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Thursday, 27 January 2022 15:23

Australia Day Honours 2022

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Included in the 2022 Australia Day Honours list was three CFA volunteers who were awarded the Australian Fire Service Medal (AFSM) in recognition of their contribution to the community.

VFBV congratulates these members for their outstanding contribution to CFA and broader community along with all other Australians recognised in the Australia Day honours this year.

John Clarke – Hilldene Fire Brigade

John has been a dedicated CFA volunteer for since 1965. This award recognises John’s for his dedication to improving the safety of the community from fires and other emergencies as well as his outstanding leadership qualities and management abilities which have been evident during times of the greatest need. John played a significant role in during the 2009 Black Saturday fires and demonstrated concern for his fellow members by ensuring that compassionate care was provided to those who required it following the fires. Over the years John has gone out of his way to share his knowledge and experience with other CFA members through training and exercises.


Graeme Higgs – Drouin West Fire Brigade

A volunteer for close to 50 years, Graeme is a respected and outstanding operational leader who has served CFA with distinction. Graeme has served in leadership roles for most of his time at CFA, including 20 years a Captain of Drouin West Fire Brigade, junior leader and is currently a Deputy Group Officer of the Baw Baw Group. During his time as Captain, Graeme identified the need for change and led the transition of the Drouin West Fire Brigade from a traditional rural fire brigade to a brigade responding to a mix of fires and incidents of an active urban/rural interface brigade. The professionalism of the Drouin West Fire Brigade that Graeme established can still be seen within the brigade today.


Gill Metz – Riddles Creek Fire Brigade

Gill has been a CFA member since 2000 and has held the roles of Lieutenant, Training Coordinator , Brigade Secretary and Group delegate. As well as volunteering with CFA, Gill has also worked for CFA and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning holding roles such as Regional Manager, Assistant Chief Officer and Deputy Chief Fire Officer. Gill has been committed to ensuring that volunteer response capabilities are recognised, measured and integrated into future planning and as an advocate for increased youth involvement and increased diversity within CFA.


Two Fire Rescue Victoria firefighters were also recognised with the honour of receiving the Australian Fire Service Medal. VFBV congratulates Brad Quinn and Wayne Rigg for their outstanding contribution to the state of Victoria.

Nominations for AFSM's

Nominations for AFSM's are accepted at any time through CFA's Honours and Awards Committee. 

The AFSM honours the distinguished service of members of fire services who make an exceptionable contribution to their communities. The AFSM recognises those whose service is above and beyond the normal zealous and faithful discharge of normal or ordinary service, either in the short or long term.

CFA volunteers are often modest and reluctant to seek out recognition for the service they have provided to their community and may not have a realistic appreciation of the impact they have had on CFA, their community, within VFBV or your Brigade or Group. They’re not in it for the honour or glory, but it’s up to each of us to ensure we take the time to say ‘thank-you’ to those people who have stepped up and help inspire us all to do better.

If you know a quiet achiever who has contributed to CFA, who goes above and beyond what could be reasonably expected of someone in a similar position, please consider nominating them for an AFSM.  

The Australian Honours system has been designed to break down artificial barriers and open the Australian Honours to all parts of our society. Any member of the community can nominate any other Australian citizen for an award.

It is also critically important we encourage nominations for groups who are typically under-represented in Australian Honours like the AFSM. In particular we are encouraging a greater gender mix.

Women in particular are under-represented in AFSM’s awarded when we consider the thousands of women within the fire services across the country. And while things are improving, much more can be done.

There are so many exceptional CFA women and men deserving to be recognised, so please consider nominating someone you feel is deserving.

A common misconception is that only those members who have decades worth of service are recognised by the Honours system. The AFSM is not a long-service award, its sole criterion is distinguished service. And while prolonged service forms part of the key criteria, ‘prolonged’ is considered by the honour and awards committee’s to be taken in context as to what is considered ‘longer than usual’ and in context of what is ‘above and beyond’ the normal or ordinary service expected. Exceptional service that is sustained over a period of time can be considered as satisfying the criteria. For example, has the members contribution been in excess of expectations for a ‘normal’ member and over what duration? The Committee will consider the nature of the service or achievement within the context of a member’s service history when weighing up the various criteria.

This is especially important for women within CFA who may have their service overlooked simply because they haven’t been a Captain or Group Officer for 30+ years. While these are important leadership roles – our service is a team environment, and everyone’s contribution is valued.

Nothing should take away from the incredible achievement decade long service is, but the Honours system is designed to recognise those that make a significant contribution, and to represent the things that our communities believe to be deserving of recognition, including from those who are perhaps trailblazers for others to follow. Think of those people who have pushed the boundaries or have been first to reach and hold leadership positions that has been inspirational to those around them. For example, think of members who have overcome additional barriers, like English not being their first language and who have toiled away to learn the language and become masterful communicators designing new innovative community safety engagements to CALD communities and serving as a role model for other community members. Who are the people you look up to? Who are the people who have really made a difference in your Brigade or Group? 

Distinguished service includes service that is above and beyond and can be short-term or prolonged. It is service that can be exemplified by; responsibility for an outstanding event that has proven to be of significant benefit to the fire service or community; development of a new system, procedure or technique that is unique and made a significant contribution to the fire service; or outstanding leadership in the encouragement and development of others, particularly youth within the fire services.

While it can seem daunting to nominate a potential recipient, some guiding principles that could assist in completing a nomination for an AFSM are:

  • In what role(s) has the nominee excelled?
  • How has the nominee demonstrated service worthy of recognition?
  • How has the nominee’s contribution affected a particular field, locality, brigade, group or community at large?
  • Over what period has the nominee made a major commitment?
  • Has the nominee’s contribution been recognised elsewhere?
  • What makes this person stand out from others?
  • What specific examples can be provided to show how the nominee’s contribution(s) have been outstanding?

Nominations for awards are strictly confidential. The person being nominated should not be approached for information or advised of the confidential nomination at any stage of the process.


