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Tuesday, 01 September 2015 00:00

New VFBV District 27 Council meeting soon

The VFBV District 27 Council will meet on 10 September.

Pictured with VFBV State President Hans van Hamond AFSM (left) are; District 27 President Lance King, Secretary/Treasurer Di Billingsley, Vice President Brendan Jenkins, State Councillor David Farmer, Vice President Brendan Jenkins, State Councillor Pat Quinn and (behind) CFA Operations Manager Bill Johnstone.

Brigades and Groups that attended the inaugural meeting of the new District Council in July were; Boolarra, Churchill, Glengarry, Moe South, Morwell, Newborough, Toongabbie, Traralgon, Yallourn North, Yinnar South, Hyland Group, amd Merton Group.

The District Council went straight to work on behalf of volunteers, discussing; CFA F&EM Proposed Structure Consultation, the 2015 VFBV Volunteer Welfare & Efficiency Survey, the Fire Services Review and two new Operations Bulletins from CFA.

More details on the September meeting will be posted soon.

Published in VFBV News
Tuesday, 20 January 2015 00:00


The State and Federal Governments have announced additional assistance to local councils in areas affected by bushfires in December 2014 and January 2015.

The councils include; Ararat, Benalla, Hindmarsh, Horsham, Mildura, Moira, Southern Grampians, Strathbogie, Wangaratta, West Wimmera and Wodonga.

For details, see the State Government’s media release at http://www.premier.vic.gov.au/additional-disaster-assistance-for-victorian-bushfires

Published in VFBV News
Monday, 24 March 2014 00:00

Issues coming up at State Council

The VFBV State Council and Executive will meet at Fiskville on Saturday/Sunday, 12 and 13 April.

Issues to be discussed include;

  •          A District 16 motion that VFBV approach CFA to have the maintenance level of Field Command Vehicles changed from current level 3 to level 1
  •          A District 16 motion that VFBV approach CFA and relevant government agencies to develop a Grain Harvesting Code of Practice similar to that used in SA
  •          An issue raised by Beaufort Group calling for improved procedures for the recognition of interstate volunteers’ training records
  •          District 20’s concerns about the performance of the new pagers and the way they were distributed to Brigades
  •          Concerns from Brigades in District 20 about the need to continue the SMS alerting service alongside the pager system
  •          Concerns from District 22 about pagers and radios
Published in VFBV News
Monday, 24 March 2014 00:00

Issues coming up at State Council

The VFBV State Council and Executive will meet at Fiskville on Saturday/Sunday, 12 and 13 April.

Issues to be discussed include;

  •          A District 16 motion that VFBV approach CFA to have the maintenance level of Field Command Vehicles changed from current level 3 to level 1
  •          A District 16 motion that VFBV approach CFA and relevant government agencies to develop a Grain Harvesting Code of Practice similar to that used in SA
  •          An issue raised by Beaufort Group calling for improved procedures for the recognition of interstate volunteers’ training records
  •          District 20’s concerns about the performance of the new pagers and the way they were distributed to Brigades
  •          Concerns from Brigades in District 20 about the need to continue the SMS alerting service alongside the pager system
  •          Concerns from District 22 about pagers and radios
Published in VFBV News
Monday, 25 February 2013 00:00

Our Structure


The diagram below illustrates the overall structure of VFBV and process links between key VFBV forums plus the links and inputs to decision making levels of CFA Management. In simplest terms the roles of the three levels can be described as follows:

Board – Governance, strategic direction, policy and oversight;

State Council – is the operating level, key advisory forum and State wide representation;

District Councils – allow local level input and the local operating level

The VFBV CEO and staff secretariat provide overall coordination, management, advice and support to the Association at each level.

VFBV Structure

You can download a copy of the VFBV Constitution at the bottom of this page.

The roles of the three key levels of VFBV are:

Role of VFBV Board

  • Governing body, responsible and accountable for the control of the business affairs, performance and governance of the Association;
  • Determine policy and direction for the Association;
  • Determine VFBV policy on matters referred by CEO or State Council;
  • Appoint the CEO and monitor the CEO’s performance;
  • Ensure the VFBV’s financial affairs are effectively managed and controlled;
  • Ensure adherence to the Association’s Statement of Purposes;
  • Ensure internal communication and consultative processes effectively engage membership;

Role of VFBV State Council

  • Provide a forum for expression of views from Regional Councils and ensure issues raised by Regional Councils are addressed in a timely and satisfactory manner;
  • Consider matters referred to it by VFBV Board and CEO and make recommendations on action to be taken;
  • Elect State Council Executive Committee;
  • Select representatives to VFBV/CFA Joint Committees;
  • Manage process for selection of VFBV Board members;
  • Make recommendation to VFBV Board for CFA Board nominations;
  • Provide guidance to VFBV representatives on CFA/VFBV Joint Committees and be a conduit between VFBV Board and Regional Councils;
  • Advise VFBV Board on the business affairs of the Association.

Role of District Councils

  • Provide a forum for affiliated brigades to express volunteer concerns/views;
  • Help brigades resolve matters of concern at local level;
  • Provide volunteer leadership and represent volunteers at CFA Regional level;
  • Provide a conduit for communication and information flow between VFBV Board, State Council and brigades;
  • Refer matters that cannot be resolved at local level to VFBV State Council or CEO.


Published in About
CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.


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