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Tuesday, 05 March 2013 00:00

Affiliation with VFBV

Affiliating with VFBV

Any CFA Brigade or Group can affiliate with the VFBV. Invoices for Brigade & Welfare Fund affiliations are sent out by mail.

To be eligible to subscribe to the Welfare Fund, your Brigade must be affiliated with VFBV, which pays all of the Fund's operating costs.

The number of Brigades and Groups affiliating with VFBV has risen steadily in recent years to record levels.


Advantages of Affiliation

Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria (VFBV) is the voice of CFA Volunteers, and is established under the Country Fire Authority Act.  VFBV represents all CFA volunteers in communication with the CFA Board and Management, Governments, Members of Parliament, councils, instrumentalities, business and the public.

CFA is a volunteer-based emergency service, providing an internationally renowned and cost effective system of protecting our state from fire.  In the interests of maintaining and developing the service, with its inherent community capacity building advantages, VFBV provides CFA with a direct connection to the volunteers, and the benefits of their experience and practical advice on;

•strategic and practical leadership;
•effective planning; 
•volunteer support services;
•recruitment and sustainment programs;
•accessible quality training;
•equipment and infrastructure.

VFBV maintains direct links with grass roots volunteers, understanding their issues, needs and concerns through a state-wide network of District Councils and elected volunteer representatives. The VFBV Board meets with the CFA Board as the peak forum for strategic consultation on matters affecting volunteers, from policy development and volunteer welfare, to equipment, infrastructure, volunteer development and planning for CFA’s future.  VFBV and CFA also have Joint Committees that meet regularly with CFA Department Heads and Chiefs to discuss all matters affecting volunteers.  The two organisations also form working parties from time to time to work through smaller or one-off projects.

Make your Voice Heard

Affiliation gets you a seat at this very important table, and gives you a voice.  Affiliation entitles you to send two delegates from your brigade to be represented at District Council, and entitles you to two votes on all matters raised for endorsement. Your delegates are able to influence policy and decision, as well as represent your brigades’ views and concerns at a District level, and at a State level through State Council.  Your Brigade can also apply for representation on Joint-Committees, Working Parties and Reference Groups by getting involved in your District Council.

Some brigades think that they should only be affiliated if they wish to compete in the Urban or Rural Championships. Whilst the championships provide an important further dimension to Brigade life and the role the volunteer association plays in a coordinating and supportive role, there are many other reasons why affiliation should be important to your Brigade.

Affiliated Brigades have access to a wide field of support that comes from our statewide representation.  Not only can this be a crucial sounding board, where your brigade can learn from the experiences of hundreds of other brigades, but the depth of knowledge and commonality of issues means your Brigade can receive assistance on any number of issues that arise from time to time.  Whether it’s advice on a new appliance, help in influencing a CFA policy or decision, or help in mediating an issue between your Brigade and a CFA Officer or Manager, you have ready access to a broad range of support.  Because of our strong representation at all levels of CFA, we have the negotiating power and strength that comes from numbers that make VFBV a strong advocate on issues that affect your Brigade and all CFA volunteers.

Affiliation also makes your brigade eligible to be a part of the Welfare Fund, which provides support to volunteers facing difficult financial situations due to loss of work, family illness or death, accidental injury or even drought or floods.  When your 0Brigade subscribes, the fund provides coverage for all volunteer members of the brigade, their families and any ex-member of a brigade who was a registered volunteer for 20 years or more.

The Benefits

In summary, if your Brigade wants its voice to be heard, if you think your Brigade should have an effective say in CFA policy and procedures, then it is crucial that you affiliate.  Being part of VFBV provides your Brigade with a direct pathway to CFA and its decision makers, and offers strong volunteer representation through District Councils, Forums, Joint Committees and working parties.  It provides your Brigade with a gateway to a broad range of support and knowledge, and provides crucial assistance and support in the times when you need it most.

Through affiliation, all brigades can share experience, knowledge and costs, to the benefit of every CFA volunteer.  Every affiliated brigade plays an important role in our efforts to maintain an effective community based volunteer system of fire and emergency service, supported by highly trained and dedicated operational, training, support and administrative staff at strategic locations.