Additional Resources to Assist

Honours and Awards Toolkit

Guide to Preparing Nominations for the Australian Fire Service Medal (AFSM)

AFSM Nomination Form

Want to discuss a potential nomination or need some more information? Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


About the Australian Fire Service Medal 

Introduced in 1988, the Australian Fire Service Medal recognised distinguished service by members of Australian fire services and is awarded to both volunteer and paid members. The award recognised the distinguished service by members of a State or Territory Fire Service, a Fire Service of an agency of the Commonwealth, and the Fire Services of the External Territories of Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling Island) and Norfolk Island.

The medal is awarded twice a year as part of the Australia Day award and Queen’s Birthday award announcements.


Criteria for the Australian Fire Service Medal 

To be considered for this award it would be expected that the nominee has given service beyond the norm exemplified by:

  1. Prolonged service distinguished by exceptional performance in a particular area that has proved significant benefit to the fire service; and one or more of the following.
  2. Responsibility for and management of an outstanding/exceptional event that has proven to be of significant benefit to the fire service, a community or community safety generally.
  3. Development of a new system, or procedure, or technique that is unique and has made a significant contribution to the fire service, a community or community safety generally.
  4. Outstanding leadership in the encouragement and development of others, particularly youth, within the fire service and the fostering and furthering of the aims of the fire service to the long-term benefit of the fire service and the community.
  5. Demonstrated creativity in the development and implementation of innovative changes that have made a significant contribution to the fire service, fire/emergency operations, or the interests of community safety.
Friday, 07 January 2022 11:39

January 2022 Newsletter

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Have you had your say?

By Adam Barnett, VFBV Chief Executive Officer  

Welcome to 2022!

With temperatures exceeding 40 degrees in many parts of the State as we welcomed in the new year, it is a timely reminder for members to practice heat safety.

Just last month, Risk Frontiers published its latest research on fatalities caused by natural hazards in Australia. The latest research expanded on their previous work analysing heatwave fatalities between 1844 to 2010, where it was determined that heatwaves were second only to disease epidemics in lives lost from natural hazards. The latest research looks in depth at the period between July 2000 to June 2018 and finds that half of all heatwave fatalities occurred in Victoria, and a quarter in South Australia.

While many of us carry the tragic losses of the 2009 Black Saturday fires in our memories (173 fatalities) it is far less recalled that health authorities attributed 374 fatalities to the southeast Australia heatwave between 25th Jan – 9th Feb, 2009.

Similarly, the defining Black Friday fires of 1939 that led to the formation of CFA recorded 71 deaths, but the preceding heatwave led to 438.

Which begs the question, why isn’t more being done to build public education and awareness on the importance of having an extreme-heat plan to compliment other emergency plans like fire and storm? With the prediction of increased frequency of heatwaves, it is more important than ever to incorporate these conversations into our usual pre-summer community education. And while extreme heat emergencies fall more within the heath sector than fire, many of the messages are complementary and fit well together in our pursuit of community resilience and safety.

Closer to home, the importance of managing heat related stress remains critical to firefighter safety. Members are urged to be proactively hydrating at work or home prior to attending a call-out, and crew leaders and strike team leaders are reminded to monitor crews and ensure fluids and task rotation are being managed on the fireground. Operations bulletins recommend 15-20 mins work requires 20 mins rest in a shaded area during hot days. And lower arm cooling and use of cool wet towels under the arm pits and around the neck are all very effective methods to return cool blood to the core of the body during rest breaks.

The very late signs of dehydration include the onset of headache, dizziness, nausea, cramps and dry skin. If left untreated, dehydration can very quickly progress to heat stroke, so please don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink water, and don’t forget that water alone will not be enough to rehydrate you from fluids lost from sweat.  During active workload, firefighters can lose more than a litre of water per hour, so it is critical that sufficient water and electrolyte fluids are available to your crews.


As the year finished up, I had the most unpleasant task of requesting volunteer feedback on EMV’s draft operating model review with a ridiculously short feedback deadline. Despite being published on the 17 November, the draft operating model review was provided four days before Christmas, with EMV requesting feedback by mid-January.

To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. To provide this timeline over the Christmas/New Year period during our busiest time of year is frankly disgraceful.

The lack of volunteer consultation throughout the review became very evident upon reading the draft. Rather than focus on the task of supporting and building emergency management capability across Class 1 and Class 2 agencies across the whole EM sector, the review seems to narrowly focus on building capacity by using largely Victorian public sector employees and recommending ‘permanent’ IMT’s. As one senior volunteer remarked to me after they read it - ‘it seems like they started with a recommendation then wrote the report to support the outcome.’

And whilst the VPS benefits from tangible targets and recommendations for business cases, the section purportedly addressing volunteer barriers and lack of support, training and accreditation for the sectors overwhelming volunteer workforce is simply backed up by what I can only describe as dismissive comments, motherhood statements and touchy-feely sentiments. Incredibly disappointing.

And while I could go on and on (and on) about the review’s shortcomings, and its lack of credibility given the poor consultation process - I will await further volunteer feedback. For those who have already responded – thank-you. For those that requested we communicate your anger at the poor process and ridiculous timelines, rest assured we will strongly communicate your frustrations.

If you are a senior volunteer with IMT experience operating at the Level 2 and 3 incident levels, and are interested in reviewing the report and providing written feedback to help inform VFBV’s position, please contact your District Council or Mark Dryden on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   


A reminder that the most important annual survey that directly impacts and influences future priorities for CFA volunteers is underway and will close shortly.

The VFBV Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency survey is the largest survey of its kind in Victoria and connects grass root volunteers directly to decision makers to influence funding, priorities and initiatives aimed at improving CFA.

The survey opened on the 24th November, and will be open for around 12 weeks to provide plenty of opportunity for volunteers to participate.

I have yet to meet a volunteer who does not have an opinion on how well or how poor things are going within the fire services.

Yet, when I attend brigades and groups to discuss particular issues of concern, I am often asked about why certain projects or initiatives are underway, with people asking whose crazy idea said system/process or project was. Yet when I then ask how many of those present actually completed this year’s survey, it is clear how these ideas get up. As I point out – priorities and budgets are heavily influenced by those that do provide feedback, and how else do they expect VFBV to influence these conversations if they are not contributing to the data and our influence on a regular basis.

