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Churchill Fellowship Opportunities for Emergency Responders

Apply now, 2022 Churchill Fellowship applications are now open and will close Thursday 28 April.

Churchill Fellowships offer a diverse range of people from all walks of life an opportunity to travel overseas for four to eight weeks to explore a topic or issue that they are passionate about. We encourage applications from all sectors of the community and in any field or topic of interest.

No prescribed qualifications are required in order to apply for a Churchill Fellowship, and the topic of your proposed project is limitless, provided a willingness to share your findings with the Australian community is evident.

Applicants are empowered to design their own projects to explore international best practice and innovation that can be applied in Australia.

Information for Emergency Responders

A series of virtual information sessions based around specific themes is being held to inspire project ideas and guide people through the application process. Each session features existing Churchill Fellows sharing their experiences, and live Q&As. The series includes a specific Emergency Responders session on Tuesday March 15, from 5pm to 5.50pm (AEDT) featuring:

  • Fire and Rescue NSW station officer Bronnie Mackintosh who travelled the world researching ways fire agencies are working to increase the involvement of women and people from ethnically diverse backgrounds. Her findings led her to found Girls on Fire.

  • Tim Day, officer in charge of Victoria’s Homicide Squad, who examined operating models for international homicide squads, with a view to building Australia’s national capability.


Visit: https://lu.ma/ChurchillFellowshipFirstResponders

An Information Sheet is available for download below.

Applications can be made online until 28 April 2022. Registration for the virtual sessions is essential. To book and for more information visit churchillfellowships.com.au 

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CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.