A brigade on its own has a limited capacity to influence.  Being part of a statewide network of brigades that are focussed on your issues and needs provides strong and credible representation at the highest levels of the CFA’s organisation.  VFBV not only provides your brigade with practical support, but also strategic support  in ensuring volunteers get the respect, recognition and support for themselves and their families, and for their self sacrifice and the commitment they make to protecting our community.

Affiliation with VFBV is an investment in building the CFA of tomorrow into a more effective emergency service that makes use of the experience and knowledge of its volunteers and looks after their needs.

Annual Reports

VFBV Annual Reports are presented at each years Annual General Meeting, and then posted to all member Brigades shortly thereafter. (usually October).


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An Adobe Acrobat file 2013_VFBV_AnnualReport_2012-2013_FINALweb Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 7.73 MB
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An Adobe Acrobat file 2015_VFBV_AnnualReport_2014-2015_FINALweb Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 2.62 MB
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An Adobe Acrobat file 2017_VFBV_AnnualReport_2016-2017_FINALweb Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 3.15 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file 2018_VFBV_AnnualReport_2017-2018_FINALweb Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 4.79 MB
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Published in Membership
Tuesday, 05 March 2013 00:00

Championships - Introduction and History

Upcoming State Championships

The 2024 State Championships will all be held in Mooroopna over consecutive weekends in March for the fourth year in a row.

The weekend 16 and 17 March will host the State Urban Junior Championship. The following weekend, 23 and 24 March, will see the State Urban Senior Championship run over both days. While the State Rural Senior Championship will be run on Saturday 25 March and the State Rural Junior Championship on Sunday 26 March. The events for each championship will be conducted separately on their own competition tracks, but alongside each other at the same location, on the same weekend, in what is a showcase of CFA to the wider community.

On the evening of Saturday 23 March, the Torchlight Procession will be held. The procession will begin at 8:30pm on the Saturday night.     


VFBV State Championship History and Introduction

VFBV State Championships are one of Victoria's proudest and longest traditions, running for nearly 150 years with the first State Championship held in Melbourne in 1873, with the volunteer associations running and organising these events some 70 years before CFA even existed.  State Championships have continued annually since 1873 with no state event cancelled due to fire, flood, weather or natural disaster – the only cancellations being due to WW1, WWII and the COVID-19 pandemic.

The establishment of volunteer fire brigades in country Victoria began in 1854 with brigades formally established at Geelong and Sandhurst (now Bendigo). The introduction of hose reels into the Fire Service to assist in getting hose and other necessary equipment to the scene of a fire relatively quickly, was a major catalyst for fire brigade competitions, as we know them. 

The Championships, initially known as ‘Demonstrations’ as they were viewed as a demonstration of firefighting skills, arose from an awareness that fire brigade operational response and training could be enhanced if it was performed in a competitive environment. Brigades soon discovered their training and efficiency improved by engaging in training and competitions with neighbouring brigades, with the State Championship evolving as the pinnacle of the season’s competitions conducted by Districts and Associations across the state.

After the first two Championships were held in Melbourne 1873 and 1874, and given the vast distance many country and regional Brigades travelled to attend the Melbourne events, it was agreed that other venues should have the opportunity of hosting future Championships. This was also seen as a way to fairly distribute the economic benefits of increased tourism and patronage in townships as a result of each year’s competitions, and honoured volunteer firefighters dedication to putting their communities first.

Today, competitions and the State Championships remain an integral part of CFA activities, attracting every year volunteer and career firefighters from across the state and interstate, competing against each other in a range of events designed to hone their firefighting skills and put their skills to the test in a demonstration of their unique life and property saving skills.  Speed and accuracy are vital as the firefighters compete in events using a range of traditional and modern-day firefighting equipment. 

Since 1873 - VFBV (and its predecessor associations) coordinate and arrange all Fire Brigade championships and competitions in Victoria, and selects the venues, approves the events and rules of the competitions, and appoints/supports all track officials and judges for the Championships. Under the CFA Act, we must seek the approval of CFA for each year’s events held within the country area of Victoria. CFA support the running of these Championships through the provision of annual grants to contribute to the running costs of hosting each year’s events, as well as reimbursing competitors for travel expenses to attend the State Championship – in recognition that many Brigades are required to travel hundreds of kilometres to attend each years State Championships.