A quote attributed to President Harry Truman following his win in the 1948 American election was “decisions are made by those who show up.” And while this was particularly poignant for a country that does not have mandatory voting, I would argue it is equally important for an opt-in survey such as ours that was designed by volunteers for volunteers and has established itself as one of the most reliable measures of CFA volunteer sentiment and opinion we have.

A much less flattering sentiment to Truman’s could be ‘some show up and make the decisions, and some don’t show up and complain about the decisions being made.’ And while I think this is an over simplistic analogy, it certainly does serve to highlight the importance of getting involved.

The survey asks for your opinion on most aspects of your CFA experience. From training, consultation, people management, support from and cooperation across CFA, culture, how well volunteers are respected and how you feel about the future.

We take your privacy seriously with all your answers being confidential, and we never share your personal details with anyone including CFA. All results are deidentified, yet every comment and every response is analysed to understand what is working well and what isn’t.

Results and themes from last year’s survey have been instrumental in discussions onboarding the new CFA leaders including the CEO, Chief and members of the executive. For example, the cooperation themed questions provide feedback on engagement between volunteers and CFA by requesting information on whether volunteers feel they have been given adequate opportunity to provide input and feedback into decisions that affect them.

In recent results - volunteers indicated that they often get ‘direction’ from CFA and decisions are often made without consultation which diminishes the recognition of the skills and knowledge of senior and experienced volunteers. There was a strong feeling that even when consultation opportunities are presented or invited, decisions have already been made and it is just lip service. These are important perspectives that help us to work with CFA on improving things.

In the comments provided by respondents last year, many made some reference to the divide, even referred to as a chasm in some instances, between some paid staff and volunteers. A familiar thread to the comments was that they felt in some cases they were set up to fail. A common theme was that volunteers and brigades were often criticised for things they were not given adequate support for, sometimes by the very people employed to support them.

And while I truly believe that CFA is full of highly dedicated, experienced and passionate people both paid and unpaid, this feedback helps provide a barometer on how well people are walking the walk and talking the talk and allows us to zero in on areas where certain trends are emerging.

So please, if you haven’t yet done this year’s survey head over to www.vfbv.com.au/cfa and do it today. We want to hear from you. The only way you can help us influence the CFA of tomorrow, is by doing something about it today.

Stay safe.


Volunteer Survey Closing Soon

This year’s VFBV Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey is closing soon. 

Scan the QR code or visit our website to complete the survey today.

This year’s survey is critically important. With a new CFA leadership, the results from this year’s survey will directly influence the upcoming years priority actions, and are central to our advocacy work with CFA about what needs to be done to improve the organisation. Our advocacy depends on robust volunteer feedback to help inform decision makers of the issues of most importance to you and our fellow volunteers.  

Be part of improving CFA and help us make a difference. 


Inviting applications for the CFA Board

VFBV is now seeking applications from any CFA volunteer interested in applying for any of the volunteer nominated positions on the CFA Board.

The terms of CFA Board Members Dawn Hartog, Kent Griffin, Beth Davidson and Peter Shaw due to expire in mid 2022. All four members are eligible for re-nomination, but will be required to reapply for nomination.

The CFA legislation recognises that it is important that the CFA Board has strong volunteer expertise, knowledge and an understanding of CFA volunteers.

To support this, CFA legislation provides for four of the CFA Board’s Members to be appointed from a panel of names submitted by Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria, two being representatives from brigades predominantly serving urban communities and two being representatives from brigades predominantly serving rural communities.

CFA volunteers who believe they have the skills, experience and capacity to make a contribution to the Board of the CFA, are invited to apply. VFBV is seeking gender and culturally diverse candidates, in addition to a diverse range of skills and experience including applicants from diverse brigade type and classifications.

Please visit the VFBV website for further details. Applications close 1st February 2022.


Working with Children (Adverse Notice) Procedure Feedback

Members would recall, earlier in the year CFA engaged in consultation with VFBV over proposed changes to its working with children business rule and policies.

Following member feedback, VFBV provided comprehensive feedback to CFA that while supporting the majority of the proposed changes in principle – we did not support CFA’s proposed procedure to deal with adverse notices.

It was VFBV’s view (informed by your feedback) that the proposed procedure did not afford sufficient procedural fairness, did not provide robust privacy to members, and there was a lack of structure in the arrangements to ensure a consistent and robust approach across the State. It was our view the procedure could not be cured by just tweaking it and instead requested that CFA form a working party to allow us to work with CFA to co-design a more suitable process.

CFA agreed to that request, and a small working party was formed consisting of 6 VFBV nominees and 3 CFA nominees. This working party has worked diligently since April to co-design a robust procedure that they believe provides for the safety of children and young people, ensures privacy and confidentiality throughout the process and affords procedural fairness.

CFA is now requesting formal consultation on the revised procedure.

You will note that the revised policy only deals with volunteers. A very similar staff procedure is also currently being developed and consulted on, and we are advised the intent will be to ensure both operate effectively the same, but with subtle differences to account for the slightly different procedures required for each cohort. (For example, staff suspension or dismissal involves a different process etc.)

VFBV is now seeking members review the updated procedure (available on our website), and provide any further comment/feedback to Christine Fryer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by Monday 14th February 2022.

When providing feedback - we would also be keen to gauge support for the revised procedure, so please feel free to indicate support and/or concerns.

We thank you in advance for your assistance and look forward to your feedback.


Fire Wise – January 2022 online only edition

The January 2022 edition of Fire Wise has been published online only, this edition and past editions are available from the Fire Wise website.

You can support Fire Wise and the role it plays as an independent voice in keeping volunteers informed by becoming a subscriber. To become a Fire Wise subscriber visit the Fire Wise website or contact the Managing Editor of Fire Wise, Gordon Rippon-King either by phone 0402 051 412 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


COVID-19 Updates

CFA has been operating a full COVID incident management team since the start of the pandemic. This IMT is led by the Chief Officer, and includes all the Deputy Chief Officers, senior members of the CFA Executive and key personnel from across the organisation including OH&S, Logistics, the State Agency Commander, and Comms etc. The Association is represented by the VFBV CEO who provides an association perspective as well as escalating any issues raised through the VFBV District Council Network.

