84% of individual responses indicated helmet torches the more appropriate minimum standard over right angle or handheld torches. However in recognition that preference for helmet torches over right angle torches dropped to 78% from predominately structural districts, State Council has requested delegates to the Equipment and Infrastructure Committee work with CFA to explore alternates for a future second phase strategy. This strategy would address the availability of right angle torches for the structural environment such as during BA operations etc.

VFBV will now brief CFA on the results and corresponding State Council position and campaign for CFA support for the new minimum standard. We will need to promote the increased health and safety outcomes the new minimum standard would bring for firefighters, as CFA support is likely to be contingent on funding.


VFBV Board Annual Meeting 

The VFBV Board held its annual meeting on 4 October and welcomed new VFBV Board member David Sidebottom. 

David is a volunteer from District 13 with over 50 years of CFA service and experience in senior leadership roles. David is an experienced company director of his own company, and previously worked as an Operations Manager for Yarra Valley Water. He replaces Kate Boschetti who retired from the VFBV Board in September and was thanked for her valuable contribution and service over the last two years.

Following interviews and a selection process, Samantha Rothman, Jan Cleary and Libby Hay were all reappointed by the State Council Executive panel for a further 2-year term. Graeme Jilbert and Robert Auchterlonie were both re-appointed by State Council as the two State Council delegates to the Board.

Re-elected were Nev Jones AFSM as State President, Samantha Rothman as State Vice President and Andy Cusack AFSM as Treasurer.


2020 State Championships 

Next year will see a combined State Championships, combining the Rural Senior, Rural Junior and the Urban Senior events at Mooroopna on 28 and 29 March 2020 - with the Rural and Urban events to be conducted on their own competition tracks alongside each other. The 2020 State Urban Junior Championships will remain as a separate even, at Horsham in February. 

Calendar of 2020 State Championship events:

- Urban Junior Championship - Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 February, Horsham 

- Rural Senior Championship - Saturday 28 March, Mooroopna

- Rural Junior Championship - Sunday 29 March, Mooroopna

- Urban Senior Championship - Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 March, Mooroopna

We encourage all members to attend as a spectator, team supporter or competitor. There will be events for all size teams, from one or two competitors up to eight competitors, for all ages, genders and abilities. Program of events for all four Championships, are available on the VFBV website. 

Entry Forms

VFBV have posted entry forms for all four State Championships to competing and recently competing brigades and they are also available from the VFBV and the VFBV website (Urban and Rural).

VFBV strongly encourages brigades to participate, particularly brigades who have not competed before, or not for some years. For brigades new to competitions and needing further information or assistance, please contact your local VFBV Support Officer or the VFBV Office on (03) 9886 1141. 

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CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.


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