State Championships allow volunteer firefighters to test their skills and prowess against opposing Brigades in a congenial atmosphere and provides an opportunity to strengthen existing friendships and form new bonds with Brigade members throughout Victoria and interstate.  Unlike a real bushfire or structural fire situation, which often pits firefighters against mother nature and where lives and property are at risk, these drill competitions are more firefighter versus firefighter, and Brigade versus Brigade, which allows for a more friendly opponent than mother nature.

The urban championships in the main involve traditional events and many still include the use of the reel as was the case in the early 1900s.

On the other hand the events at the rural championships which evolved in the 1950's are based around more current fire ground practices and most use either tankers or replica tanker stands for most of their events. Earlier rural championships held competitions such as rope climbs and knapsack races which have now been discontinued in favour of more tanker based activities.

The benefits and objectives of our competitions and State Championships are to:

  1. increased operational firefighting efficiency and discipline

  2. develop, maintain and enhance the operational skills of firefighters by providing a competitive environment to promote and hone training and skills maintenance in core and fundamental firefighting skills and practices

  3. develop teamwork and leadership skills of individuals and Brigades

  4. increased health and fitness development and promotion of healthy lifestyle and its correlation to increased firefighting efficiency and effectiveness

  5. promote comradeship amongst firefighters, sense of belonging and networking

  6. encourage family participation and strengthen community engagement and involvement in local Fire Brigade’s

  7. encourage our future CFA volunteer firefighters and provide early exposure to young people to instil a sense of community service and the importance of local Fire Brigade’s

  8. promote a professional image of CFA to the community

  9. instil and promote the Australian tradition of having a go, and doing your best

  10. promote and recognise our future CFA, Brigade and VFBV leaders and celebrate excellence