The IMT meets between two to seven days per week depending on the circumstances and impacts of COVID-19 on CFA operations. The group receives daily updates from the Department of Health, and uses multiple data sources to monitor not only community transmission and vaccine levels but also internal data such as number of positive cases within CFA and any impacts on brigade capability or response.

Changes to CFA District COVID response levels are made by this group on the recommendation of the Deputy Chief Officer (Service Delivery) from each of the 5 regions. ACFO's are required to consult with Group Officers prior to a recommendation to raise or lower an individual District (or LGA) response level. If you are a group officer who is not routinely engaged by your District ACFO in discussions around your COVID response level, you are encouraged to raise this issue with your Deputy Chief Officer for your region in the first instance.

Response levels in some Districts are expected to be closely reviewed over coming weeks depending on the numbers of members isolating and community transmission trends. Fortunately, CFA's volunteer model provides robust surge capacity and an interconnected network of volunteer brigades that is designed specifically to deal with such scenario's and CFA response has not been adversely impacted throughout the entire pandemic.

Changes to COVID response levels is expected to impact co-located brigades, due to FRV locations being required to be treated similar to 'exposure sites' when an FRV crew member is diagnosed with COVID. This is due in part to their dormitory style model where crews are effectively 'living and sleeping' on station and considered similar to 'household' contacts under the revised close contact rules. Arrangements are being discussed to try and minimise the impacts of these occurrences on co-located brigades and members are thanked for their patience and understanding.

In further news, discussions have been underway for some time to secure rapid antigen tests for use within CFA. World wide impacts on supply and constrains within the logistics networks has made this more difficult, but limited supply is due as early as next week. Given the limited numbers available, and community demand for RAT's - procedures are being drafted to ensure an equitable and risk based approach to their use. This will assist maintain operational capacity and ensure RAT's are only used for exposure through CFA activities only.

Further details will be shared shortly. Members are encouraged to continue to practice COVID safe practices and monitor CFA updates for changes.


AdBlue Update

Members may be aware that there is a predicated global shortage of Urea (AdBlue) which is used in vehicles with modern diesel engines to be complaint with emission standards.

Members should be assured that this is expected to have minimal impact on CFA's operational capability, as all CFA emergency response vehicles operate under a general exemption granted for emergency services and have the torque limited (often referred to as limp mode) function disabled.

A recent audit of all operational vehicles has confirmed and verified that the majority of impacted vehicles have had this function disabled. However, in the case of a shortage of AdBlue, members need to be aware that a warning lamp within the vehicle instrument cluster will still be activated when the AdBlue level reaches a pre-determined level.

During the audit, it has been identified that a very small number of Scania cab chassis vehicles have not had the torque reduction properly disabled, and those brigades have been advised. These vehicles will be required to attend a service centre so Scania can complete the works, which will take less than an hour. All affected vehicles have been scheduled for service well before supply is expected to be impacted. VFBV delegates to the Joint Equipment and Infrastructure committee will be seeking a review of CFA's internal quality assurance process to ensure future vehicle handovers include verification that the torque limiting function has been completed prior to CFA accepting the vehicle from the manufacturer.

In the case of an AdBlue shortage, CFA has also secured an emergency supply of AdBlue which will be stored centrally and distributed if necessary as required to ensure emergency response capability is protected.


2022 State Championships

Entries are now open for the 2022 State Championships which will be held on consecutive weekends in March 2022 at Mooroopna. All team entries and judge and official registrations will close on Sunday 20th February 2022.

The Urban Junior State Championship will be held on the weekend of Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th March with the Rural Senior and Junior and Urban Senior Championships on the following weekend Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th March.

Similar to the 2021 State Championships, all entries and registrations will again be collected online, please visit the VFBV Website for links to enter your team or register as a judge or official for any of the Championships.

Updated Rule Books are also available from the VFBV Website for both the Urban and Rural Competitions along with a list of local competitions being conducted in 2022. The local competitions are also printed on page 12 of this months edition of Fire Wise.

Any Brigade or member needing assistance with the Team or Judge and Official registration process, please contact the VFBV office 9886 1141 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or CFA at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Position Vacant

VFBV is seeking to appoint a VFBV Support Officer to work in regional Victoria with VFBV District Councils, Brigades and volunteers to facilitate consultation, issues resolution and volunteer engagement.

The position is a state role, with emphasis and focus on providing support throughout CFA’s Northwest region (CFA Districts 2, 14, 18 and 20.)

This is an existing position, with the incumbent due to depart shortly.

In addition to relevant skills and experience, candidates will need to understand CFA and volunteerism, be good listeners; be able to facilitate good consultation; ability to establish productive networks; navigate through complex issues resolution; be self-starters and have a passion to improve arrangements that benefit the welfare and efficiency of CFA volunteers.

Extensive regional Victorian work travel is envisaged, and flexible work base locations will be considered for the position, with the priority focus to assign a work location within the CFA Northwest region.

Flexible working arrangements, to cater for extensive evening and weekend work, will be tailored to match the needs of our volunteer membership base. This is a full-time position.

Prior to applying you should familiarise yourself with the Position Description which is available from the VFBV office or website.

Applications close Tuesday 8th February 2022


Update your status

CFA is requesting that all members please update their CFA record with their COVID-19 Vaccination status as soon as possible, as pre the Chief Health Officer’s directions.
ONLINE: www.members.cfa.vic.gov.au   

PHONE: (03) 9262 8663


Recent articles on the VFBV website

2022 State Championships – Entries Now Open

Inviting applications for the CFA Board

Now Open – 2021/2022 VFBV Volunteer Welfare & Efficiency Survey

Working with Children Adverse Notice Procedure

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Position Vacant – VFBV Support Officer (North West)


Enjoying the VFBV monthly newsletter?

If you enjoy reading the VFBV newsletter each month, why not share it with your fellow volunteers?

Either share this page with others who may enjoy the articles or encourage other volunteers to sign up to receive their own copy via email each month here.


Friday, 07 January 2022 13:10

Position Vacant – VFBV Support Officer (North West)

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VFBV is seeking to appoint a VFBV Support Officer to work in regional Victoria with VFBV District Councils, Brigades and volunteers to facilitate consultation, issues resolution and volunteer engagement.  

The position is a State role, with emphasis and focus on providing support throughout CFA’s North West region (CFA Districts 2, 14, 18 and 20).

This is an existing position, with the incumbent due to depart shortly.

In addition to relevant skills and experience, candidates will need to understand CFA and volunteerism, be good listeners; be able to facilitate good consultation; ability to establish productive networks; navigate through complex issues resolution; be self-starters and have a passion to improve arrangements that benefit the welfare and efficiency of CFA volunteers.

Extensive regional Victorian work travel is envisaged and flexible work base locations will be considered for the position, with the priority focus to assign a work location within the CFA North West Region.

Flexible working arrangements, to cater for extensive evening and weekend work, will be tailored to match the needs of our volunteer membership base.

This is a full time position.

Prior to applying you should familiarise yourself with the Position Description which is available from the VFBV office or for download at the bottom of this page.


How to apply

All applications must include:

  1. a current resume
  2. a cover letter addressing the key selection criteria outlined in the position description (including samples of previous written communications). 


Send applications to the attention of the CEO, VFBV, 9/24 Lakeside Drive, Burwood East 3151 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Applications close Tuesday 8th February 2022.

Any questions or queries re the application process should be directed to Cathie Smith from the VFBV Office on (03) 9886 1141 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Any interested applicants to the VFBV Support Officer position, are also encouraged to speak to one of our existing VFBV Support Officers and/or State Councillor's who would be more than happy to give members a sense of the role.

Friday, 24 December 2021 11:50

Working with Children Adverse Notice Procedure

Written by

Members would recall, earlier in the year CFA engaged in consultation with VFBV over proposed changes to its working with children business rule and policies.

Following member feedback, VFBV provided comprehensive feedback to CFA that while supporting the majority of the proposed changes in principle – we did not support CFA’s proposed procedure to deal with adverse notices.

It was VFBV’s view (informed by your feedback) that the proposed procedure did not afford sufficient procedural fairness, did not provide robust privacy to members, and there was a lack of structure in the arrangements to ensure a consistent and robust approach across the State. It was our view the procedure could not be cured by just tweaking it and instead requested that CFA form a working party to allow us to work with CFA to co-design a more suitable process.

CFA agreed to that request, and a small working party was formed consisting of 6 VFBV nominees and 3 CFA nominees. This working party has worked diligently since April to co-design a robust procedure that they believe provides for the safety of children and young people, ensures privacy and confidentiality throughout the process and affords procedural fairness.

CFA is now requesting formal consultation on the revised procedure.

You will note that the attached policy only deals with volunteers. A very similar staff procedure is also currently being developed and consulted on, and we are advised the intent will be to ensure both operate effectively the same, but with subtle differences to account for the slightly different procedures required for each cohort. (For example, staff suspension or dismissal involves a different process etc.)

VFBV is now seeking members review the updated procedure (available below), and provide any further comment/feedback to Christine Fryer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by Monday 14th February 2022. When providing feedback - we would also be keen to gauge support for the revised procedure, so please feel free to indicate support and/or concerns.

We thank you in advance for your assistance and look forward to your feedback.

Saturday, 25 December 2021 09:11

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

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On behalf of VFBV, we wish all members, friends and supporters a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year.

We take this opportunity to thank each and every one of our CFA Volunteers for the tremendous work you do in protecting our communities.

To all our volunteer firefighter's on the front line, and to the thousands of others who support behind the scenes, well done and thank-you for your incredible contribution year after year.

To our families, employers and supporters, thank you. Your support is crucial to the work our members do in protecting Victorian communities from fire, 365 days of the year.

May everyone have a safe and Happy Christmas.

We thoroughly enjoy the work that we do on your behalf and are privileged to work alongside each and every one of you.

Stay safe over the holiday season, and please look out for one another.


Thursday, 16 December 2021 15:42

2022 State Championships – Entries Now Open

Written by

Entries are now open for the 2022 State Championships. Similar to 2021 all team entries and judge/official nominations will be collected via online again for the 2022 State Championships.

The dates for the 2022 State Championships are:

State Urban Junior Championship Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th March 2022 
State Urban Senior Championship Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th March 2022
State Rural Senior Championship Saturday 26th March 2022
State Rural Junior Championship Sunday 27th March 2022


Entries for all four State Championships close on Sunday 20th February 2022. Please note that late entries are unlikely to be accepted.


State Rural Championships

Team Entries and Registration

All members intending to attend the Championships are requested to register their intention and also indicate if they are responsible for their teams entry forms here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/cfa-vfbv-state-firefighter-championships-2022-tickets-180446629727 

Judge and Official Nominations

All Judges and Officials nominations are to be submitted here: https://groups.operoo.com/public_forms/796808/new Please note that you do not need to register as an official for the Rural State Championships if you are nominating to be part of the make up crews, this information is collected via the Team entry forms. 

Local competitions

CFA have approved applications to conduct local competitions in 2022, these dates have been communicated to the District Competition Committees. A list of the approved local competitions can be downloaded from the bottom of this page.

Updated Rule Book

The State Competition Committee have approved changes to the Rule Book at their November meeting. A copy of the updated rule book can be downloaded from the VFBV website here.


State Urban Championships  

Team entries

All members intending to attend the Championships are requested to register their intention and also indicate if they are responsible for their teams entry forms here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/cfa-vfbv-state-firefighter-championships-2022-tickets-180446629727 

Judge and Official Nominations

All Judges and Officials nominations are to be submitted here: https://groups.operoo.com/public_forms/796810/new 

Local Competitions

CFA have approved applications to conduct local competitions in 2022, these dates have been communicated to Competition Associations. A list of the approved local competitions can be downloaded from the bottom of this page.

Urban Competition and Rules Committee Memo

The December Memo from the Competition and Rules Committee to Competing Brigades and Competition Associations can be downloaded from the bottom of this page. The Memo includes rule book updates, link to the new rules for the Hydrant & Tanker Event, update on the Female Aggregate events, a trial B Section event and the program of events for the 2022 State Urban Senior Championship.