Published in Championships
Friday, 01 March 2013 00:00

Media Releases


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An Adobe Acrobat file 20120224 - MR - Jones Inquiry Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 295.41 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20120711 - MR - Fiskville Water Quality - VFBV Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 311.96 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20120719 - MR - VFBV welcomes Greens support for Cancer law Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 292.22 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20120720 - MR - VFBV - Firefighters Cancer Law Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 290.19 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20120724 - Joint Media Release - VFBV and UFU - Firefighters Cancer Law Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 167.57 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20121212 - CFAJonesActionPlan Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 301.72 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20121212 - MR - VFBV White Paper Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 226.16 KB
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An Adobe Acrobat file 20130101 - Govt Media Release - Jones Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 76.48 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20130109 - LTE - Herald Sun Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 346.01 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20130206 - Media Release - Firefighters Cancer Legislation Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 226.44 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20130211 - MR - Firefighters Cancer Legislation Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 225.57 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20130417 - CAVFA Media Release Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 209.64 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20130514 - MR - Volunteer Week 2013 - Country Radio Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 286.78 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20130920 -MR - Firefighters Cancer Law Not Finished - Volunteers Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 299.23 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20131024 -MR - Some MPs missing the point - Volunteers Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 301.44 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20131122 - MR - Volunteer Consultative Forum Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 318.7 KB
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An Adobe Acrobat file 20140113 - LTE - Herald Sun Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 314.7 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20140115 - Radio - These are the days we warn you about - VFBV Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 300.23 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20140128 - MR - CFA Captain on TV for fire safety Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 402.47 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20140129 - MR - Captain On TV - Mark Hooper Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 399.99 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20140205 - MR -CFA volunteers respond to Auditor Generals Report Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 427.28 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20140205 - Radio - Research results are disturbing - CFA volunteers Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 306.02 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20140221 - Radio - Summer Is Still Here - CFA volunteer Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 303.27 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20140320 - MR - It is Still Wise To Be Alert - CFA Volunteers Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 228.55 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20140321 - MR - Fire Safety Starts With You Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 228.55 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20140501 - MR - Fleet Funding Announcement Good News Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 227.21 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20140615 - MR - VFBV announces Firefighters Cancer Petition Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 224.85 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20140712 - MR - VFBV Leadership Scholarship for Emergency Volunteers Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 233.18 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20140716 - MR - Volunteers will put VESEP grants to good use Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 378.04 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20141016 - MR - CFA volunteers cancer petition to Parliament Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 234.44 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20141106 - MR - VFBV cautiously welcomes Coalition announcement on firefighters cancer Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 231.06 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20141106 Ryan Wells - Coalition Government to introduce presumptive legislation for firefighters Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 238.21 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20141126 - MR - Labor policy angers CFA volunteers Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 238.6 KB
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An Adobe Acrobat file 20150225 - MR - EMR program a winner say CFA Volunteers Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 223.31 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20150318 - MR - VFBV Welcomes VESEP Grants Announcement Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 245.4 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20150326 - MR - Fiskville Permanent Closure Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 236.02 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20150326-Fiskville-Shut-Forever-Govt-Release Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 139.83 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20151028 - MR - Victorian MPs Asked to Sign the Pledge for CFA volunteers with Cancer Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 254.79 KB
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An Adobe Acrobat file 20160121 - MR - VFBV Video - about CFA Volunteers Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 232 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20160316 - MR - VFBV Supports Government Response to the Fire Services Review Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 224.22 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20160404 - MR - VESEP - Radio Only - CFA Brigades should apply now for grants says VFBV Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 207.71 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20160422 - MR CFA Volunteers Motorcade Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 316.05 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20160622 - MR - CFA-UFU EBA Legal Proceedings Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 238.21 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20160630 - MR re Resignation of Joe Buffone as CFA Chief Officer - Final Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 80 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20160812 - Statement from VFBV on the actions of the CFA Board Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 231.96 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20160822 - MR - VFBV Welcomes proposed changes to Fair Work Act Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 218.72 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20160905 - MR - VFBV Crowd Funding Campaign Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 399.72 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20160920 - MR - Anonymous Flyer - Final Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 454.42 KB
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An Adobe Acrobat file 20170300 - MR - 12 months after near-fatal accident, CFA volunteer is back on the job Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 414.26 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170300 - MR - Emily is the face of the new-look Werribee CFA Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 415.22 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170300 - MR - Lara CFA volunteer honoured for 50 years of service Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 421.52 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170300 - MR - Lara firefighters turn lifesavers after helping heart attack victim Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 417.53 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170300 - MR - Werribee CFA volunteers repay donation by using first aid skills in emergency Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 415.98 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170400 - MR - CFA is part of the family for Sedgwick volunteer Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 511.9 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170400 - MR - First Woodside female CFA captain wants more women volunteers Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 414.75 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170400 - MR - Hurstbridge brigade has youth and education on its mind Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 413.11 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170400 - MR - Victoria's busiest volunteer CFA pumper keeps getting busier Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 415.61 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170500 - MR - After 31 years Boort CFA volunteer spreads his wings Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 416.55 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170500 - MR - Eldorado volunteer recalls how CFA surge capacity saved the day Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 416.58 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170500 - MR - Firefighting a career and volunteer passion for Willow Grove CFA captain Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 416.9 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170500 - MR - Southern Grampians CEO follows passion for CFA volunteering Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 415.93 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170500 - MR - Strathkellar welcomes its first female brigade captain Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 417.81 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170500 - MR - Veteran Bairnsdale volunteer to join station's 90th anniversary celebrations Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 417.89 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170500 - MR - Volunteering goes back to the start for Wodonga family Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 416.83 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170500 - MR - Young volunteer has all bases covered Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 418.21 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170507--MR---National-Volunteer-Week Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 349.12 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170600 - MR - Convict's heroism turns into a 166-year connection to the CFA Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 418.4 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170800 - MR - Bacchus Marsh firefighter takes on district role Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 413.83 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170800 - MR - Epping CFA volunteers learn new road rescue skills Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 412.67 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170800 - MR - Ferntree Gully volunteers stepping up for safety Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 414.98 