A copy of the updated Urban Competition Rule Book can be downloaded from the VFBV website here. (The Rule Book as has been updated in February 2022 - please download a new version)


Queries and Assistance with Entries and Judge/Official Nominations

If you have any problems accessing the online forms please contact either the VFBV office via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 03 9886 1141 or Jayne at CFA via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on 0476 660 045.

Please note if you have a query, there will be limited response over the Christmas/New Year period however you will receive a response as soon as possible after this time.


Wednesday, 08 December 2021 16:45

December 2021 Newsletter

Written by

Crisis and Opportunity  
By Adam Barnett, VFBV Chief Executive Officer

I have drawn inspiration from an unusual source this month, and quite by accident. As I was doing some research on another topic, one of those annoying pop-up ads flashed on my screen to advertise a new album released by London based Kiwi drummer and composer Myele Manzanza. The title of the album was ‘Crisis and Opportunity, Volume 2’ and I thought to myself, what a great title, and what a fitting way to describe the year just past from a CFA perspective. After digging a little deeper, I discovered that Volume 1 was actually released last year as a way for Myele to direct his creative energy during what he describes as a difficult period of the health crisis and personal impacts where he lost the ability to earn a living and perform during the London 2020 COVID-19 lockdowns.

So, on the basis that imitation is the highest form of flattery, I have commandeered the title as this month’s theme.

And while it would be understandable that many of us would like nothing else but to just wish the year gone, I can’t help but reflect on the Chinese philosophy of yin and yang that describes how opposite forces may actually be complementary, rather than opposing.

Don’t get me wrong, this year has been extremely challenging and difficult. CFA volunteers have had to contend with a high level of leadership churn and instability, contentious reform, low morale, and the COVID-19 pandemic just for good measure.

The leadership churn in particular has been relentless. Over the past five years alone, volunteers have witnessed 5 Ministers, 22 CFA Board members including three chairs, 6 CEOs and 4 Chief Officer’s. And I won’t count the senior leadership team changes as quite bluntly - I have lost count. No-one should underestimate the impact this level of instability has on an organisation, let alone an emergency service.

My admiration for our members resilience has been profound. This resilience is a reflection of the selfless duty and optimism of volunteers to do whatever it takes to best protect and support their communities during times of crisis. It must not be abused or taken advantage of. And while we are trained to put out fires, this year we have had to contend with numerous metaphorical ones also.

And while no-one could blame us for feeling a little cynical and angry at what has been done to one of Victoria’s most trusted and respected emergency services, CFA volunteers have displayed the utmost professionalism and duty throughout. There has been plenty of opportunities for the cheap shot or free kicks along the way, but we have all worked incredibly hard together to resist and raise above the petty and work diligently to seize the opportunities as well as welcome and nurture the new leaders through the organisation.

I have spoken frequently over the last little while of the cautious optimism I hold that I think we may be through the worst, and I can see small embers of hope. Like you, I will need to see a much longer period of sustained effort and results before I call it, but nonetheless you should have started seeing some tangible evidence trickle down from the new CFA leadership that provides a glimpse of what’s to come.

Despite the COVID-19 overlay of the year, VFBV has worked extremely hard to progress matters of importance to volunteers, seizing the opportunity of fresh leaders to advocate several longstanding issues of concern.

For example, the recent announcement of defibrillators being allocated to every CFA operational vehicle in the fleet is very welcome news. Over 11 years ago, VFBV successfully lobbied the CFA Board to reverse CFA’s ban on brigades and groups even being able to purchase defibrillators themselves. This landmark decision followed years of advocacy and campaigning. And while we shouldn’t have to ‘lobby’ for such critical lifesaving pieces of equipment for an emergency service organisation like CFA, we continued our push for CFA to roll them out State-wide. The fact that this announcement had to be funded from community donations made during the 2019/20 bushfire season and not core funding is telling, but while it’s been a long while coming, it is a good example of volunteers’ persistence and patience in contending with insufficient funding of Victoria’s largest and most efficient fire service.

There has also been good progress on the Storz coupling changeover program, with CFA finally abandoning its desire for volunteers to use grants programs to fund what can only be described as a basic piece of equipment (firehoses.) We have welcomed CFA advice that it has now committed funding to finish the rollout across the State.

Initiatives to support diversity have also been a longstanding focus over the years, with VFBV successfully campaigning for female tailored bushfire PPC back in 2014. Since that time, issues around female fit gloves and boots have been raised through our PPC/E Committee, with female hygiene packs for all operational vehicles nearing reality by the end of the year – an issue first raised by VFBV back in 2015, following some great work done by the District 24 Women’s Reference Group. VFBV is continuing to pursue adequate modesty arrangements in station turnout rooms to further support the government’s diversity targets as well as new ergonomic focus and studies to ensure new equipment and vehicle designs do not unconsciously act as a barrier.

Similarly good progress has recently been made to VFBV’s campaign for a second set of bushfire PPC to be issued to all operational volunteers. With the new design finished some years ago, the project has now reached tender stage and announcements are expected early in the new year of when these garments can start rolling out. Given this was a key priority raised by VFBV with the government during discussions on the CFA capability initiatives investment, we are pleased to see this project nearing completion.

We continue to also focus on the need to review and update the structural ensemble to account for the significant advances in materials over the past decade.

Workwear is inching closer to reality with the whole tender and procurement process now completed and the initial shipments of garments due very shortly. With some additional funding secured through recent Government VESEP grant rounds, members will also be very happy to hear the initial allocations to brigades will be far higher than originally anticipated. Order forms are hopefully due to start going out to brigades by the end of the year.

These are all good practical initiatives where significant progress has been able to be made. However, there are also many non-tangible outcomes being achieved.

For example, the current independent culture and discipline process review is an incredibly important piece of work that has taken significant advocacy to pursue and has the potential to be a foundation piece to best position CFA for the future. As too has CFA’s recent announcement that the Chief Officer has accepted all 14 recommendations from the independent AFAC review into CFA training. Our delegates have worked incredibly hard over the months to not only frame the review, but to support the review teams research and advocate for CFA’s support and resourcing to implement the reports findings.