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170800 - MR - Glengarry life members a family affair Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 414.54 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170800 - MR - Lilydale juniors set a good example for volunteers Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 412 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170800 - MR - Recruitment campaign boosts Horsham brigade Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 415.76 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170800 - MR - Truganina captain continues a family tradition Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 411.09 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170800 - MR - Yarrambat's new fire brigade captain was inspired by school visit Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 413.58 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20170818-MR-FireServicesBillSelectCommitteeFinalReport Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 549.11 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171000 - MR - Bayswater fire fighters do their bit for cancer Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 419.85 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171000 - MR - Call for North-East District 22 CFA volunteers to have their say on welfare and efficiency Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 420.25 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171000 - MR - Call for North-East District 23 CFA volunteers to have their say on welfare and efficiency Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 420.82 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171000 - MR - Call for North-East District 24 CFA volunteers to have their say on welfare and efficiency Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 420.29 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171000 - MR - Call for North-West District 18 CFA volunteers to have their say on welfare and efficiency Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 421.51 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171000 - MR - Call for North-West District 20 CFA volunteers to have their say on welfare and efficiency Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 421.13 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171000 - MR - Call for South-East District 9 CFA volunteers to have their say on welfare and efficiency Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 420.21 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171000 - MR - Call for South-East District 10 CFA volunteers to have their say on welfare and efficiency Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 421.5 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171000 - MR - Call for South-East District 11 CFA volunteers to have their say on welfare and efficiency Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 420.21 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171000 - MR - Call for South-West District 4 CFA volunteers to have their say on welfare and efficiency Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 421.83 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171000 - MR - Call for South-West District 5 CFA volunteers to have their say on welfare and efficiency Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 421.04 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171000 - MR - Call for South-West District 6 CFA volunteers to have their say on welfare and efficiency Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 420.85 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171000 - MR - Colac ready for an early fire season Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 590.67 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171000 - MR - Maryknoll ready for an early fire season Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 415.65 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171100 - MR - Carrum Downs moves into a new era of firefighting Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 595.12 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171100 - MR - Donated house destroyed by fire in valuable training exercise Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 595.34 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171100 - MR - Dumbalk Fire Brigade volunteer takes 40 years' experience to next level Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 412.95 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171100 - MR - New Board member keen to support CFA volunteers Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 416.25 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171100 - MR - Skye volunteer firefighters and Coast Guard join for cross training Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 594.67 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171100 - MR - Skye welcomes first female volunteer firefighter in almost a decade Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 413.8 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171100 - MR - Stratford Fire Brigade veteran honoured for volunteer commitment Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 419.86 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171100 - MR - VFBV slams funding cut for Fire Wise as gagging volunteers Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 423.15 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171200 - MR - Bemm River CFA volunteers spearhead safety initiatives Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 413.64 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171200 - MR - Mallacoota fire brigade growing stronger after 70 years Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 417.99 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171200 - MR - Strike teams combine at Mount Cottrell blaze Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 415.46 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20171200 - MR - Veteran south-west CFA volunteers receive life memberships Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 418.99 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180100 - MR - Colac CFA brigade sets a good example Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 603.45 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180200 - MR - 68 junior brigades from around Victoria to descend on Warrnambool Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 415.2 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180200 - MR - Bairnsdale CFA volunteer turns to junior coaching Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 416.17 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180200 - MR - Daughters run in father's footsteps to compete for Seymour Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 416.07 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180200 - MR - Five generations of Mildura CFA volunteers Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 413.58 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180200 - MR - Hamilton teams to compete in junior urban fire brigade championships Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 416.17 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180200 - MR - Hillcrest CFA volunteers and school students combine to protect pets during fires Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 414.71 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180200 - MR - Melton shows the benefits of family connections Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 412.47 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180200 - MR - Moe grandfather returns to coach junior brigades Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 417.22 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180200 - MR - Pakenham fire brigade coach goes the distance despite injury Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 412.19 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180200 - MR - Pakenham juniors develop team skills as they prepare for fire brigade championships Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 415.49 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180200 - MR - Record-holding Tatura coach helping a new generation in fire brigade championships Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 415.08 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180200 - MR - Wangaratta juniors prepare for much more than fire brigade championships Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 415.67 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180200 - MR - Werribee families make a mark in junior fire brigade championships Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 412.03 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180300 - MR - Dandenong veteran still enjoys the challenge Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 411.05 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180300 - MR - Euroa junior breaks 45-year male stranglehold on fire brigade championship event Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 416.67 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180300 - MR- Fire brigade fills a sporting void for Beazley's Bridge Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 464.85 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180300 - MR - Fire championships hone skills and help couple find true love Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 415.37 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180300 - MR - Geelong West volunteer returns to CFA `family' Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 466.62 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180300 - MR - Glenrowan goes it alone for fire brigade championships Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 416.48 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180300 - MR - Millbrook track master has his eye on the bigger picture of fire brigade championships Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 414.92 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180300 - MR - Scoresby fire brigade changes to reflect a new community Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 416.08 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180300 - MR - Strathmerton sets a competition record Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 414.4 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180300 - MR - Swan Hill fire Brigade gears up for the future Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 417.93 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180300 - MR - Turban signals a new direction for volunteer firefighting Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 414.84 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180300 - MR - Volunteer firefighter adds a new cause to support Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 415.71 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180300 - MR - Warrnambool hosting rural fire championships for the first time Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 424.21 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180300 - MR - Wendouree volunteer encouraging juniors Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 415.19 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180500 - MR - 18-year-old volunteer takes on community safety role Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 415.19 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180500 - MR - Gazette fire shows value of volunteers Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 423.22 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180500 - MR - Hamilton CFA volunteer wins `living the values' award Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 413.76 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180500 - MR - Malmsbury captain wins Spirit of CFA inclusion award Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 409.75 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180500 - MR - Senior Mortlake volunteer commended for 50 years of service Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 418.15 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180500 - MR - Upper ferntree Gully volunteer praised for firefighter protection innovation Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 414.28 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180500 - MR - Volunteer wins medal for peer support Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 422.71 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180521 - MR - Volunteer week highlights importance of CFA volunteers Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 424.26 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180600 - MR - French connection for CFA volunteer Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 414.13 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180700 - MR - Water treatment plant information sessions keeps it safe for East Gippsland firefighters Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 412.51 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180800 - MR - Ballarat volunteers commended for rescuing fellow volunteers Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 418.02 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180800 - MR - First female officer shows changing face of Ballarat Fire Brigade Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 412.48 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180800 - MR - New Colac junior makes it three generations of CFA commitment for O'Brian family Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 414.36 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180900 - MR - Coast Guard CFA brigades celebrate 10 years of keeping Victoria's bays safe Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 111.4 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180900 - MR - Fresh look for Camperdown region fire brigades Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 415.46 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180900 - MR - Kylie becomes Swan Hill's first female firefighter of the year Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 415.03 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180900 - MR - Survey to bring spotlight to CFA volunteer issues Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 111.45 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20180900 - MR - Swan Hill fire brigade shows its diversity Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 111.59 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20181000 - MR - CFA Volunteer peak body calls for sensible compromise re VEOHRC report Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 138.67 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20181027 - MR - Volunteers call on all Parties to match Liberal Nationals on Presumptive Leg Promise Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 143.86 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20181100 - MR - Bright CFA volunteer receives VFBV life membership Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 108.6 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20181100 - MR - Kinglake mother and son CFA volunteers there to protect the community Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 117.34 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20181100 - MR - Narre Warren CFA volunteers reach out to help others Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 106.94 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20181100 - MR - Seymour veteran concerned about CFA future Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 109.78 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20181115 - MR - Volunteers call on all candidates to pledge support for CFA model Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 184.67 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20181200 - MR - From kidney transplant to saving property as a CFA volunteer Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 102.58 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20181200 - MR- Victorian firefighters help to save koala habitat in Queensland Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 108.12 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20181200 - MR - Victorian volunteer experience helps battle Queensland fires Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 115.26 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20190100 - MR - CFA volunteers selected to march in Australia Day parade Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 111.28 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20190100 - MR - Young Yarrambat CFA captain and youth leader wins Australia Day award Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 114.93 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20190300 - MR - After 77 years Rochester CFA volunteer is still dedicated Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 108.68 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20190400 - MR - Barongarook CFA volunteers spread their influence far and wide Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 110.48 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20190400 - MR - Four medals celebrate 157 years of CFA volunteer service Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 149.07 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20190424 - MR - Epping CFA on the hop this Easter weekend Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 127.37 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20190424- MR - Truganina CFA on the hop this Easter weekend Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 126.17 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20190429 - MR - CFA District 14 on the hop over Easter weekend - raise 158,000 Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 136.73 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20190500 - MR - Lindsay CFA volunteers win award Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 124.12 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20190500 - MR - Wallington CFA volunteer becomes a life member and leads three generations of volunteers Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 121.92 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20190520 - MR - National volunteer week 2019 Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 171.35 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20190521 - MR - National Volunteer Week 2019 - Carrum Coast Guard Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 151.12 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20190522 - MR - National Volunteer Week 2019 - D14 steep rope exercise Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 148.45 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20190523 - MR - National Volunteer Week 2019 - Lessons from history drive new approaches to planned burns Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 212.35 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20190524 - MR - National Volunteer Week 2019 - Volunteering ‘just what you do’ in your community says CFA captain Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 128.58 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20190600 - MR - Young Healesville CFA volunteer fast-tracks into leadership role Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 117.58 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20190700 - MR - Loch CFA volunteer returns the favor after surviving near-fatal car crash Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 121.76 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20190800 - MR - Bayles CFA volunteers to celebrate 75 years with community event Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 117.96 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20190800 - MR - Mt Eliza CFA volunteers find a new way to protect the local community Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 115.25 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20190900 - MR - Coastal CFA volunteers join forces to learn new skills Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 116.05 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20190900 - MR - Northern Victorian volunteer firefighter rewarded for his dedication Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 119.43 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20191000 - MR - Four generations of families to help celebrate Stradbroke CFA 75 years Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 114.57 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20191000 - MR - Mirboo North CFA volunteers to celebrate 75 years with reunion Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 130.32 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20191000 - MR - Poowong CFA volunteers to celebrate 75 years Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 121.89 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20191028 - MR - Eppalock group CFA volunteers join forces to receive awards Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 121.06 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20191100 - MR - Commendation for long-serving Bunyip CFA volunteer Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 119.91 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20191100 - MR - Huntly CFA volunteers light up the town with safety messages Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 112.34 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20191100 - MR - South-east Victorian CFA volunteers help to ease NSW and Qld fire threat Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 120.85 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20191200 - MR - Volunteer faces toughest fires in 45years Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 116.32 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20200100 - MR - Volunteer CFA strike team leader just 'doing what we do best' Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 120.31 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20200200 - MR - Eldorado Fire Brigade enjoys the benefits of junior competition Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 115.08 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20200200 - MR - Volunteers reunite to remember 1965 East Gippsland fire Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 121.9 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20200300 - MR - Hamilton air base volunteers keep south-west Victoria safe Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 148.05 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20200300- MR - CFA volunteers put together task force to help fire-damaged areas Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 112.75 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20200300-MR - Gold stars recognise combined 145 years of CFA volunteer service in northern Victoria Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 114.96 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20200300- MR - Hundreds of volunteer firefighters and juniors to compete in state championships Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 114.89 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20200300-MR - Leongatha Fire Brigade digs deep to help bushfire regions and looks for new volunteers Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 113.04 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20210300-MR-Hamilton_airbase_facility_to_be_named_in_honour_of_volunteer Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 159.19 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20210300-MR-Return_of_championships_to_help_fire_brigade_recruitment Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 134.54 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20210500-MR-Dumbalk_volunteer_still_breaking_down_barriers_after_40_years-FINAL Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 120.69 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20210500-MR-Firefighter_added_to_honour_roll_64_years_after_his_death-FINAL Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 120.93 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 20210500-MR-Sale_family_continues_a_firefighting_tradition-FINAL Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 119.94 KB