And while I have purposely chosen more tangible examples, I could have easily touched on more strategic ones such as the work we are doing on the need for sustainable fleet funding, proper infrastructure maintenance schedules, empowering volunteer officers, strengthening the role of groups and stronger volunteer consultation assurance frameworks.

Which leads me back to the start of this month’s column, and the yin and yang of crisis and opportunity. It was early Taoism which is an ancient Chinese philosophy that taught distinctions between good and bad events are perceptions only and the duality of yin and yang cannot be so easily divided.

While I hope all future opportunities don’t present themselves alongside crisis, I do take comfort from this concept of nature’s balance and that old adage that the sun always shines after every storm.

This is how I, and I hope you too, choose to look at the passing of 2021 as we focus on the promise of what’s to come in 2022.


Just as we were going to print, news of Assistant Chief Fire Officer Peter Lucas AFSM passing came in.

Peter was a 50-year CFA veteran, and joined Ferntree Gully Fire Brigade as a volunteer junior member back in 1971. He was accepted as a CFA career firefighter in late 1975. At the time of his passing, he was acting ACFO Training Delivery. CFA ran through his blood and he recently joined The Basin Fire Brigade as a volunteer again. Peter was awarded his AFSM in 2004.

Peter was instrumental in the establishment of CFA’s critical incident stress peer support program and a strong advocate and friend of CFA, volunteers and all emergency service personnel. He treated everyone within CFA as one big family and led by example. Most recently Peter worked with us on the emergency services memorial project where he again championed the need to honour and respect those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice.

Peter leaves a legacy of duty, compassion and respect that extends well beyond CFA and across the sector. He will be sadly missed by friends and fellow firefighters, and we extend our deepest sympathy to his family and loved ones.

We were also very saddened to learn of the passing of almost 80-year CFA veteran Ray Larcombe from Rochester Fire Brigade, and former CFA Operations Manager Bob Potts.

Further details on Ray and Bob can be found on Page 12 of this months edition of Fire Wise. They will both be sorely missed.


Volunteer Survey Open

This year’s VFBV Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey is now open.

Scan the QR code or visit our website to complete the survey today.

This year’s survey is critically important. With a new CFA leadership, the results from this year’s survey will directly influence the upcoming years priority actions, and are central to our advocacy work with CFA about what needs to be done to improve the organisation. Our advocacy depends on robust volunteer feedback to help inform decision makers of the issues of most importance to you and our fellow volunteers.

Be part of improving CFA and help us make a difference.


Inviting applications for the CFA Board
VFBV is now seeking applications from any CFA volunteer interested in applying for any of the  volunteer nominated positions on the CFA Board.

The terms of CFA Board Members Dawn Hartog, Kent Griffin, Beth Davidson and Peter Shaw due to expire in mid 2022. All four members are eligible for re-nomination, but will be required to reapply for nomination.

The CFA legislation recognises that it is important that the CFA Board has strong volunteer expertise, knowledge and an understanding of CFA volunteers.

To support this, CFA legislation provides for four of the CFA Board’s Members to be appointed from a panel of names submitted by Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria, two being representatives from brigades predominantly serving urban communities and two being representatives from brigades predominantly serving rural communities.

CFA volunteers who believe they have the skills, experience and capacity to make a contribution to the Board of the CFA, are invited to apply. VFBV is seeking gender and culturally diverse candidates, in addition to a diverse range of skills and experience including applicants from diverse brigade type and classifications.

Please visit the VFBV website for further details. Applications are expected to close early in the new year.



Training campus opened
It has been with excitement and anticipation that the new VEMTC Central Highlands Training Ground at Ballan was recently officially opened by Victorian Attorney-General and Emergency Services Minister Jacyln Symes.

While the opening was small in numbers it wasn’t small in CFA’s ability to showcase the new state of the art training ground with tours of the facility and demonstration on the PAD.

The build of Central Highlands commenced after the closure of Fiskville some years ago and has now resulted in CFA now having a new, modern, and safe training facility to be used by all volunteers.

Central Highlands can be booked by Brigades/Groups to utilise for skills maintenance training or booked as part of skills acquisition training.

Earlier this year VFBV conducted a nomination process on behalf of CFA to name the road network at Central Highlands. All nominations were provided to the CFA executive to select from.

VFBV was proud to witness the official unveiling of the road network including naming rights and presentation of replica signs and certificates to the 10 volunteers, staff and family members of those that have had the honour bestowed upon them.

We congratulate each of the successful candidates, including all those that were nominated. We wish to acknowledge the extremely high quality of nominees from across the state.

Further information on the new Central Highlands Training Ground can be found on Members online including videos and virtual tours.



Quarterly Supplement

Included with the December 2021 edition of Fire Wise is the latest edition of the VFBV Quarterly Supplement.

The Quarterly Supplement contains 16 pages of relevant news, updates and information on current issues being pursued by VFBV on behalf of members. It also includes links to additional resources or updates that are available via our website.

An electronic copy of the Quarterly Supplement can be downloaded here.

Brigade Captains and Secretaries, Group Officers and Group Secretaries as well as VFBV delegates are requested to please take the time to read this and future editions, and to table at your upcoming meetings for the benefit and knowledge of your members.


Update your Status

CFA is requesting that all members please update their CFA record with their COVID-19 Vaccination status as soon as possible, as per the Chief Health officer’s directions.

ONLINE: https://www.members.cfa.vic.gov.au 

BY PHONE: (03) 9262 8663


Recent articles on the VFBV website

Inviting Applications for the CFA Board

International Volunteer Day 2021

Now Open – 2021/2022 VFBV Volunteer Welfare & Efficiency Survey

CFA External Review of Culture and Issues Management Discussion Paper 

FEM Health Surveillance


Enjoying the VFBV monthly newsletter?
If you enjoy reading the VFBV newsletter each month, why not share it with your fellow volunteers?

Either share this page with others who may enjoy the articles or encourage other volunteers to sign up to receive their own copy via email each month here.


Wednesday, 08 December 2021 15:17

Inviting Applications for the CFA Board

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The CFA legislation recognises that it is important that the CFA Board has strong volunteer expertise, knowledge and an understanding of CFA volunteers.  To support this, CFA legislation provides for four of the CFA Board’s Members to be appointed from a panel of names submitted by Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria, two being representatives from brigades predominantly serving urban communities and two being representatives from brigades predominantly serving rural communities. 