Published in Media
Monday, 25 February 2013 00:00

Our Structure


The diagram below illustrates the overall structure of VFBV and process links between key VFBV forums plus the links and inputs to decision making levels of CFA Management. In simplest terms the roles of the three levels can be described as follows:

Board – Governance, strategic direction, policy and oversight;

State Council – is the operating level, key advisory forum and State wide representation;

District Councils – allow local level input and the local operating level

The VFBV CEO and staff secretariat provide overall coordination, management, advice and support to the Association at each level.

VFBV Structure

You can download a copy of the VFBV Constitution at the bottom of this page.

The roles of the three key levels of VFBV are:

Role of VFBV Board

  • Governing body, responsible and accountable for the control of the business affairs, performance and governance of the Association;
  • Determine policy and direction for the Association;
  • Determine VFBV policy on matters referred by CEO or State Council;
  • Appoint the CEO and monitor the CEO’s performance;
  • Ensure the VFBV’s financial affairs are effectively managed and controlled;
  • Ensure adherence to the Association’s Statement of Purposes;
  • Ensure internal communication and consultative processes effectively engage membership;

Role of VFBV State Council

  • Provide a forum for expression of views from Regional Councils and ensure issues raised by Regional Councils are addressed in a timely and satisfactory manner;
  • Consider matters referred to it by VFBV Board and CEO and make recommendations on action to be taken;
  • Elect State Council Executive Committee;
  • Select representatives to VFBV/CFA Joint Committees;
  • Manage process for selection of VFBV Board members;
  • Make recommendation to VFBV Board for CFA Board nominations;
  • Provide guidance to VFBV representatives on CFA/VFBV Joint Committees and be a conduit between VFBV Board and Regional Councils;
  • Advise VFBV Board on the business affairs of the Association.

Role of District Councils

  • Provide a forum for affiliated brigades to express volunteer concerns/views;
  • Help brigades resolve matters of concern at local level;
  • Provide volunteer leadership and represent volunteers at CFA Regional level;
  • Provide a conduit for communication and information flow between VFBV Board, State Council and brigades;
  • Refer matters that cannot be resolved at local level to VFBV State Council or CEO.


Published in About
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CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.


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