The terms of CFA Board Members Dawn Hartog, Kent Griffin, Beth Davidson and Peter Shaw are due to expire in mid 2022. All four members are eligible for renomination, but are still required to re-apply for nomination.

VFBV are now seeking further applications from any CFA volunteer interested in applying for any of the volunteer nominated positions on the CFA Board.

CFA volunteers who believe they have the skills, experience and capacity to make a contribution to the Board of the CFA, are invited to apply. 

In addition to volunteer experience and knowledge, selection will have regard to any of the following:  knowledge of, or experience in, commercial, technical, operational, legal or financial matters; or expertise in fire or emergency management, land management or any other field relevant to the performance of the functions of the CFA.

From applications received and following a selection process that may involve interviews, VFBV will submit a panel of names to the Minister for Emergency Services.

The CFA Board meets on a monthly basis, usually on a Monday and also operates a committee system which could require an additional commitment of at least one day per month.  Regular attendance at official functions and brigade/group events is also expected.

The appointment to the CFA Board would be for a period of up to three years.

The CFA Board Charter and Position Description is available for download below.

Applications must include:

  1. A cover letter outlining why you are interested in applying, your experience relevant to a Board position, your volunteer background and experience, and any further information to address the key selection criteria contained within the below position description.
  2. A completed 'Quick Self Summary' (downloaded from below).
  3. A current resume.
  4. Referee’s.

Applications should be marked Private & Confidential, and addressed to the CEO via

Post: VFBV, 9/24 Lakeside Drive, Burwood East VIC 3151

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


For other relevant information, interested volunteers may email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

VFBV is seeking gender and culturally diverse candidates, in addition to a diverse range of skills and experience including applicants from diverse brigade type and classifications.

Applications close Tuesday, 8th February 2022.

Sunday, 05 December 2021 15:08

International Volunteer Day 2021

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Held annually on 5 December each year, International Volunteer Day is a chance to celebrate the efforts of volunteers and recognise the contribution that they make to their communities.

International Volunteer Day is an international observance day that was authorised by the United Nations General Assembly in 1985 and it offers an opportunity to promote volunteerism, encourage governments to support volunteer efforts and recognised volunteer contributions.

The 2021 theme for International Volunteer Day is “Volunteer now for our common future” and it aims to inspire people to take action now for people and planet.

The United Nations General Assembly notes that when people are encouraged to get involved in solving problems, the solutions are likely to be feasible and lasting. When volunteers are engaged in their communities they held to build a better and safer future for us all.

This can be seen every day within CFA and other emergency services in Victoria. Volunteers who roll up their sleeves and give up their time to keep their communities safe and not just the one they live in but travelling across Victoria or interstate when needed.  

The 3V’s project conducted by VFBV alongside our partners at the Victorian State Emergency Service Association (VicSESVA), Ambulance Victoria, St John Ambulance, the Victorian Council of Churches Emergencies Ministry and Emergency Management Victoria (EMV) conservatively estimates that emergency management volunteers in Victoria contribute $1.9-$2.5 billion dollars to Victoria each year.

VFBV also relies on volunteers, with many CFA volunteers giving up their time to be Brigade or Group Delegates, District Council Executive Members, State Councillors, Board Members and delegates to our various CFA/VFBV Joint Committees and working parties. These members get involved in solving problems to make CFA the best possible place to volunteer.

Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria (VFBV) CEO Adam Barnett said that the contribution of the 55,000 CFA volunteers across Victoria deserves to be recognised, not just on special days but every day.

“CFA volunteers along with other emergency service volunteers in Victoria show up each and every day to ensure the safety of all Victorians.” Mr Barnett said.

“Our volunteers individually show great courage, ingenuity, stamina and compassion, while collectively they have the agility, expertise and experience to tackle the most daunting challenges.”

“The culture of dedicated and selfless service is a proud Australian tradition. Every CFA volunteer deserves thanks and recognition for the work they do in building community resilience for a safer Victoria.”



About VFBV: VFBV is established under the Country Fire Authority Act and is the peak body for CFA Volunteers in Victoria. VFBV works tirelessly to represent, advocate and support CFA volunteers to the CFA Board and management, governments, ministers, members of parliament, councils, instrumentalities, business and the public. Our vision is for Strong Volunteerism, Embraced to Build Community Resilience for a Safer Victoria.

The 2022 VFBV Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey is now open to all CFA volunteers.


The survey is an annual snapshot of volunteer opinion, which includes questions on issues chosen by CFA volunteers.

The survey has become a critical tool in monitoring short-and-long-term trends, and the effectiveness of initiatives aimed at improving CFA volunteer engagement and wellbeing.  Last year, almost 2,700 CFA volunteers took part in the survey.

All answers and comments are confidential, but the results go straight to the decision makers at CFA, EMV (Emergency Management Victoria) and Government.

The survey takes 10 – 15 minutes to complete.

The survey continues to be an important and reliable method to capture the views of volunteers and track what is improving, as well as addressing areas that are the cause of dissatisfaction for volunteers.  You can download a summary of last year’s results at the bottom of this page. 

VFBV’s advocacy on behalf volunteers depends on robust volunteer feedback to help inform decision makers of the issues most important to CFA volunteers.

Once you have completed the survey yourself, please also share the survey with other CFA volunteers.  The more volunteers that take part, the more impact the results will have.  This is an important tool to measure and report on trends in CFA volunteer welfare and efficiency.

As a large part of the state is currently either impacted by floods across Victoria or involved in the emergency response, a closing date for the survey has not been set.  Typically the annual survey remains open for approximately 8-12 weeks.  We will monitor responses to gauge if there has been an interruption to the usual promotion of the survey and a closing date will be advertised down the track as this becomes clearer.  You are encouraged to complete the survey at your earliest convenience and to help promote participation among your fellow CFA volunteers.

If you have issues accessing the survey – please contact your VFBV Support Officer or the VFBV office This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

We are also able to send out paper copies of the survey to members who do not have internet access, please contact the VFBV office on (03) 9886 1141 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to arrange a copy to be posted.

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CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.


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